Mitch vs. Joe: Full Battle Part 1

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                          Mitch and Charizard make their way through a huge grassland that appears to go on forever. Eventually, they see a large boulder on the side of the path and on the boulder sits a familiar face. Joe bites down on a candy bar while looking through his Pokedex before he notices that Mitch is there. Seriously? A loser like you has somehow made it this far," he asks in a hateful tone. " Yeah, I have 6 badges and we're currently on our way to Cinnabar Island to get our 7th." " You just have 6 badges? I already have 8 and i'm just waiting for them to announce when the Indigo League is going to take place this year. Please tell me that you've at least caught a bunch of Pokemon?" " I've caught 19 so far," Mitch yells as his voice begins to sound more and more agitated. "Seriously, just 19, I have 72. I don't think you've been taking your job as a Pokemon Trainer serious if you just have 6 badges and 19 Pokemon." Mitch face begins to turn bright red as his anger boils to the point where it looks like he is going to use an Overheat attack. Charizard begins to get a nervous and worried look on its face as Mitch screams " I challenge you to a full 6 on 6 battle. The battle will end when one of us has all 6 of our Pokemon knocked out,"  A slightly surprised Joe smirks and hops down from the rock." Well, I was looking for an excuse to train, but I didn't think it would be against a loser like you, but I guess I can teach you to not bite off more than you can chew." " Oh, I'll show you! I'll prove that i'm a good trainer by beating you," Mitch angrily shouts as Joe continues to smirk at him.

................................................................................................................................................................                        Mitch and Joe stand on opposite sides of a part of the grassland that is slightly covered in dirt and throw their Poke Balls into the air as they shout " Oddish, I choose you" and " Let's go, Marowak." " Odd, Odd, Odd, Oddish," " Wak, Wak, Marowak," they both shout as they land in front of each other. " Marowak, the Bone Keeper Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Cubone, this Pokemon overcame its sorrow to evolve a sturdy new body. Marowak faces its opponents bravely, using a bone as a weapon." Mitch slides his Pokedex back into his pocket as he yells " Use Sunny Day." " Odddddddisssssh," it shouts as if fires the small beam of light out of its head and into the sky, but as it is changing the weather, Joe yells " Use Fire Punch." " Marrrrrrowaaaaaak," it shouts as its right fist becomes cloaked in fire and it punches Oddish with it. Oddish slides backwards, but manages to catch itself just in time for Mitch to yell, " Use Solarbeam." " Oddddddddddiiiiiiish," it shouts while firing the big beam of light, which it doesn't have to charge up for because of Sunny Day, out of its head. Marowak looks back at Joe and both of them smirk as Joe says " Spin your bone around," Marowak sticks its bone out as it holds it in both of its hands and begins to spin it around very fast as the Solarbeam slams into it, but to the shock of Mitch and Oddish, the spinning of the bone causes the Solarbeam to harmlessly pass over Marowak as it and Joe continue to smirk. Eventually, the Solarbeam fades out allowing Marowak to stop spinning its bone around as Joe shouts, " Use Bone Club!" " Maaaaaroooowaaaaaaaaak," it shouts as it jumps forward and slams its bone down on Oddish's head very hard. " Odd......Ish," it weakly cries before it falls over on its back with spirals in its eyes. Mitch returns Oddish as Joe confidently shouts, " Marowak and I have been practicing that bone spinning move since it was a Cubone and it has helped us out a lot in the past. If you want to be a good trainer, you have to experiment with improvised moves sometimes. Oh, wait, do you not do that?" Mitch angrily grits his teeth as he throws another Poke Ball into the air. " Seadra, I choose you," he shouts as Seadra lands in the battlefield with a, " Seadra, Sea, Seadra."

                   " Having the type advantage didn't help you when you were using Oddish, so why try again? Marowak, attack with Headbutt," Joe teases as Marowak jumps forward with its head outstretched. Mitch's anger continues to grow as he shouts " Jump out of the way and use Water Gun." Seadra jumps out of the way and right when Marowak starts to fly past it, " Seeeeadraaaa," it fires the medium sized stream of water out of its mouth. " Maaaaarooooo," it cries out as the Super Effective move slams into it and knocks it back a few feet and as it struggles to its feet, Mitch yells, " Use Dragon Pulse." " Seeeeeedraaaaaa," it fires the big ball of purple energy out of its mouth and it explodes on Marowak's face. "Mar....owa," it weakly calls on before falling on its side with spirals in its eyes. " That was just lucky timing," Joe says as he returns Marowak and throws another Poke Ball into the air.

                  " Dew, Dew, Gong, Dewgong," Joe's Dewgong shouts as it lands in the battlefield and prepares to attack. " Dewgong, the Sea Lion Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Seel, Dewgong loves to snooze on bitterly cold ice. The sight of this Pokemon sleeping on a glacier was mistakenly thought to be a mermaid by a mariner long ago." " Use Aurora Beam," Joe shouts as Mitch quickly puts his Pokedex away as he yells use " Ice Beam".  The two Ice moves collide with each other and , for some reason, explode causing a cloud of smoke. " Use Aqua Jet," Joe yells as Dewgong, using the disappearing smoke as cover, covers its entire body in water and slams itself into Seadra. " Draaaaa," it shouts as it rolls back a few feet and begins to get back up as Joe yells, " Use Aqua Tail."  Dewgong's tail becomes cloaked in water as it it jumps forward to hit Seadra with it. However, at the last second, Mitch yells " Use Ice Beam." " Seeeedraaaaa," it shouts as if fires the medium sized stream of ice out of its mouth. To Dewgong and Joe's shock, the attack not only freezes the water in the Aqua Tail, but also freezes Dewgong's tail to the ground, trapping it.( I know Ice types can't be Frozen, but for this story, your entire body has to be encased in ice for you to be considered Frozen) " Gong, Dewgong, Gong, Dew," it shouts as it tries to free itself and Mitch and Seadra excitedly grin at each other. " Use Dragon Pulse," Mitch shouts as Seadra fires the attack and it explodes into Dewgong's face. " Gonnnnnng," it shouts in pain as Mitch shouts, " Use it again." This time the attack explodes on its left shoulder, " Deeeeeewwwww," it shouts in pain as Joe gets an angry look on his face. Joe closes his eyes and thinks for a few seconds and then open his eyes and yells " Use Signal Beam on the ice to free yourself." However, Mitch quickly screams, " Seadra, use Hyper Beam before it has time to attack!" " Seeeeeeedraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," it shouts as it fires the big beam of powerful red energy out of its mouth. The Hyper Beam slams into the ice on Dewgong's tail, shattering it and clearly causing some damage to Dewgong as it winces, before pushing forward and hitting Dewgong directly in the center of its face. Without a sound, Dewgong falls on its back with spirals in its eyes. Joe angrily returns Dewgong as he says " Hyper Beam may be extremely powerful, but it comes at a cost. The Pokemon that used it is unable to move for a few minutes after using it, so that means that Seadra has been left completely open for attacks. I choose you!" 

                  " Zing, Weez, Weezing, Zing," Joe's Weezing shouts as it comes out of its ball. " Weezing, the Poison Gas Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Koffing, it grows by feeding on gases released by garbage. Though very rare, triplets have been found." " Weezing, use Assurance," Joe commands as a big black, shadowy hand comes out of Weezing's body and slams the recharging Seadra in the face. " Draaaaaa," it cries out as Joe shouts, " Now use Thunderbolt." " Weeeeeeeeeeeziiiiiing," it shouts as it fires a bolt of electricity out of its body. " Seeeeeeedraaaaaaa," it shouts as the Super Effective move surges through its body. The electricity fades out as a panting Seadra turns to Mitch and nods to tell him that she is done  recharging from Hyper Beam. " Use Flail," Mitch commands as Seadra jumps at Weezing with its entire body shaking very fast. " Double Hit," Joe yells as both of Weezing's heads glow white and it flies down at Seadra and collides with it.  

End of Part 1    

Author's note: In the original draft I had from years ago, Joe's Weezing was a Hitmonlee, but I changed it as I was writing this because I have other plans for a Hitmonlee in the future. 

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