The Underground Path Squirtle

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                  Mitch and Charmander stand at the entrance to an underground tunnel. Mitch reaches into his backpack, pulls out his map, stares at it for few seconds, and turns to Charmander after he is finished looking the map over. " According to the map, this is the Underground Path and it leads to Route 6 which leads to Vermilion City," he explains to the Fire Type as it happily replies " Charmander, Char." 

                The two of them walk down a large set of steps and find themselves inside tunnel. It is dimly lit by electric torches that are sticking out from the tops of the walls, but the light from Charmander's tail flame makes it much easier for them to see. They start to walk down the tunnel and after a few minutes, see something running at them. It's a girl that is about the same age as Mitch and she is carrying a knocked out Koffing. She stops next to Mitch " be careful, there's a Squirtle up ahead and it is itching for a fight. I tried to fight it, but I retreated after seeing that my Pokemon and I were no match for it," she says before she continues to run towards the exit. Mitch looks down at Charmander and says " Are you thinking what i'm thinking?"  " Charmander, Char, Char," it says while grinning and briefly punching the air. 

                 They begin to run down the tunnel and eventually, a large fast moving light bubble is fired from the darkness at them.  " Look out! That's a Bubble attack" Mitch screams as he and Charmander jump out of the way and the bubble hits the wall and explodes on impact. " Squirtle, Squirt, Squirt, Squirtle," says a smirking Squirtle as it walks out of the darkness. Mitch and Charmander quickly get back up and Mitch grabs his Pokedex. " Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokemon, with its aerodynamic shape and grooved surface, Squirtle's shell helps it cut through the water very quickly. It also offers protection in battle."  Mitch puts away as Pokedex as he starts to speak to the Water Type " So, I hear that you're looking for a fight. What do you say about having a battle with my Pokemon," he asks as he holds up a Poke Ball containing a member of his party. " Squirtle, Squirt, Squirtle, Squirt, Squirt, Squirtle," It grins as it gets into a battle stance.  " That's what I thought. I choose you," Mitch screams as he throws a Poke Ball. 

               " Weeeedleeee," Weedle shouts as it lands in front of Squirtle. " Squirtleeeee," it shouts while spitting a Bubble attack out of its mouth. " Counter with Poison Sting,"  "Weeeedle," the purple needles coming out of Weedle's stinger hit the Bubble attack causing it to pop. " Use Bug Bite," Weedle's glows light green as two small light green energy fangs form in its mouth and it jumps forward to bite down on Squirtle. Squirtle quickly pulls back into its shell as it uses Withdraw causing Weedle to harmlessly bounce off of its shell.  Squirtle pulls itself out of its shell and slams its body into Weedle sending it bouncing across the ground. " That looked like a strong Tackle, Take a break little guy," Mitch says as he returns the Bug/ Poison Type to its ball and pulls out another one " Pidgey, I choose you!"

                " Pid, Pid, Gey, Pidgey," it shouts as it flies into the air. " Use Wing Attack," Mitch orders as Pidgey's wings glow white and it slams them into Squirtle. Squirtle stumbles across the ground, but manages to stop itself before it hits the wall. Squirtle bends over and its head glows white for a few seconds as it springs forward and slams its head into Pidgey for a powerful Skull Bash. A stunned Pidgey begins to plummet towards the ground as " Squirrrrrtle," Squirtle slams its water covered tail into Pidgey. The force of the Aqua Tail sends Pidgey flying into the wall causing it to faint. " Great joy, Pidgey return for a good rest. Let's go, Mankey," Mitch yells.

              Mankey appears from its Poke Ball and begins to bounce up and down while screaming " Mankey, Key, Mank, Mank , Mank, Mankey." Squirtle lunges forward to hit Mankey with Tackle " Use Leer," Mitch orders as Squirtle is forced to halt itself as its defense is lowered " Use Low Kick," Mankey slams its glowing right leg into Squirtle's belly knocking it backwards. " Use Scratch," Mankey jumps forward with its right hand glowing, but Squirtle uses Withdraw to avoid damage and lunges out with a Skull Bash attack. Mankey is hit in the face and begins to spin around in a dizzy state. " Mankey, snap out of it," Mitch yells before Mankey is struck in the side by a Bubble attack and in the head by Aqua Tail. Mankey falls to its knees as Mitch recalls it to prevent further injury.

            Mitch looks up and stares into a grinning Squirtle's eyes. Mitch grins and says " Ok, just remember, you asked for this," Mitch says as he pulls out another Poke Ball and a confused Squirtle stares worryingly at it. " Come on out, Bulbasaur,"  Mitch yells as he throws the Poke Ball containing the Grass/ Poison Type. " Bulbaaasaur, Bulbaaa," it yells as it gets into a battle stance. " Use Razor Leaf," Mitch orders as Bulbasaur fires the sharp leaves at Squirtle. " Squirt, Squirtle, Squirt, Squirt," it panickingly yells as it pulls itself back into a Withdraw to avoid the Super Effective attack. It quickly pulls out of its shell and shoots Bubble at Bulbasaur. " Bulbasaur, Vine Whip, " Mitch yells as the vines shoot out, destroy the incoming Water Type attack, and slam into Squirtle. Squirtle dashes forward with Skull Bash only for Mitch to yell " time to end this, use Sleep Powder." " Bullllbaaaasaur," it shouts as it shoots a white powder out of its bulb. Squirtle passes through the powder, breathes it in, and falls to the ground, fast asleep. " Squ, ir, tle," it snores.

     " Great job, Bulbasaur, I've heard talk about how much of an unreliable move Sleep Powder is, but at least it worked this time," Mitch says as Bulbasaur smiles and nods its head. " Now, it's time to do what I wanted to do from the start," Mitch says as he throws an empty Poke Ball at the snoozing Water Type. The ball bounces off of Squirtle's bell and sucks it inside. The ball shakes for about a minute before stopping. The capture sound goes off and Mitch jumps with joy " Yes! That's teammate number six, I officially have a full party," he eagerly shouts as Bulbasaur and Charmander look away in embarrassment hoping that no one saw what their trainer just did.     




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