The Wrath of Kangaskhan

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            " Land there, Charizard. We'll take a break here for a few hours," Mitch says as Charizard lands on the beach of a medium sized island that is covered almost entirely by forest. Mitch hope off of Charizard's back, takes his shoes and socks off, and begins to feel the sand between his toes as he and Charizard stretch. Mitch begins to look around the beach and sees what appear to be some very large footprints in the sand. However, before he has time to point the footprints out to Charizard, a large bush in the forest begins to aggressively shake as a big ball of yellow energy is fired from the bush. Mitch and Charizard manage to avoid the Focus Blast attack as it explodes into the ocean water behind them.

                      " Kaaaaaagaskhaaaaaan," an angry Kangaskhan shouts as she charges out of the bushes at them while charging up another Focus Blast. She stops and fires the attack as Charizard uses Dragon Claw to slice through it and destroy it. " Primeape, I choose you! Attack with Mega Punch," Mitch shouts as he throws the Fighting Type's Poke Ball into the air. " Priiiiiiiiiime," it shouts as it comes out of its ball with its right fist already glowing white. After a few seconds, the fist stops glowing and Primeape uses it to punch Kangaskhan in the face. " Khaaaaaaan," she shouts as Mitch yells, " Don't stop, Use Brick Break!"  " Priiiiiimmeaaaaape," it shouts as it twists its right arm into an odd angle as the arm glows white and it hits Kangaskhan across the right shoulder with it. " Kaaaaaangaaaaa," she shouts as the Super Effective move briefly knocks her down on one knee, but she quickly gets back up and, " Kaaaaaaaaangaaaaaa," fires a medium sized bolt of electricity out of her body as her body is briefly surrounded by electricity. " Aaaaaaaape," it shouts as the Thunderbolt slams into its body and begins to electrocute it. As the Thunderbolt is still affecting Primeape, Kangaskhan jumps into the air and lands on Primeape belly first with all of her body weight.  She quickly gets up from the Body Slam, looks down at the still conscious Primeape, and punches it in the face with her right fist that is outlined with light yellow energy. A direct hit from Kangaskhan's Dizzy Punch is too much for Primeape to handle because spirals appear in its eyes a few seconds after the attack is finished. Mitch returns his defeated Pokémon to its ball as Kangaskhan fires another Focus Blast at them that Charizard counters with Dragon Claw. " Why is it so angry," a confused Mitch asks as he pulls out his Pokedex to scan it. 

                      " Kangaskhan, the Parent Pokémon, Kangaskhan protects its child by keeping it in its pouch. It has zero forgiveness for those who harm its child and will beat them down." Mitch looks up from his Pokedex at Kangaskhan as its Thunderbolt collides with Charizard's Flamethrower and realizes something. " Its pouch, it doesn't have a baby in its pouch. It's so angry because its child is missing," Mitch exclaims as Charizard nods and counters another Focus Blast with Dragon Rage. " If you can keep it busy for a while, I'll try to find its baby," Mitch explains to Charizard as it gives him a thumbs up ( claw up?) before it rushes forward to counter a Dizzy Punch with Fire Punch. Mitch quickly grabs a Safari Ball from his belt and throws it into the air while shouting " Ponyta, I choose you!" " Pooony, Ta, Ponyta," it shouts as it lands on the beach and Mitch hops on its back. " We have to search the beach as quickly as possible. We'll do one big circle around the island," Mitch explains as Ponyta nods in understanding before taking off at full speed.

................................................................................................................................................................                Mitch and Ponyta have almost made it to the other side of the island when they start hearing cries for help. " Kan, Ga, Kannn, Gaaaa," a baby Kangaskhan shouts as it runs from a Grimer that is chasing it. " Grime, Grimer, Grime, Grime, Grime," it shouts as it begins to catch up to its desperate target as Mitch hops off Ponyta and pulls out his Pokedex to scan the attacking Grimer. " Grimer, the Sludge Pokemon, sludge exposed to X-rays from the moon transformed into Grimer. It loves feeding on filthy things." Mitch puts his Pokedex away, turns to Ponyta and shouts, " Use Flame Wheel!" " Pooooonyyyytaaaa," it shouts as it engulfs its entire body into a blaze of fire and begins to roll toward Grimer while in a ball of fire. The baby Kangaskhan manages to jump out of the way, but Grimer is too preoccupied with Kangaskhan and does not notice the incoming attack until it's too late. " Grimmmme," it shouts as Ponyta slams into it and sends it flying backwards into the sand. " Grimmmmer," it shouts in anger as it gets back up and spits a big ball of dark brown mud out of its mouth at Ponyta. " Jump out of the way and use Swift," Mitch shouts as Ponyta jumps into into the air and the Mud Bomb hits the ground where it was standing and explodes on impact. " Taaaaaaaaaa," Ponyta shouts as it fires a bunch of yellow stars out of its mouth. " Griiiiiiiiiime," it shouts as the stars from the Swift explode on it as Ponyta lands in front of it. " Use Stomp," Mitch yells as Ponyta rears up on its hind legs as its right front hoof glows white. It then falls back down and slams its glowing hoof into Grimer's body. The hoof hits Grimer right between the eyes and causes it damage, but Ponyta's hoof ends up getting stuck inside Grimer's body. " Taaaaaaaa," it shouts as it tries to pull its hoof out before Grimer fires a big ball of purple slime out of its mouth. The Sludge attack hits Ponyta in the chest and knocks it back, but also frees the Fire Type. 

                  " Use Swift again," Mitch shouts as Ponyta fires the yellow stars at the Poison Type. Grimer tries to jump out of the way, however since Swift is an unavoidable attack, it curves to the side and hits Grimer in the side of the head, knocking it out. " Poke Ball, go," Mitch shouts as he throws an empty Poke Ball at it. The ball lands on Grimer's head and is almost sucked into its gooey body before the ball sucks it inside. The ball only has to shake twice before the capture noise goes off and Mitch uses the P.C. button on his Pokedex to send it to Professor Oak's lab. " Kan, Kan," the baby Kangaskhan says in a scared tone while fearfully staring at Mitch and Ponyta.  The two of them slowly walk up to the young Pokémon and Mitch bends down and tenderly says " Your mother has been looking for you. We know where she is and we're going to get you back to her." The little Normal Type gets a happy look on its face as its eyes brighten up with happiness. " Kan, Kan, Ga," it happily shouts as it jumps into Mitch's arms for a hug and he hugs it back while Ponyta gently nuzzles its shoulder. 


                    Mitch, Ponyta, and the baby Kangaskhan make in back to the part of the beach that Mitch landed on just in time to see Charizard counter a Dizzy Punch with Fire Fang and give the very tired looking mother Kangaskhan a Fire Punch to the gut. " Khaaaaaaan," she says as she falls down on both knees while clutching her chest with one arm while the arm that was bitten by Charizard's Fire Fang goes limp from what appears to be damage from several Fire Fang attacks. " Kan, Kan, Ga , Kan, Kan, Ga, Ga," the baby Kangaskhan excitedly shouts as it jumps off of Ponyta's back, runs to its mother, and jumps into her arms. The once very angry looking mother gets a relieved look on her face as she returns the hug while Mitch, Ponyta, and a very worn out looking Charizard smile. 

                   Mitch walks up to the reunited pair and the now gentle mother allows him to heal her with a Max Potion. ( He does the same to Charizard) " You know mother Kangaskhan, you have shown me that you are a very strong Pokémon and your little one has potential. Would you like to join us," he asks as he holds out an empty Poke Ball. Mother and child look at each other, come to a silent conclusion, and the mother puts the baby in her pouch before touching the button on the Poke Ball with one of her fingers, sucking both of them inside as the capture noise almost immediately goes off. ( until the little one grows up, they will share a Poke Ball) Mitch uses the button on his Pokedex to send them to Oak's lab before turning to face Charizard and Ponyta. " I hear that Professor Oak has many other Kangaskhan at his lab, so maybe the little one can have some friends. I originally wanted to only rest here for a few hours, but we've already had a productive day, so let's just rest here for the night and go back to traveling in the morning," he says as the two Fire Types nod in agreement.  

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