Eevee: The Evolution Master

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                    Mitch sits on a large, slightly flat rock formation that rises up out of the ocean. He bites down on a candy bar and stares at his map. He has stopped on this rock formation to give Charizard and Lapras a break from all the swimming and flying that they have been doing. The two of them are currently napping inside their Poke Balls and Mitch finishes up his candy bar, puts his map back into his backpack, and it about to lay down for a nap himself when a loud splash interrupts his thoughts. " Poreon, Vap, Vap, Poreon," something shouts from behind a cluster of boulders. Mitch grabs his Pokedex, silently crawls over to the boulders, lowers the volume on his Pokedex, and uses it on the Pokémon that is behind the boulders. 

               " Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokémon, one of the Evolved Forms of Eevee, its cell composition is similar to water molecules. As a result, it can't be seen when it melts away into water."  " Vaporeon are supposed to be very hard to find in the wild, so I think this is the perfect opportunity to try to catch it," Mitch thinks to himself as he puts his Pokedex away and grab an empty Poke Ball from his backpack. However, when he peaks over the boulders and prepares to throw the ball, he is treated to a strange sight. Vaporeon begins to glow in a blinding light, but instead of the white light that is seen when a Pokémon is evolving, this is a brown light. When the light fades away, an Eevee stands in the Vaporeon's place and stretches. " What the," a shocked Mitch yells as he brings his Pokedex back out. " Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon, because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes." 

             " Did, did it just devolve? Is that even possible," Mitch says, but he doesn't realize that he has been shouting this entire time and as caught Eevee's attention. " Vee, Vee, Eevee," it angrily shouts as its body begins to glow in a blinding red light. The light fades away and a Flareon stands in Eevee's place. " Flare, Flare, Flareon," it angrily shouts before firing a medium sized stream of fire out of its mouth at Mitch. Mitch is forced to quickly scramble away from the Flamethrower attack and take cover behind a large boulder. Flareon continues to fire its attack at the boulder as Mitch brings his Pokedex back out. " Flareon, the Flame Pokémon, one of the Evolved Forms of Eevee, it has a flame sac in its body. Its body temperature tops 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit before battle." " But, nothing in here is explaining how this Eevee is able to evolve into its other evolutions and then evolve back," he says to himself as he searches through the Pokedex for more information on Eevee. " Evolves into Vaporeon when exposed to a Water Stone. Evolves into Flareon when exposed to a Fire Stone. Evolves into Jolteon when exposed to a Thunder Stone. It apparently has 5 other evolutions that don't live or exist in the Kanto Region. Can have Run Away, Adaptability, or Anticipation as its ability. Wait, what's this?" " Every once in a while, an Eevee is seen that has the power to turn into all of its possible evolutions and then return back to its Eevee form. Each of these forms has their own move set and abilities. They are affected by other moves in the exact same way that they would be affected if they were normal evolutions. It is though to be a genetic mutation that allows them to do this. However, only a couple of trainers have been lucky enough to capture one of these Eevee." Flareon is forced to stop its Flamethrower to catch its breath as Mitch jumps out from behind the boulder. 

                       " Okay, this is my opportunity to catch an extremely rare Pokémon and I'm not going to pass up that chance. Primeape, I choose you," he shouts as he throws a Poke Ball into the air.  " Prime, Ape, Ape, Primeape," it shouts as it comes out of its Poke Ball and punches the air while getting into a battle stance.  " Flare" Flareon growls as it begins to glow in a blinding brown light. It turns back into an Eevee and then begins to glow in a blinding yellow light. " Jolt, Jolt, Jolteon," the Jolteon that stands in Eevee's place shouts as it too gets into a battle stance. " Jolteon, the Lightning Pokémon, one of the final Evolved Forms of Eevee, if agitated, it uses electricity to straighten out its fur and launch it in small bunches." " Jooooolt," it shouts as some of its needles glow yellowish green and it begins to fire multiple needle like spikes made out of yellowish green energy out of its needles at Primeape. " Dodge and use Karate Chop," Mitch shouts as Primeape jumps out of the way of the Bug Type move, shapes its right hand into a chop position as the hand glows white, and chops Jolteon across its left shoulder.  " Jooooool," in shouts in pain before it coats its teeth in electricity and bites down on Primeape's right arm. " Apppppppe," it shouts as the pain from the Thunder Fang attack shoots through its body. 

              " Use Low Kick," Mitch shouts as Primeape kicks Jolteon across the chest with its glowing white left leg, freeing it from Jolteon's Thunder Fang. " Joooooolt," it shouts as it stumbles backwards and Mitch yells " Use Mega Punch!" " Prrriiiiimmmme," it shouts as its right fist temporarily glows white before it jumps forward and punches the Electric Type in the face. " Jooooooltttt" it shouts as it falls against a rock and struggles to stay on its feet.  Jolteon begins to glow in the brown blinding light and changes back into Eevee, but before it has time to do anyway, " Quick, finish it with Cross Chop!" " Priiiiiiiiimmmmmeaaaaaaappppe," it shouts as it arms glow white and it uses them to form an X shape before it jumps forward and slams them into Eevee's tiny body. " Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," it shouts as the powerful Super Effective move slams it into a boulder. 

                " Veee," it weakly shouts as it lands on the ground with spirals in its eyes. " Let's go, Poke Ball," Mitch shouts as the ball hits Eevee on the head and sucks it inside. For over five minutes, the ball shakes before Eevee gives in and the capture noise goes off.  Mitch returns Primeape to its Poke Ball before walking up to the Poke Ball and using the P.C. button on his Pokedex to send Eevee to Oak's lab. The ball teleports away as Mitch thinks to himself  " Maybe, Professor Oak can study Eevee and see if there is a way to transfer its abilities to other Eevee. Okay, I think I'll take that nap now." 


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