That's A Little Oddish

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                        It has been a couple of days since Mitch caught Horsea and Squirtle evolved into Wartortle and in that time Mitch has managed to get off of the Silence Bridge and is currently on Route 13. He and his party have stopped for a break and have finished up eating lunch. They have decided to rest a little more before getting back on the road to Fuchsia City and everyone is currently doing different activities.

               Mitch and Charmeleon practice Charmeleon's moves on a large boulder, Beedrill stretches its wings by flying as high as it can and then descending as it flies around the campsite, and Snorlax takes a nap in the sun ( what a shocker a sleeping Snorlax that never happens) while Bulbasaur lays on Snorlax's belly and absorbs sunlight into its bulb. Meanwhile, Wartortle and Horsea swim around each other in a nearby pond. " War, War," Wartortle exclaims as it splashes some water at Horsea, " Hor, Hor, Sea" it exclaims before splashing water back at Wartortle. The continue to splash each other as Bulbasaur opens one of its eyes to see what they are doing and smiles at how happy the two Water Types look when they are with each other. Bulbasaur's thoughts are interrupted by some loud rustling in a nearby bush. 

                 Bulbasaur is not the only one to hear the noise as Beedrill stops flying and stares at the bush and Mitch and Charmeleon halt their training as Mitch asks " What's that."  The rustling continues as small noise comes from the bush " Odd, Odd, Ish." An Oddish comes out of the bush and stares at the group ( Well, stares at the group members that are paying attention to it as Snorlax is still asleep and Horsea and Wartortle are still in the pond) as Mitch grabs his Pokedex to get info on the new arrival. " Oddish, the Weed Pokemon, Oddish seeks out fertile ground where it can absorb nutrients from the soil. When it finds the perfect spot, it buries itself and its feet become like tree roots." " Odddddddiiiiiiish," it shouts as it fires a big ball of light out of its head and into the sky. A few seconds after the ball of light is fired into the sky, the sun gets brighter and the temperature of the surrounding area goes up. " That was a Sunny Day attack. You seem like a tough little Pokemon, would you like to come with us," Mitch asks as he holds a Poke Ball out to Oddish.

             Oddish takes a few seconds to think before it gets into a battle stance and grins at Mitch. " Ok, so i guess that means you'll come with us if we can beat you," " Oddish, Oddish, Odd, Oddish," it eagerly shouts. " Bulbasaur, I choose you,"  " Bulba, Saur, Bulba," it shouts as it jumps down from Snorlax's belly and lands in front of Oddish. " Use Tackle,"  " Bulbaaaa," it shouts as it runs forward and slams its body into Oddish. " Odd, Odd," it cries out as it falls backwards and Mitch yells " Use Vine Whip," Bulbasaur begins to pull out its vines as Oddish fires some pink powder from its leaves. The Sweet Scent attack hits Bulbasaur and Bulbasaur breathes it in and gets a happy look on its face as its Vine Whip attack is halted. " Oddddddddddisssssssh," it shouts as it absorbs light into its head and fires a big beam of light out of its head at Bulbasaur. " Bulllllllllbaaaaaaaa," it shouts as the bright beam of light slams into it. ( The bright light shines in Snorlax's face) " Bulba, saur," Bulbasaur says as it lands next to Mitch and gets back to its feet. " That was a Solar Beam attack and it didn't have to charge up first because of Sunny Day still being in effect" Mitch explains as Charmeleon and Bulbasaur nod. " Bulbasaur, take a break for now, Beedrill, I choos," " Snooooorlaaaax," Snorlax interrupts Mitch's sentence as it wakes up and gets to its feet with an angry look on its face. It wakes over and stands it front of Mitch and angrily stares down at a terrified Oddish. 

                    " I guess the light from that Solar Beam woke up Snorlax before it was ready and now its mad at Oddish for doing that. What do you say, Snorlax, do you want to have you first battle as my Pokemon," Mitch asks. Snorlax turns around to face Mitch and smiles " Snor, Snor, Lax," it says as it turns back around to face Oddish. " Use Mega Kick," Mitch orders as " Snooooorlaax," its right leg glows white for a few seconds and stops as it forward. Snorlax's leg almost slams into Oddish, but it jumps out of the way at the last second and fires a yellow blob of goo out of its head at Snorlax. The Acid attack hits Snorlax in the back, but hardly fazes it as it turns around and Mitch yells " Use Mega Punch." " Snorrrrlaaax," it exclaims as its right arm glow right for a few seconds and it punches Oddish after the glowing stops. " Odddddddish," it cries as it falls against a tree and struggles back to its feet. " Finish it with Focus Punch," Mitch orders as " Snooooooorrrr," Snorlax punches Oddish into the tree with its glowing white fist. The force of the impact breaks the tree and Oddish falls to the ground with it. Mitch looks and sees that Oddish has spirals and throws a Poke Ball at it. Oddish is sucked into it, the ball shakes for a few seconds, the capture noise goes off, the ball shrinks down and turns black, and Mitch presses the Poke Ball against the P.C button on his Pokedex sending his new Pokemon to Oak's lab.  

             " Great job, Snorlax," Mitch says as he turns around to see that the Normal Type has went back to sleep. " Very powerful, but very lazy," Mitch says as he shakes his head. A soaking wet Wartortle and Horsea walk ( in Horsea's case hop) up and stand next to Mitch as he stares down at them.  " So, where have you two been this whole time," he asks as Wartortle smiles and rubs the back of its head and Horsea blushes. 

Clarification: When Mega Punch is used the Pokemon's arm only glows white for a few seconds, but when Focus Punch is used its arm glows white the entire time. Just in case that wasn't clear. LOL. 


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