The Rock Tunnel Golbat Colony

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Author's Note: The villains of this chapter were originally going to be a Spearow flock, but I realized that I already had a Spearow as a villain, so I changed it to a Golbat colony.

               Mitch and Charmeleon walk down a long dark tunnel as Mitch uses the light from Charmeleon's tail flame to look at a map of the inside of Rock Tunnel. Mitch shows Charmeleon the map as he says " Ok, according to the map, this tunnel should open it more as we continue walking and eventually, it will lead us to the exit," " Char, Char, Charmele," " Goooooollllllbaaaattt," a screeching sound interrupts Charmeleon's response. A Golbat flies at them from the darkness with its wings glowing white as it prepares to hit them with a Wing Attack. " Charmeleon, counter Wing Attack with Slash," Mitch quickly yells. Charmeleon's slam its long glowing claws againsts Golbat's wings causing the two of them to engage in a shoving match. " Use Ember," " Chaaaaarmeeeeleeon," it yells as it spits fireballs into Golbat's eyes. Golbat is forced to stop Wing Attack causing it to take the Slash attack. " Goooolbaaaat," it screeches as it retreats back into the darkness of the cave. " What was that all about, are Golbat suppose to be that aggressive," he says while pulling out his Pokedex. 

          " Golbat, the Bat Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Zubat, Golbat's fangs are hollow, which allows it to suck up blood for its meals more efficiently. This efficiency can cause problems, though- sometimes it eats so much that it has trouble flying afterward!" Upon hearing what the Pokedex has to say about the Poison/ Flying Type, Mitch and Charmeleon look at eachother with slightly disturbed looks on their faces. " Well, I guess you could say it's a little dangerous, but now i'm just imagining a bloated Golba," " Baaaaaaaaaaatttttt," screams something from the darkness. A much larger than normal Golbat ( Perhaps, what someone would call Totem-sized) slowly flies out of the darkness and it is not alone. Hundreds of other Golbat fly behind it as they begin to spread out and circle around Mitch and Charmeleon. They all prepare to attack with Wing Attack, Bite, and Poison Fang before some vines shoot out of the darkness, grab Mitch and Charmeleon, and pull them through a tight crevice that is not big enough for the Golbat to get through.

          The vines belong to a couple of Bellsprout. " Bell, Bell, Sprout, Bellsprout," one of them worryingly shouts. " Yeah, we're fine," Mitch replies as he looks around to see that several other Bellsprout, some Psyduck, some Slowpoke, a few Graveler, and some Magnemite are hiding in this crevice with them.( the entrance to it is small, but it is large on the inside) " Chan, Chan, Chansey," says a Chansey that walks up to them as it points behind it at two Clefable that are holding a bunch of different fruits. " No thanks, we're not hungry," Mitch says with Charmeleon nodding in agreement. Mankey and Squirtle's Poke Balls shake in protest to the " we're not hungry," statement, but Mitch ignores them. " You guys can't get out of here because of those Golbat, can you," Mitch asks. " Chansey, Chansey, Chan, Chansey, Chan," Chansey, clearly the leader of the ragtag group, says as the other Pokemon nod in agreement. " Well, Maybe, we can get out of here together. I've got a kinda risky idea are you guys in," he asks. " Chansey," Clef," " Sprout," " Psy," " Slooooowwww," " Grav," " Mag, Mag," they all shout.


            All of the Pokemon are standing in a long straight line with Mitch in the front as he holds Kakuna out in front of him. " Let's go," Mitch says as they all squeeze through the crevice. " Goooolbaaaat," a Golbat scout shouts as the rest of the colony comes flying at them. " Ready, Kakuna," " Kuna," "use Harden." Kakuna's body glows white for a few seconds and Mitch charges forward. Many Golbat are knocked away by Kakuna's hardened body, but the lead Golbat slams into Mitch's side. The impact knocks him down causing Kakuna to go flying and land very hard against the wall, injuring it. The Golbat colony prepare for to attack, but are halted by a sudden blinding white light. The light quickly goes away as something screams out " Beeeeeeedriiiilllll." Mitch looks over to the cave wall to see that his Kakuna has been replaced by a Beedrill. " You evolved" Mitch shouts while reaching for his Pokedex.

            " Beedrill, the Poison Bee Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Kakuna and the final Evolved Form of Weedle, stay far away from a Beedrill nest. These territorial Pokemon will swarm any intruder in a furious attack."" Beeeeeeedriilllll," it shouts as both of its hand stingers glow a yellowish green color and it slams them into the lead Golbat's face. The leader Golbat is about to attack back, but sees the angry look in Beedrill's eyes ( and the giant, sharp stinger it has pointed at it) and quickly shouts a command to the other Golbat. They all scatter as the lead Golbat gives Beedrill a fearful nod before flying off. 

         Mitch runs up to and hugs the newly evolved Bug/ Poison Type " not only did you evolve, but you also learned a new move: Twineedle," he exclaims before turning to Chansey and the other wild Pokemon " Looks like you guys are free again," he says as the other Pokemon walk away and Chansey gives Mitch, Beedrill, and Charmeleon a respectful nod before walking off to join its friends. Mitch looks at his two pokemon " So, you guys ready to get out of this stupid cave," he asks. " Char," " Bee," they happily shout.   



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