Indigo League: Round 4

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                             " Folks, we are back again for another Round 4 battle here on the Ice Battlefield! Let's hope it's as good as the other battles that we've had so far this round," the announcer exclaims as the crowd roars( Alexandra can be seen amongst the crowd now) and a battlefield made of ice, with large ice spikes sticking out of it in multiple places, rises up out of the ground. " Looks like our next two competitors have arrived! In the left corner, we have Mitch Harper from Pallet Town and in the right corner, we have Bertha Kabinoff from Periwinkle Town!  Mitch and a female trainer walk up to their sides of the battlefield and watch the jumbotrons rapidly switch between images of their faces. The jumbotrons stop on Bertha's face and the announcer exclaims, " Bertha gets to move first! Let's get this battle started!" 

                        " I choose you," Bertha yells while throwing a Great Ball into the air. " Far, Far, Farfetch'd, Far," Bertha's Farfetch'd cries while landing in the battlefield. " Rhyhorn, I choose you," Mitch hollers while tossing a Safari Ball at the battlefield. " Rhy, Rhy, Rhyhorn, " it cries as it lands and Bertha commands Farfetch'd to, " Use Brave Bird!" " Faaaaaaaarfeeeeeeeeetch'd," it shouts as its body becomes surrounded in a light blue aura before it flies forwards and slams into Rhyhorn's face. Rhyhorn is knocked back a few inches from the attack, but quickly recovers and while Farfetch'd suffers the recoil damage from Brave Bird, Mitch exclaims, " Use Stone Edge!" " Rhyyyyhoooorn," it shouts as a bunch of very sharp grey stones materialize around its body and it fires them at Farfetch'd. The Wild Duck Pokémon tries to get out of the way, but is too slow, the rocks slam into it and knock it against a nearby ice spike. " Far, Far," it weakly groans while trying to get back to its feet. " Finish it with Horn Attack," Rhyhorn's horn briefly glows white before it charges forward and slams its horn into Farfetch'd. The force of the attack destroys the ice spike that Farfetch'd is leaning against and it flies backwards, landing in front of Bertha with spirals in its eyes.  " Bertha went for big damage right off the bat, but it looks like that didn't go in her favor. Rhyhorn used the recovering period for Farfetch'd to its advantage. What is Bertha going to do next," the announcer yells whilst Bertha returns Farfetch'd and throws a Poke Ball into the air. 

                     " Mag, Mag, Magneton, Ton," a Magneton shouts as it floats above the battlefield and Mitch brings his Pokedex out.( as of this moment, every Gen 1 Pokémon has appeared at least once in this story) " Magneton, the Magnet Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Magnemite, This Pokemon is three Magnemite that have linked together. Magneton sends out powerful radio waves to study its surroundings." " Rhyhorn, attack with your Drill Run," Mitch orders as Rhyhorn's horn begins to spin before it jumps into the air and begins to spin towards Magneton. " Counter that with Metal Sound," Bertha mumbles as Magneton rub all three of their heads together creating a loud soundwave, forcing Rhyhorn to stop its attack in order to hold its ears in pain. Its body briefly flashes silver to show that its Special Defense has been lowered.  " Use your Flash Cannon," Bertha yells as, " Maaaaaagneeeetoooooon," they shout as they fire a big beam of silver energy from their center. " Hooooooorn," Rhyhorn shouts as the silver energy beam slams into it and sends it flying though two ice spikes. " Rhyy," it weakly mumbles while laying on its back with spirals in its eyes. " Type advantage once again conquers all! What will Mitch do now that Rhyhorn is down?"

                        Mitch returns Rhyhorn to its Safari Ball, puts the ball back on his belt, and takes a regular Poke Ball off of it. He stares down at the ball and mumbles to himself, " I hope you're as good as Kiyo said you are." " Hitmonchan, I choose you," he hollers while throwing the ball into the air. " Chan, Chan, Hitmonchan, Chan," it shouts as it lands in the battlefield and punches the air before respectfully bowing to Magneton.  Magneton bows back before Bertha shouts, " Magneton, attack with Magnet Bomb!" " Maaaaaaaaag," they shout as a bunch of metal balls appear in front of them and they fire those balls at Hitmonchan. " Dodge that and then use Drain Punch," Mitch orders, but instead of jumping out of the way, Hitmonchan allows the attack to hit it before jumping forward and slamming its glowing green right fist into Magneton. " Tooooooon," they cry as they are knocked back a few feet and Hitmonchan's body briefly flashes green to so that some of its HP has been restored.  " Great job, Hitmonchan, but why didn't you dodge," Mitch asks as Hitmonchan turns around and weakly punches itself before flexing its muscles. " Oh, I see. You want to take hits because you want to make your body stronger. okay, that's cool. Now, attack with Fire Punch," Mitch exclaims as Hitmonchan covers its right fist in fire and jumps towards Magneton. 

                    " Stop that with Metal Sound and follow it up with Discharge," Bertha hollers while Magneton once again rub all three of their heads together and create another loud soundwave, forcing Hitmonchan to stop its attack to hold its ears as its body flashes silver to signify that its Special Defense has been lowered. " Maaaaagneeeetooooon," they cry as they shoot six medium sized bolts of yellow electricity out of their body.  " Chaaaaaaaan," Hitmonchan shouts as the Discharge shocks it and knocks it down on one knee. Hitmonchan pants for a few seconds, before it quickly jumps back to its feet, reignites its Fire Punch, and punches Magneton in their top face. Magneton briefly hits the ground, but manages to get back up in time for Bertha to shout, " use Rising Voltage!" " Maaaaaagneeeeetooooon," they scream as multiple large bolts of electricity rise up out of the ground in front of them. They fire all the bolts at Hitmonchan as Mitch hollers, " attack with Drain Punch!" Hitmonchan rushes forward with its right fist glowing green and allows the Rising Voltage to slam into it. " Chaaaaaaaaaan," it screams as it forces itself through the electricity and punches Magneton. " Toooon," they cry as they land between two ice spikes with spirals in their eyes. Hitmonchan falls to its knees, but thanks to the healing from Drain Punch is able to get back up. " Despite Hitmochan's refusal to dodge attacks, it still managed to pull and knock Magneton's lights( pun intended) out! Bertha is down to your last Pokémon, what will it be?"

                       " I choose Nidoking," Bertha exclaims while throwing a Nest Ball into the air. " Nidoooooookiiiiing," it roars as it lands in the battlefield. Hitmonchan bows to it, but it doesn't bow back as Bertha yells, " Use Poison Jab!" " Nidooooo," he roars while running at Hitmonchan with both of its arms glowing purple. " Use Ice Punch with both arms," Mitch yells as Hitmonchan covers both of its fists in ice and sprints at Nidoking. " Kinnng," Chaaan," they shout as they strike each other across the face with their moves. They both stumble backwards, but Hitmonchan ends up falling down on one knee, allowing Nidoking to slam into it with a powerful Drill Run. Hitmonchan is slammed into an ice spike and tries to get back up, but fails as it falls back down and lies against the ice spike with spirals in its eyes. " Chan," it weakly groans as Mitch returns it to its Poke Ball. " Hitmonchan is out! Looks like it taking attacks head on instead of dodging them may have been its downfall! What is Mitch planning to do now?" 

                     Upon remembering what his last Pokémon is, Mitch nervously grits his teeth and silently throws a Safari Ball into the air.  " Nido, Nido, Nidorino," Mitch's Nidorino( who if you remember evolved while it was training at the Day Care in between the events of  " Mitch vs. Oak" and " Trouble in Diglett's Cave") shouts while landing in the battlefield. Upon seeing its evolved form, Nidorino gets a terrified look on its face as Nidoking confidently smirks.  " Use Drill Run," Bertha yells as Nidoking's horn spins around very fast before it jumps into the air and begins to spin around very fast while moving towards Nidorino. " Dodge that and use Fury Attack," Mitch commands as Nidorino jumps out o the way, causing Nidoking to slam into an ice spike instead of Nidorino. " Nidoooooo," it shouts as its horn briefly glows white and it jumps at Nidoking with its horn outstretched. " Catch it and use Confusion," Bertha screams as Nidoking stops Nidorino's attack by using its right hand to grab it by the horn. However, before Nidoking has time to start its attack, an idea pops into Mitch's mind, " Nidorino, use that powerful move you learned at the Day Care!" " Nidoooooooooo," it cries as its horn glows white and spins around very fast. Nidoking is forced to let go of the horn as the spiinning causes it pain. " Rinooooooooo," Nidorino shouts as it stabs Nidoking in the chest with its horn. Nidoking falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes.

                        " That was Horn Drill! Nidorino overcame its evolved form thanks to a One-hit knockout move ad because of that, Mitch gets to move on to the next round," the announcer exclaims while the crowd loudly cheers. " Great job, Nidorino," Mitch yells as Nidorino jumps into his arms to celebrate. 

**A few hours later** 

                               Mitch and Charizard stand at a Pokémon Center counter as Nurse Joy hands him the balls containing Rhyhorn, Hitmonchan, and Nidorino. " Your Pokémon are back to full health. Congratulations, on winning the fourth round. I hear that the fifth round match ups have been announced. Do you know who you will be facing," Nurse Joy asks with a smile. However, before Mitch has time to answer, a voice from behind him says, " He may not know, but I do: this lucky loser is facing me in the next round." Mitch and Charizard turn around to see Joe and Blastoise standing there. " Every battle that he has won so far has been through sheer dumb luck and I'm going to put an end to that," he growls as Mitch and Charizard angrily stare at him.        

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