Mitch vs. Alexandra: Full Battle Part 1

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                    Mitch and Charmeleon make their way down a dirt path that is surrounded on both sides by open grassland. Mitch stops, looks over at Charmeleon, and asks " You want to take a break before we continue our way to Celadon?" Before Charmeleon has a chance to respond, " Mitch! I haven't seen you in a while, you look great and oh, it looks like your Charmander has evolved," shouts a voice from up ahead. Mitch recognizes the voice and immediately looks up " Alexandra, it has been a long time. How is your journey going," he asks with a smile. " Well, I have three badges, but it would have been four if Lt. Surge's Raichu wasn't so strong, after I lost to him, I decided to travel and train, I ended up defeating the Celadon City Gym, so I thought I would head back to Vermilion City and have a rematch with Surge and that's what i'm doing here," she explains. 

            " Well, I have three badges and one of them is the Thunder Badge I got from Surge. I'm actually on my way to Celadon City to try for my fourth badge," Mitch says. " Oh, I got an idea. Do you have at least six Pokemon," she asks. " I caught my seventh Pokemon while I was in Lavender Town, so yeah I do," " How about we have a full 6 on 6 battle, so that both of us can get some more training in before our next gym battles," she says. " Ok, you're on and just like every game of dodgeball we played when we were younger, I'm going to win," Mitch eagerly says. "Or it could be like every game of volleyball we played and i'll win," she shouts back at him. They walk off the path ( so anyone trying to pass by doesn't have to wait for a full battle to end before they can keep moving) and into the grassland. They both pull out Poke balls and throw them into the air  " Go, Gastly," " Go, Rattata," the two friendly rivals shout out in unison.

           " Gggggghastly," " Ratttttataaaa," they shout as they materialize from their balls and Mitch pulls out his Pokedex to scan Alexandra's Pokemon. " Rattata, the Mouse Pokemon, Rattata's teeth keep growing throughout its life, so it has to chew on hard objects to keep them whittled down. They can live happily even in filthy conditions, which sometimes leads to overpopulation." " Rattata, attack with Super Fang," " Raaaaaattttaaataaa," it shouts as its big tooth glows white and extends downwards a few inches. It jumps at Gastly with its fang ready to bite down on it and Mitch, knowing what will happen, says " Gastly, stay where you are." A shocked look appears as Rattata passes through Gastly's body without causing any damage to it. " Come on, don't you know that Normal Type moves can't hit Ghost Types and vice versa." Gastly use Thunder Punch," Mitch orders as " Ghhhaaasstly," Gastly uses its gas to create a fist that becomes covered in electricity and slams it into Rattata. " Well, I guess I should have known that already, return for now," a slightly red faced Alexandra says as she recalls Rattata to its Poke Ball.

            " Nidoran, I choose you," " Nidooooraaaan," shouts a female Nidoran as it comes out of its ball. " Gastly use Lick," " Dodge and use Poison Sting," Gastly shoots its tongue out, but Nidoran jumps out of the way and fires multiple purple needles out of its mouth. Gastly is hit in the face as it screams out " Gaaassstly" " Use Bite," Nidoran jumps and bites down on Gastly's head. Gastly tries to shake off the little Poison Type, but fails and falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes. Mitch returns Gastly to its ball as he says " Not bad for your first battle," and Alexandra cheers " Yeah, great job, Nidoran. I may have started this battle off with a bad move, but at least I scored the first knock out." " Oh, this battle is just beginning. Squirtle, I choose you," Mitch shouts.

         " Squirt, Squirtle, Squirt," Squirtle shouts as it prepares itself for a fight. " Use Bubble," Mitch orders and Squirtle shoots the big bubble at Nidoran. " Use Double Kick," Alexandra shouts and both of Nidoran's back legs glow white. It uses one kick to destroy the bubble and slams the other into Squirtle knocking it back. " Squuuuiiiirtttle," it shouts as it struggles to keep its balance. " Use Rapid Spin," Squirtle pulls itself into its shell, starts to spin around, and slams into Nidoran. " Niiidooooraaan," it shouts as Mitch yells " use Water Gun," the stream of water being fired from Squirtle's mouth slams into Nidoran and pushes it several feet back. Nidoran struggles to keep on its feet, but fails and falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes. Alexandra returns Nidoran to its Poke Ball and says " great job, Nidoran. I guess i'll fight water with water, Poliwhirl, I choose you."

             " Poli, Poli, Poliwhirl," the Water Pokemon shouts while Mitch scans it on the Pokedex. " Poliwhirl, the Tadpole Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Poliwag, Poliwhirl is amphibious, equally at home on land or in the water. It weighs the options carefully - there's more food to be found on land, but it's more likely to be attacked by dangerous Pokemon."  " Use Mud Bomb," " Poooliiiwhiirrl," it spits a big ball of mud out of its mouth and when it hits Squirtle, it explodes on impact. " Squuuuiiirrrttttle," it shouts as it is flung backwards and " Use Mega Punch," Poliwhirl's right fist briefly glows white and it slams its fist into the falling Squirtle.  Squirtle impacts the ground, but quickly jumps back to its feet as Mitch yells " use Rapid Spin." Squirtle's spinning shell slams into Poliwhirl and Mitch yells " Use Skull Bash," Squirtle slams its head into Poliwhirl. " Pooooliwhirl," it shouts as it falls on one knee. " Use Water Gun," both trainers shout at the same time. " Sqqqqquirtttle," " Poooliiiiwhirl," they shout as they fire their water streams at each other.  Both of them are hit and get pushed backwards. They both manage to stay on there feet as their trainers yell out " Use Skull Bash," " Use Body Slam," Poliwhirl jumps into the air and flings itself downwards as Squirtle flies at Poliwhirl with its head outstretched. Before they can hit each other, "Use Water Gun" " Use Mud Bomb."  The stream of water and big ball of mud impact each other and explode as Squirtle and Poliwhirl end up trapped inside it when there attacks collide. The explosion causes a large cloud of smoke to appear blocking the view from Mitch and Alexandra as they hear the sounds of Poliwhirl and Squirtle hitting each other.

End of Part 1 


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