Viridian Forest Bullies

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                       Mitch and Charmander are standing at the entrance of a large forest. " According to the map, this is the Viridian Forest and if we make it through the forest, it won't be long before we reach Pewter City," Mitch explains. " Char, Char, Char, Mander,"  Charmander replies in agreement. They enter the forest and after making their way through some undergrowth, they find the path leading through the forest and see many groups of wild Pokemon. A group of Paras sunbathe next some logs, some Jigglypuff play tag as a small flock of Pidgeot fly over them, and a bunch of Metapod hang motionless from the trees. " Wow, this place is beautiful, I think it may be time to catc," " Wee, Wee," a voice from above interrupts and something falls out of the tree above them, bounces off of Mitch's head, and lands on the ground in front of him.

                 Mitch takes his Pokedex out of his pocket and scans the thing that landed on his head. "Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokemon, Weedle's sense of smell is excellent. With its large red nose, it can sniff out the leaves it likes best."  " Huh, I wonder what caused you to fall," Mitch asks before noticing a long scratch on Weedle's left side. " Weedle, can you tell me what happ," " Spear, Spear, Spearow," yells a passing Spearow. Mitch is briefly distracted by the Spearow and when he looks back down Weedle is gone. However, Weedle is not the only one that has disappeared. The groups of Paras, Jigglypuff, Pidgeot, and Metapod are gone too. " Charmander? Do you think that just one Spearow could be enough to scare away so many Pokemon at once," Mitch asks while looking down at his starter. " Char? Char, Char, Char, Char, Charmander," Charmander yells while pointing at Mitch's Pokedex. " Oh, yeah, I guess  could check the Pokedex about it." " Spearow, the Tiny Bird Pokemon, Spearow's wings are too short for effective flying, so they stay close to the ground. They drive off so many Bug types that farmers really like having them around." " Well, I guess it could be a little dangerous if they were threatened, but what idiot would even try to make a Spearow mad and besides that one was only, so why was everything so afraid of it," Mitch questions while Charmander " Char, Char, Mander," nods in agreement.


           Mitch has made camp next to the path and is laying against a log while looking up at the night sky. Charmander uses Ember to make the fire bigger before walked over and laying down next to Pidgey, who is asleep, and Mankey, who is chowing down on some apples, and suddenly, a badly injured Weedle falls from the sky and lands next to the fire. Mitch jumps up and runs over to it. " Wee,We, W," it weakly lets out as Mitch examines it. He sees that it has a scratch mark on its side in the exact same place that the Weedle from earlier had its mark.  " You're the same Weedle that fell on my head today aren't you," Mitch says in slight shock. " What happened to you, little guy," Mitch asks before a familiar noise is heard, " Spear, Spearow, Spearow, Spear, Spear," the exact same Spearow from earlier flies across the night sky and flies into a cave covered in vegetation and fallen trees. " Mankey, you and Pidgey stay and watch Weedle while Charmander and I go see what makes that Spearow so scary," Mitch orders. " Mankey, Mank,'' Mankey replies while shaking Pidgey awake. 

         Mitch and Charmander sneak over to the cave and peek into it. Spearow is not alone in the cave and is sharing food with two strong looking Pokemon. Mitch gets out his Pokedex, lowers the volume on it, and scans Spearow's friends on it. " Rhydon, the Drill Pokemon, the evolved form of Rhyhorn, Rhydon's horn, which it uses as a drill, is hard enough to crush diamonds. Its hide is like armor, and it can run right through molten lava without feeling a think," " Nidoqueen, the Drill Pokemon, the evolved form of Nidorina and the final evolved form of Nidoran female, when defending its nest, Nidoqueen hurls its hard-scaled body at an intruder. The impact is often enough to send the enemy flying through the air."   Mitch turns to Charmander and whispers " it's pretty obvious Charmander, Spearow brings Rhydon and Nidoqueen food and they attack anything that gets in Spearow's way. The other Pokemon are so afraid of Rhydon and Nidoqueen that they run and hide anytime Spearow is around and Weedle must constantly being getting in Spearow's way, so it attacks Weedle in response," Charmander quietly nods in agreement as the two of them slowly make their way back to camp.

            When they make it back to camp, Mankey is cradling Weedle in its arms while Pidgey rubs it on the head with one of its wings. Mitch takes Weedle from Mankey, grabs a Super Potion from his bag, sprays Weedle with it, and starts to cradle Weedle in his arms before turning to face Charmander, Pidgey, and Mankey. " I need you three to go out into the forest and gather as many wild Pokemon that are afraid of Spearow as you can. We're going to show them that they are not the only ones that can gang up on others," he explains to his party.  " Char, Char, Charmander," " Pid, Pid, Pidgey," " Mank, Mank, Mankey," they all shout before running and flying off into the forest to find help as Mitch continues to cradle the sleeping Weedle in his arms.


             The next morning, Mitch sits next a log in his camp while holding Weedle. " Char, Char, Char, Charmander, Char, Char," Charmander excitedly yells as it and Mitch's other Pokemon run up to Mitch being followed by groups of Paras, Jigglypuff, Pidgeot, Beedrill, Venonat, Venomoth, Butterfree, Oddish, and male Nidoran. Mitch lays Weedle down on a blanket and turns to his three Pokemon and says " Good job, you guys have definitely earned a little extra treat for the next time we eat," before turning to where he can address every Pokemon present and starts to explain his plan to them as Weedle opens one of its eyes and listens to what his is saying. 


                 The entrance to Spearow's cave is shown and " Chaaaaaarrrrmander," it screams as ii fires an Ember into the cave. Spearow rushes out of the cave and sees Charmander and Mitch staring it down " We think it's time to put an end to you and your trouble making," he yells. Spearow grins before turning around and screaming " Spearrrrrrrrrowwwwww," into the cave. Rhydon and Nidoqueen stomp out of the cave and roar before rushing at Mitch and Charmander. " Now, everyone," Mitch screams as Mankey and Pidgey jump down from the top of the cave. Rhydon is hit in the back of the head by Mankey's Low Kick and Nidoqueen is hit in the side of the face by Pidgey's Tackle. Both Ground Pokemon stop running as Mankey and Pidgey land next to Mitch and Charmander. The other Pokemon jump out of the bushes jump out of the bushes and fire off different attacks at Rhydon and Nidoqueen. All of the attacks land as Rhydon and Nidoqueen are sent flying off to an unknown location.

               Spearow stares in shock at what just happened and gulps. A Jigglypuff steps forward before " Weeeeeeeedleeeeee," Weedle yells as it jumps in front of Spearow. Spearow gets an angry look on its face and darts toward Weedle with its talons outstretched. Weedle lunges forward with its mouth glowing green as it uses a Bug Bite attack and then fires off purple needle like objects from its stinger as the stinger glows purple. The Poison Sting attack hits Spearow head on and before it can recover, the Bug Bite attack lands knocking the bird Pokemon out.  Spearow quickly shakes itself awake and flies away from the forest as the Pokemon cheer.  Mitch turns and thanks the other Pokemon as they walk back into the forest to enjoy their lives without Spearow. Mitch turns to see Weedle staring up at him. " So, Weedle, do you wanna," he asks as he pulls out a Poke Ball and points it at Weedle. " Wee, Wee, Wee, Weedle," it excitedly yells as it hops up and down. Mitch throws the ball and Weedle lunges forward and boops its nose against the button as it gets sucked in and the capture noise goes off.      


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