Wartortle Has a Blast

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                       Mitch has started his long trek to Cinnabar Island and he and Charizard are currently standing at the top of a medium sized rocky hill looking down at a medium sized town( it is surrounded on all sides by several other medium sized rocky hills) with a large lake located in the center of it. " According to the map, that's Periwinkle Town. It originally started as a small fishing community that relied heavily on the Periwinkle Lake in the center of it for things like food and materials that they could trade with other places, but as time went on and society became more advanced, they started to rely on the lake less and less. However, the people of the town still have a lot of respect for Periwinkle Lake and have a Water Pokemon battle tournament on it a few times a year and would you look at that, we've arrived just in time for one," Mitch explains as Charizard nods in understanding at every word. 

                   The two of them walk down into the town and begin to follow the signs that say " Periwinkle Lake Battle Tournament Registration this way." Eventually, the signs lead them to the Periwinkle Town Pokemon Center. The two of them walk into the Pokemon Center and Mitch walks up to the counter to talk to Nurse Joy. " Excuse me, but is this where I sign up for the tournament," Mitch asks as Nurse Joy turns and smiles at him. " Yes, and you're in luck, there were 16 slots open for this tournament and you just happen to be the 16th person that has asked to sign up today. This Tournament consists of one on one battles. The Pokemon you use has to have at least one of its types be Water Type and the Pokemon that you use in the first round is the one that you have to use for the rest of the tournament. What is your name and what Pokemon are you going to use?" Mitch takes a few seconds to think before throwing two Poke Balls into the air. " War, Tortle, War, Wartortle," " Sea, Sea, Horsea, Sea," they both shout as they land on the floor next to Mitch. " Ok, you two I've going to Use Wartortle for this Tournament, but since you two are so close, I'll let Horsea watch and cheer you on," Mitch says before turning to Nurse Joy and writing his and Wartortle's names down on a piece of paper that Nurse Joy hands him.

................................................................................................................................................................                   " Hello, and welcome to yet another Periwinkle Lake Battle Tournament," an announcer shouts. The lake is full of platforms that look very similar to the platforms that are used in the Cerulean City Gym. " Ok, let's get this tournament started," he shouts as two trainers standing on the opposite sides of the lake throw their Poke Balls into the air. A Seaking and a Poliwhirl land in the lake and let out battle cries before the screen cuts to black.

................................................................................................................................................................                 " It's now time for the final battle of the first round, one the left side of the battlefield we have Alena from Lavender Town and on the right side we have Mitch from Pallet Town. Trainers, choose your Pokemon and begin the battle," the announcer shouts. " Wartortle, I choose you, " Go, Seel," the two trainers shout as they throw their Poke Balls into the air. " War, Tortle, war," " Seel, Seel," both pokemon shout as they land on platforms opposite of each other and Mitch uses his Pokedex on Seel. " Seel, the Sea Lion Pokemon, Seel hunt for prey in frigid, ice-covered seas. When it needs to breathe, it punches a hole through the ice with the sharply protruding section of its head." " It's Seel vs. Wartortle, battle begin," the announcer shouts as " Seel, attack with Aurora Beam," Alena screams. " Seeeeeeeeeeel," it shouts as it fires a beam of energy out of its mouth that looks similar to the Aurora Borealis. " Withdraw and then Rapid Spin," Mitch shouts and Wartortle pulls its body into its shell causing the Aurora Beam to harmlessly slam into it. Wartortle stays inside its shell as it begins to spin around before it flies forward and slams into Seel's face. " Seeeeeeel," it screams as the force of the impact causes it to fall off the platform. " Seel use Aqua Tail," Alena yells as Seel jumps out of the water with its tail covered in water and swings it at Wartortle, But Mitch quickly yells " Counter with Bite!"  Wartortle quickly bites down on Seel's tail forcing it to stop Aqua Tail as it screams " Seeeeeeeeeeeeeel," in pain. " Now use Mega Punch," Mitch yells as " Waaaaaaaartooooortle," its right fist briefly glows white before it slams the fist ( looks like someone's been learning from Snorlax)  into Seel's head sending it falling down into the water. After about a minute of being beneath the surface, Seel resurfaces with spirals in its eyes. " Seel is unable to battle, so Mitch and Wartortle will be moving on to the next round!" " Great job, Wartortle," Mitch yells as Horsea happily jumps up and down beside him while shouting " Horsea, Sea ,Sea, Sea, Sea, Sea, Sea." " Tort, Wartortle, Tortle," it says as it smiles back at them.

................................................................................................................................................................                A montage of the next couple of rounds are shown. In the 2nd round, Wartortle defeats a Krabby by slamming into its entire body with Skull Bash and in the 3rd round, defeats a Golduck with an Aqua Tail to the head.( Ironic, because of the whole headache thing with its Pre-Evolution) This means that Mitch has made it to the final round of the tournament.

................................................................................................................................................................                              " We've made it to the final round of this particular tournament, on the left side we have Hershel from Pewter City and his Slowbro and on the right side we have Mitch from Pallet Town and his Wartortle. Let the final round begin!" Mitch quickly uses his Pokedex to scan Slowbro before any commands can be given. " Slowbro, the Hermit Crab Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Slowpoke, whenever Shellder bites down hard on its tail, it gives Slowbro a flash of inspiration...which it forgets a moment later." " Wartortle, attack with Bite," Mitch orders as Wartortle jumps at Slowbro with its mouth open. " Counter with Scald," Hershel shouts as " Sloooooowbrooooo," it fires a stream of medium sized steaming water out of its mouth. " Toooooorttttle," it shours as the water slams into its face and sends it flying backwards. However, Mitch sees that Wartortle is about to slam into a platform, so he quickly yells " Use Rapid Spin," and Wartortle pulls its body back into its shell and begins to spin very fast as it slams into the platform and ricochets back at Slowbro. " Brooooooooooooo," it screams as the slightly boosted in power attack hits it in the face and briefly knocks it down on one knee. " Now use Bite," Mitch shouts as Wartortle quickly comes out of its shell and bites down on Slowbro's right arm. 

                       " Sloooooooowww," in screams in pain as Hershel shouts " Use Shadow Ball." " Brooooooo," it shouts as it summons a big ball of black energy and fires it off. It explodes on Wartortle's head forcing it to let go of Slowbro's arm and land at its feet. " Use Ice Punch," Hershel yells as Slowbro slams its ice covered right fist into Wartortle. " Tooooooortttttttle," it shouts as it flies back and lands on another platform. As it tries to get back on its feel, Hershel yells, " Use Grass Knot." " Sloooow," it shouts as it summons a small knot of grass under Wartortle that causes it to trip and land hard on the platform. Wartortle struggles to its feet and is about to fall down in defeat when " Hor, Hor, Sea, Sea, Horsea, Sea, Sea, Hor, Horsea, Sea," Horsea begins to cheer it on. Wartortle gets a determined look on its face and slowly starts to get back to its feet and after a few seconds of trying to stand up, its body begins to glow a blinding light. Eventually, the light fades and the newly evolved Blastoise stands firmly on its feet. " Blaaaaaastoooooissse," it shouts as Mitch uses the Pokedex on it. " Blastoise, the Shellfish Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Wartortle and the final Evolved Form of Squirtle, Blastoise has water spouts that protrude from its shell. The water spouts are very accurate. They can shoot bullets of water with enough accuracy to strike empty cans from a distance of over 160 feet." Mitch, Charizard, and Horsea look on in shock and awe as " Blaaaaaaaaaaaaastoooooooooise," its body and cannons glow bright blue before it fires two extremely large and powerful streams of water out of its cannons. " Sloooooooooowbroooooo," it shouts as the water streams slam into it and send it flying. It hits a tree at the edge of the lake and lands in the shallow water with spirals in its eyes. 

                  " Slowbro is unable to battle! Mitch and his newly Evolved Blastoise are the winners of this Periwinkle Lake Battle Tournament and it looks like his Blastoise learned Hydro Cannon in the process!" " Hydro Cannon! That's a very powerful move," Mitch shouts as Blastoise walks up to them and a happy Horsea jumps affectionately into his arms and he gives her a big hug. " Hor, Sea, Sea," " Blast, Blast, Blastoise," they say as they stare lovingly into each other's eyes. A lady carrying a small trophy that says " Periwinkle Lake Battle Tournament Champion" walks up to Mitch and hands him a trophy as he and Blastoise pose for a picture while holding it.  



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