Viridian City vs. The Mankey Troop

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                  Mitch and Charmander are walking down a long dirt path with an open field to the left of them and a forest to the right of them. " Well Charmander, it won't be long before we reach Viridian City. There's a Pokemon Center there, so why don't me, you, and Pidgey take a long break there before we continue traveling," Mitch asks. " Char, Char," it happily replies as Mitch feels Pidgey's Poke Ball shake in agreement with them. They continue to walk and eventually, they see something furry and covered in bruises laying in the middle of the path.  " Char," Charmander says in a concerned tone before running up to the unconscious figure. " Charman, Der, Der, Char," it yells at Mitch in a panicked tone while jumping up and down.  " What is it, Charmander," Mitch says as he runs up to it, bends down, rolls the figure over on its back, and pulls out his Pokedex. 

             Mankey, the Pig Monkey Pokemon, Mankey's rage is so exhausting that it falls asleep, then wakes itself up by rampaging through its dreams- and waking up makes it mad! Being lonely makes it angry, but its rage drives everyone away- then it's lonely again! (Author's note: this is the actual Pokedex entry for Mankey in one of my Pokemon handbooks. Wow. Just wow.)  The Mankey is breathing very heavily and most of its body is covered in dirt and bruises. Mitch looks at Charmander and says " We can't just live it like this. Who knows what will happen to it if we leave. Viridian City is just up the road, we can take it to the Pokemon Center and get it healed up really quick."  " Char, Charmander, Char, Char," Charmander nods in agreement as Mitch picks the Mankey up and holds it tight against his chest. Mankey weakly opens one of its eyes and looks up at Mitch. Mitch notices and says " Don't worry little guy, we'll get you better in no time" as they begin to sprint towards Viridian City. Mankey weakly smiles and closes its eye. However, they don't notice a couple of sets of angry eyes looking at them from the darkness of the forest.


         Mitch sits in a recliner chair next to the reception desk in the Viridian City Pokemon Center while Charmander sits on the ground next to it and gnaws on what's left of an apple. Mitch hears a kind voice coming from the reception desk and turns in that direction to hear what the Viridian City Nurse Joy has to say " Mitch, the Mankey that you found has been healed, but it is still a little tired and will need some rest before it can leave,"  " Thank you, Nurse Joy," he happily replies as she nods as " Your welcome," at him. Mitch sits back in his chair and a question quickly pops into his head " Hey, Nurse Joy, what do you think Mankey was doing in that area in the first place," he asks. " Well, Mankey like to live in forest in large troops that like to battle other Mankey over territory, but they like to practice for those fights by fighting against members of their own troops. The Mankey that you brought in is a little aggressive, but is has a very gentle side to it, so it was probably accidentally injured because it didn't want to fight back against a member of its troops," she explains as Mitch listens very carefully to her. 

       Before anything else can be said, a bunch of trainers come running into the Pokemon Center carrying injured Pokemon. Among are injured Pokemon are a Wartortle, a Venonat, a Slowbro, a Spearow, a Nidorino, and a Flareon. " What's going on out there," Mitch yells " There's a troop of crazy Mankey out there attacking people," the Spearow trainer replies. Crash!  A knocked out Sandshrew is thrown through the window. Mitch runs outside and takes a look on the carnage that is going on. A trainer's Venomoth sends a Mankey flying with Psybeam only for two more Mankey to jump on its back and begin to use Fury Swipes on it. A Trainer's Weedle traps a bunch of Mankey by tying them together with String Shot and is sent flying by another Mankey's Low lick. A Squirtle counters a Mankey's Karate Chop with Bite, but is forced to switch to Withdraw when three more Mankey come at it. A Beedrill is backed into a corner and is forced to fire off Pin Missiles to keep the Mankey at bay. A Goldeen tries to attack with Peck, but is countered by a Mankey's  Karate Chop and ends up being hit by Seismic Toss. An Ekans has four Mankey trapped in its Wrap attack , but they manage to get out by clawing at its body with their Fury Swipes. A Mankey that is larger than the others jumps off of a building, lands in the middle of the fighting, and lets out a battle cry " MAAAAANNNNNKEEEEEYYY."  " That one must be the troop leader, " Nurse Joy says as she arrives at Mitch's side. 

           The lead Mankey looks directly at Mitch, lets out another battle cry, and starts sprinting towards him. " Charmander, use," Mitch turns around to see that Charmander has fallen asleep and has stayed asleep this whole time despite all the commotion going on. " Seriously, OK, go Pidgey," he yells while releasing Pidgey from its Poke Ball. Pidgey flies at Mankey, but is quickly swatted out of the way by its Karate Chop. Suddenly, the Mankey that was injured steps in front of Mitch and the lead Mankey stops dead in its tracks. Mankey takes a look around at the other Mankey before " Mank, Mankey, Mankey, Mank, Key, Mankey, Mankey, Mank, Mank, Mankey,'' it yells at the other Mankey. The lead Mankey closes its eyes and thinks for a few seconds before saying something to the Mankey troop. The other Mankey quickly leave the city and the lead Mankey gives the Mankey that Mitch found a respectful nod before it leaves the city too.

         " That must have been Mankey's troop and they came looking for it once they realized it was missing. They attacked the city because they thought they we must having been trying to hurt it even more," Nurse Joy explains. Mankey looks at Mitch and points towards an empty Poke Ball on his belt. " Of course you can come with us," Mitch says. He throws the ball at Mankey and it goes in as the capture noise goes off. A groggy looking Charmander walks up to Mitch and lets out a yawn. " Yeah, you would have been a little useful a few minutes ago," Mitch says as Nurse Joy smiles.   


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