The Vermilion City Gym Battle

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                    Mitch and Charmeleon stand at the entrance to a large rectangular shaped brown building. Yellow lightning bolts are painted down the wall of the building and the center of the building reads " Vermilion City Gym."  Mitch and Charmeleon look at each other and eagerly grin as Mitch says " Ready for gym battle number three,"  " Chaaaar, Chaar, Charmeleon," it shouts. Mitch opens the door to the gym and the two of them walk inside. They walk a corridor that is lit up by large yellow chandeliers that are hanging from the ceiling. Eventually, they find themselves at the gym's battlefield. It is a normal dirt battlefield, but electric generators sit in the four corners of the battlefield. On the opposite side of the battlefield, a large muscular man sits in an outstretched recliner as he sharpens a large knife. The man notices Mitch before he goes back to sharpening his knife.

           " What's your name, kid," the man asks without looking up.  " My name is Mitch Harper and i'm from Pallet Town. I'm here for a gym battle," he replies as Charmeleon growls " Chaaar," in agreement. The man looks up and grins " well, I guess you're in the right place. My name's Lt. Surge and i'm the Vermilion City Gym Leader. How any badges you got, kid,"  " I have two," " Well, this battle will be three on three and only you can substitute your Pokemon, but let me tell you now, I've been in countless battles, so I hope you're ready for a real tough fight," he says as he pulls a three Poke Balls out of a bag that is next to his chair. " You have the first move, little boy," " Ok, I choose you!" 

                Mitch's Mankey appears out of its Poke Ball and gets into a battle stance " Mank, Mankey, Mank."  " Voltorb, send this kid running," Surge shouts as he releases his first Pokemon and Mitch pulls out his Pokedex. " Voltorb, the Ball Pokemon, Voltorb was first spotted at a Poke Ball factory. It explodes when it is angry." " Mankey, attack with Fury Swipes," Mitch orders and Mankey runs at Voltorb with both of its hands glowing white. Voltorb easily rolls out of the way as Surge, still laid up in his recliner sharpening his knife, yells " Use Charge." " Vooooollllltooooorb," it shouts as it absorbs electricity from the air and pulls it into its body. " Low Kick," " Maaaankeeeey," it shouts as it slams its glowing leg into the Electric Type. Voltorb is sent rolling, but manages to stop itself as Surge yells " Give it the Thunderbolt." " Vooooooltoooorrrb," it shouts as its body becomes covered electricity and it fires a medium sized stream of lightning at Mankey, but before the Thunderbolt hits " send a Leer at it," Mitch shouts. Mankey sends its defense lowering attack at Voltorb as the Thunderbolt strikes its entire body. " Maaaaaaaaaankeeeey," it screams as the stream of lightning ends and it falls to its knees with its body smoking. " Mankey, use Low Kick," Mitch yells as Mankey jumps at Voltorb, to the extreme surprise of Surge, and slams its glowing leg into Voltorb and Mitch yells " use Fury Swipes." " Mankey, Mankey, Mankey, Mank," it aggressively screams as it continuously swipes at Voltorb with both of its hands. Eventually, Mankey stops its attack and Voltorb rolls on to its back, knocked out.

          Surge returns Voltorb to its ball as he puts his knife away and pulls his recliner in, but still continues to sit in it. " Great job, boy. You have my attention now. Pikachu, let's test this kid some more," he says as he throws out his second Pokemon. " Pika, Pika, Pikachu," it grins as Mitch uses his Pokedex on it. " Pikachu, the Mouse Pokemon, Pikachu naturally stores up electricity in its body, and it needs to discharge that energy on a regular basis to maintain good health. To take advantage of this, some have suggested creating a Pikachu- fueled power plant." " Mankey, use Scratch," Mitch says as Mankey rushes at Pikachu. " Give it the Thunder Shock," " Piiiikaaachuuu," it shouts as a small stream of electricity is fired from its body. Mankey is forced to stop its attack as the electricity spread through its body. " Finish it with Thunder Punch," " Pika, Pikaa, Chuuu," it shouts as it slams its electricity covered fist into Mankey's face. Mankey falls on its back and weakly lets out a " Maankeey," before falling unconscious. " Great job, Mankey, get some rest. Bulbasaur, I choose you!"

            " Bulba, Bulbasaur, Bulba," it says as it comes out of its Poke Ball. " Use Vine Whip," Mitch yells. Bulbasaur sends its vines towards Pikachu. " GIve it the Thunder Shock," Surge yells as Pikachu's lightning connects with Bulbasaur's vines. The electricity travels through the vines and begins to shock Bulbasaur. " Bulbasaaaaaurrrr," it shouts it pain as it begins to pull its vines back. " Bulbasaur, you have to push through, I know you can do it!"  " Bullllllllbaaaaaasaaaaur," it shouts as it pushes its vines forward and they slam into Pikachu's face, stopping the Thunder Shock. " Thunder Punch" " Razor Leaf," Pikachu runs towards Bulbasaur with its electric covered fist pointed towards it as Bulbasaur summons sharp green leaves and fires them at the Electric Type. The sharp leaves slam into Pikachu's tiny body as it screams " Piiiikaaaaachuuuu," and is forced to stop Thunder Punch due to all the pain the leaves cause. " Tackle," Mitch yells as " Bulllbaaaa," Bulbasaur slams its entire body into Pikachu. Pikachu falls against one of the generators and spirals appear in its eyes.

           Surge gets up from his chair and returns Pikachu to its ball. " Well, boy, I gotta say i'm impressed, but now it's time for the real fight to begin. Raichu, I choose you!"  Mitch prepares his Pokedex as a very aggressive looking Raichu appears from its ball and shouts out " Raiiiiichuuuuu!" " Raichu, the Mouse Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Pikachu, Raichu can unleash enough electricity to defeat a much larger Pokemon in a single devastating shock. When it's all charged up, it will attack just about anything." " Bulbasaur, attack with Razor Leaf," Mitch orders as Bulbasaur's fires out its leaves at Raichu and they slam into the Electric Type. Raichu looks up at Bulbasaur and Mitch and grins. " Huh," Bulba," Char," they all three shout in confusion. " Iron Tail," " Raaaaaiiiiiiichuuu," it shouts as it slams its metal covered tail into Bulbasaur sending in flying as it screams " Buuuullllbaaaa," " Give it the Thunderbolt,"  " Raaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiichuuuuuu," it yells as the medium sized stream of lightning slams into the airborne Bulbasaur. " Buuuuuuuulllllbaaaaaa," it screams as it is electrocuted and falls belly first on to the ground. Spirals appear in its eyes as it weakly says " Bullbaa." 

            Mitch returns Bulbasaur as Charmeleon aggressively growls " Chaaaaarrrrr," at Raichu and it smirks back at it in retaliation. Mitch notices Charmeleon's anger and says " Charmeleon, I choose you," " Chaaaaarmeeeleeeon," it yells as it runs into the battlefield. Surge and Raichu look at eachother and nod " Ok, kid, give us your best shot," Surge tells as Raichu opens its arms to show that it is ready to be hit. " Ok, use Ember," " Chaaaarmeeeleeeon," it fires the little fireballs out of its mouth and they make contact with Raichu knocking it back a couple of inches. " Skull Bash," Charmeleon's head briefly glows white as it jumps and slams its head into Raichu " Use Slash," Charmeleon's right claws glow white and extend a couple inches as Charmeleon slashes Raichu across the face. Raichu looks back at Surge and he nods as Raichu eagerly smirks at Charmeleon " Give it the Thunderbolt!" " Raaaaaaichuuuuuuuuuuuu," " Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar," Raichu's electricity slams into Charmeleon sending it flying back. Charmeleon impacts the ground hard and struggles to stand back up. " Raichu, finish it with," " Chaaaaaaaaaarmeeeeeeleeeeeoooon," it screams as it stands up with its body glowing bright red.  " Charmeleon, what's going on," Mitch asks as he pulls out his Pokedex to see if it can tell him what is going on.

             " Blaze, this ability is activated when the Pokemon's HP is low. It greatly increases the power of Fire Type moves."  " Well if it makes Fire moves stronger, Use Ember," Mitch yells as " Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr," it screams as it shoots the much larger than normal fireballs at Raichu. The fireballs explode on Raichu as it screams "Raaaaaaaaaiiiichuuuuuu," before it collapses on its back and after a few minutes, spirals appear in its eyes as Surge recalls it to is ball. Charmeleon's body returns to normal as it growls in victory and Mitch walks up to it. They high five as Surge walks over to them and hands Mitch something from his pocket " This is the Thunder Badge, You got lucky, kid, usually people have to fight me many times in order to win. If you're wanting to challenge another gym, I would say that you should go to the one in Celadon City." " Celadon City, ok that's where I'll go," Mitch says as he lets Mankey and Bulbasaur out of their balls. " We did it guys, we got the Thunder Badge," he excitedly shouts as all four of them jump into the air to celebrate.           

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