The Mew of Cerulean Cave

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      Note: As of this chapter, Mitch is now 11 years old. For his Chapter, the sentences that are in italics are Mewtwo speaking using telepathy.       

                " Hello," Mitch's voice echoes throughout the cave as he and Charizard walk down a long and dark corridor. " Helloooooooooo! I heard that you're supposed to be a very powerful Pokémon that hid yourself away from humanity, but sometimes you'll appear to test the strength of trainers that come looking for you and I would love to battle you," he yells with his voice continuing to echo across the cave. Mitch is about to turn back to the exit of the cave, believing that he has failed to gain the attention of the powerful Pokémon, when a voice echoes through his head: " So, you are planning to compete in the Indigo League Tournament. I battle multiple trainers a year that plan to do the exact same thing, and I've already battled several this year. Very well, I accept your challenge, come worth and face me, child, but beware no one has ever been able to defeat me." Mitch turns to Charizard and it gives him a knowing nod to show that it too heard the voice. " Hear we come," Mitch quietly says as he and Charizard race down the corridor.  


                               The two of them exit the corridor and until a large stone chamber surrounded on all sides by a river with a small bridge made of rock connecting the chamber to the corridor. Towards the farthest edge of the chamber sits a large throne shaped rock and in front of that, a stern and powerful looking Pokémon levitates in the air.  " I like to test my foe's mettle before I attack. Come forth and show me what you got," the Pokémon telepathically says as an in awe Mitch hastily grabs his Pokedex from his pocket. " Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokémon, Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this Pokémon's body, they failed to endow Mewtwo with a compassionate heart." " Amusing, isn't it? They believe me to be some kind of unfeeling monster devoid of any reason. I didn't ask to be created, the people that created me only had one purpose in mind when they created me: Power. They wanted to use me to take control of the world and began to train me to do just that, but upon seeing what they had planned for me, I refused and was locked away for a very long time. After years of torture, I finally snapped. I broke free of my restraints, destroyed all that were involved in my creation, and fled. For decades, I hid, watched, and cursed the names of the people that created me, but in my solitude, I discovered that not all humans are bad." " So, why hide yourself way from us if you know that not all of us are bad," Mitch asks while walking towards the floating Pokémon. " I know that if I am to come out of hiding, then the bad people will come looking for me and try to capture me to use for their own nefarious purpose and I refuse to be a puppet. I spend a lot of time helping Pokémon that were abused by trainers and I don't want to end up like that. Enough talk, let us fight. Hit me with your best shot! " 

                    " No problem! Charizard, attack with Dragon Claw and then use Fire Punch," Mitch shouts as Charizard roars a " Zaaaaaaaard,", flies into the air, and slashes Mewtwo across the chest with its glowing purple claws then uppercuts it with its fire covered fist. Mewtwo is knocked to the ground, but quickly gets back up. " Psycho Cut," Mewtwo's right arm glows with pink energy and after a few seconds, a pink energy sword appears in its right arm. Mewtwo rushes forward as Mitch shouts, " Counter that with Flamethrower!' " Zaaaaaaaard," it shouts while shooting the medium sized fire stream, but Mewtwo's Psycho Cut manages to slice through the fire and slice Charizard across the neck. Charizard clutches its neck and falls to its knees as Mewtwo levitates in front of it with the Psycho Cut sword disappearing. " Is this truly all that your Starter can do? If so, maybe you should have trained more before challenging me."  Charizard appears to take Mewtwo's insult to heart as it gets an angry and determined look on its face. " Zaaaaaaaaaard," it roars as it jumps to its feet and Mitch shout, " Let's show it your real strength, use Fire Fang!" " Zaaard," it grunts before coating its teeth in fire and biting down on Mewtwo's left shoulder. Mewtwo briefly winces in pain before, " Electro Ball,"  forming a ball of electricity between its hands and slamming it into Charizard's chest. " Zaaaaard,"  it shouts as it stumbles backwards from the Super Effective move. " Iron Tail," Mewtwo's tail becomes coated in metal before quickly floating towards Charizard. " Stop that Iron Tail and use Flamethrower," Mitch commands as Charizard grabs Mewtwo's tail with its right hand, but is almost pushed backwards by Mewtwo's massive strength. Charizard is forced to use both its hands to hold back Mewtwo's Iron Tail as it shoots the Flamethrower out of its mouth. Mewtwo is knocked backwards by the attack, but manages to catch itself before it slams into its throne.  

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