Dratini River

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                           Mitch and Charizard walk down a very tight dirt path. To their right, sits a very large unclimbable mountain and to their left is a fast moving river with some calm spots in it. As they walk, Mitch pulls a map out of his backpack and begins to look over it. " Ok, according to the map, this path should get bigger and bigger as we continue down it and it will eventually end at one of the entrances to Saffron City," Mitch explains as Charizard nods a " Zard, Zard," in understanding. The two of them continue down the path in silence and just like the map said, the path begins to get bigger the more they walk. The two of them begin to hear a noise up ahead as the silhouette of someone running appears in the distance. 

               It's a trainer that is carrying a knocked out Dugtrio in his arms(no, its bottom half can't be seen, sorry, but that's part of the mystery of Diglett and Dugtrio isn't it) and has a fishing rod attached to his back. " Hang on, Dugtrio, I'll get you to a Pokemon Center as quick as I can," he can be heard saying as he approaches a confused Mitch and Charizard, " I wonder what that is about," Mitch says as he feels around in his pocket for his Pokedex. " Dugtrio, the Mole Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Diglett, Its three heads bob separately up and down to loosen the soil nearby, making it easier for it to burrow." " Hey, what happened," Mitch asks before the trainer can run out of sight. " According to rumors, this river has a large population of Dratini living in and they like to rest in the calm parts of the river. I wanted to see if the rumors were true, so I came here to fish for one. I ended up reeling one in, but it was a little too much for my Dugtrio to handle and we ended up losing pretty badly. I have to go before Dugtrio somehow hurts itself even more," he says as he continues to run.

                    " A Dratini? I've heard stories that say that they are very hard Pokemon to find. What do you say, Charizard, you want to try to add a Dratini to our ever growing group of Pokemon,"  " Chaaaaaaariiiiizaaaard," it roars in agreement while firing a Dragon Rage into the sky. Mitch grabs his fishing rod out of his backpack( It's a Pokemon backpack, they're magic and things like bikes can fit in them. Don't question it)  and runs down to a calm part of the river and throws his line into the water. A few minutes later, something tugs on the line and Mitch quickly reels it in. " Karp, Karp, Magikarp, Karp," a Magikarp shouts as it lands on the bank next to Mitch. " Of course," Mitch says as he and Charizard sweatdrop and he pulls out his Pokedex to scan the Water Type. " Magikarp, the Fish Pokemon, it is said to be the world's weakest Pokémon. No one knows why it has managed to survive." " Sorry, big guy, call me if you ever become a Gyarados," Mitch says as he throw the Magikarp back into the river and Charizard, realizing that it's probably going to be a while before a Dratini pops out, lays down in for a nap. 

................................................................................................................................................................                  Mitch is struggling to reel something in as he whispers " Please don't be Magikarp number 32," Eventually, " Cool, Cool, Tentacool," a Tentacool is pulled out of the water and lands next to Mitch as he scans in on the Pokedex. " Tentacool, the Jellyfish Pokemon, Tentacool absorbs sunlight and refracts it using water inside its body to convert it into beam energy. This Pokémon shoots beams from the small round organ above its eyes."  Mitch barely dodges a Poison Jab from the angry Pokemon as he yells " Charizard, use Dragon Pulse to scare this Tentacool away."  Charizard bolts up from a deep sleep, scares away some Psyduck that were playing on its belly, and fires the large ball of purple energy out of its mouth. The Dragon Pulse slams into Tentacool and sends it flying back into the water as it screams " Cooooooollll," in pain. One of the spooked Psyduck runs past Mitch as he thanks Charizard and goes back to fishing and the Fire/ Flying type goes back to sleep. 

................................................................................................................................................................                         It's a few hours until sunset and Mitch is about to call it a day when he gets another bite. " Ok, here's Magikarp number 76 or Tentacool number 34," he says as he reels the line in. " Dra, Tini, Tini, Dratini," a Dratini shouts as it is pulled out of the water and lands next to Mitch in a battle stance. " No way," Mitch excitedly shouts as he pulls out his Pokedex. " Dratini, the Dragon Pokemon, Dratini dwells near bodies of rapidly flowing water, such as the plunge pools of waterfalls. As it grows, Dratini will shed its skin many times." " Ivysaur, I choose you," Mitch exclaims as he throws a Poke Ball into the air. " Ivy, Ivy, Ivysaur," it shouts as it lands in front of Dratini and Mitch yells " Use Skull Bash."  Ivysaur's head briefly glows white as it rushes forward to slam its head into Dratini, but Dratini jumps over Ivysaur to dodge the attack. " Oh, no you don't! Ivysaur, catch it with your vines and use Sleep Powder," Mitch yells as " Ivvyyyyysaaaaur," the vines that are normally used for Ivysaur's Vine Whip shoot out of its back and grab a still airborne Dratini. " Tini," it worriedly says as Ivysaur fires a bunch of white dust of out of its bulb at the Dragon Type. Dratini breathes in the Sleep Powder and almost immediately falls asleep as Ivysaur gently sets it back on the ground. " Poke Ball, go," Mitch says as he throws the ball and it hits Dratini on the head. Dratini is sucked and the ball shakes for almost three minutes before the capture noise goes off. " Yes! We just caught a Dratini," Mitch shouts as he picks up the Ball containing his new Pokemon and sends it to Oak's lab using the button on his Pokedex. Mitch turns to Ivysaur and Charizard ( who was woken up by all the commotion) and says " You guys ready to get to Saffron City?"  " Ivy, Saur, Saur, Ivysaur," " Zard, Char, Zard, Charizard," they smile and nod.        

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