Duplicate Duels

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                     Lightning crackles, thunder booms, and rain pours out of a dark and stormy sky.  The ocean below is restless with large waves crashing into each other, rapidly moving water becoming faster by the minute, and the wind blowing as fast as a bullet train. It then pans over to show a large island that is covered almost entirely by large mountains and deep inside a cave in one of those mountains, Mitch sits by a campfire. This large storm has forced him and his Pokémon to take shelter and he plans to get going once the storm subsides. Charizard sits to his left side and munches on an Wepear Berry, Primeape sits to his right side and nibbles on what's left of an apple, Beedrill sits on top of a large boulder that is against the wall as Seadra takes a nap at the bottom of it, and Oddish and Ivysaur quietly roughhouse with each other. 

                   Suddenly, they hear a noise coming from the darkened section of the cave and they all quickly jump to their feet, except Seadra, who is too deep asleep to notice anything. " Whatever you are, stop hiding and come out," Mitch shouts as he and his Pokémon prepare themselves for a fight. The thing that is in the darkness, steps forward revealing itself to be........Mitch!? " Whaaaaaaat," a shocked and confused Mitch shouts as Beedrill, Primeape, Ivysaur, and Oddish get confused looks on their faces. The noise from Mitch's shouting wakes up Seadra and she hops over to see what is going on and gets a dumbfounded look on her face upon seeing the copy of Mitch, " Seeadraaa?" However, Charizard begins sniffing the air and quickly turns to the real Mitch and says " Zard, Zard," while pointing at something in his pocket. " What you want me to use the Pokedex on myself? Okay, it's worth a shot," he says as he pulls the mechanical encyclopedia out of his pocket and points it at his copy. " Ditto, the Transform Pokémon, it can reorganize its cells to make itself into a duplicate of anything it sees. The quality of the duplicate depends on the individual."

                " Dit, Dit, Ditto," the copy of Mitch nervously says before it begins to glow multicolored and changes back into its original form with an eager look on its face. Mitch gets a similar eager look on his face before turning to his party, and as if they are reading his mind, they all eagerly smile back and nod. Mitch turns back to Ditto and says, " Hey, Ditto, we're trying to find a way to pass the time until this storm is over, would you like to see how long you can last in a fight with some of my Pokémon?" " Diiittttto," it eagerly shouts before it glows multicolored and turns into a copy of Beedrill. " Bee, Bee, Beedrill," Beedrill shouts as it flies forward to fight its copy. " Use Pin Missile," Mitch shouts as Beedrill fires the multiple yellowish green energy spikes out of its large stinger as the stinger glows yellowish green. However, Ditto creates a large clear bubble around its body and the spikes harmlessly explode on it. The bubble fades away as Ditto rushes forward with both of its hand stingers glowing yellowish green for a Twineedle attack. " Two can play at that game, Beedrill use Protect and then use your Twineedle," Mitch shouts as Beedrill summon a protective clear Protect bubble around itself, stopping Ditto's Twineedle from hitting it. The bubble fades as Beedrill slams its glowing yellowish green stingers into Ditto. 

               Ditto ends up slamming into the wall and when it lands its body begins to glow multicolored as it transforms again, this time into Seadra. Ditto gets an eager look on its face as Seadra takes Beedrill's place. " Ditttttttttttttooooooo," it shouts as it fires a big beam of bright red energy out of its mouth. " Draaaaaaaaaaa," Seadra shouts as the Hyper Beam slams into her and knocks her against the wall, however once she recovers. her and Mitch both grin as they know something that Ditto most likely doesn't know: you have to recharge after using Hyper Beam. Their theory is proven correct when Ditto gets a confused look on its face after realizing that it is unable to move, " Dit?" " Use Twister," Mitch commands as " Draaaaaaaaaa," Seadra shouts as she fires a tornado of green dragon energy out of her mouth. The Twister slams into Ditto, sucks it inside, and begins to roughly spin it around before exploding. " Tooooooooooo," it shouts as it hits the ground and Mitch shouts, " hit it with Dragon Pulse!"  " Seeeeeadraaaa," she shouts as she fires the big ball of purple energy out of her mouth. " Dittttttttttto," it shouts as the attack explodes on its side and knocks it against the wall. It struggles back up as its body glows multicolored and it once again changes form, this time into Charizard.

                  Seadra hops back to her original position as Charizard steps forward to take her place. " Dittttttoooooo," it shouts as it rushes forward with its right claws coated in metal. " Counter that Metal Claw with Fire Punch," Mitch shouts as Charizard covers its right arm in fire and slams it into Ditto's Metal Claw. However, as the two of them are clashing, Ditto slams its head into Charizard's head for a Headbutt attack, dazing it and unbalancing it, allowing Ditto to slash it in the chest with Metal Claw. " Ditttttoooooo," it shouts as it lunges forward for a Fire Fang, but Mitch yells, " Use Scary Face and then Slash!" " Zaaaaaard," it shouts as its eyes glow bright red and Ditto is forced to stop its attack as its body glows red to signify that its speed has been lowered. " Zaaaaaaard," it shouts as it slashes Ditto across the face with its white extended claws. " Ditttttt," it shouts as it falls against the wall, before firing a Flamethrower out of its mouth. " Use Fire Punch to push forward," Mitch shouts as Charizard once again covers its right arm in fire and rushes forward to slam it into the incoming fire stream. Charizard punches the Flamethrower and starts to push through it and to the surprise of everyone, a lot of the fire from Flamethrower is absorbed into the fire of Fire Punch to the point that when Charizard gets close to Ditto, the fire on its arm is weighing it down, causing it to struggle to lift its arm as it throws the punch. " Chaaaaaaaaaariiiiiizaaaaaaaaard," it shouts as it summons the strength to lift its fist and slam it into Ditto's face. " Dittttttttttoooooo," it shouts as it falls to the ground and changes back to its original form with spirals in its eyes. Charizard slowly moves out of the way as Mitch prepares to throw a Poke Ball at Ditto, but right when Mitch is about to throw it, Ditto regains consciousness, transforms into an Abra, and teleports away. 

                " I guess Ditto wasn't quite ready to be captured yet," Mitch says before realizing something. He turns to his party and says " Do you guys hear that?" They all shrug as a way to say no as Mitch shouts, " exactly," and begins to run towards the cave entrance with his team following him. Eventually, they reach the cave entrance and look out to see that the stormy weather is gone and has been replaced with calm and tranquil weather.   " Looks like the storm is over, so how about when get back on our way to Cinnabar Island," Mitch says as his Pokémon all shout in agreement. Unbeknownst to them, Ditto, in the form of a Weedle, watches them from the darkness of the cave before transforming into a Zubat and flying further back into the cave as Mitch and his team exit the cave.                       

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