Indigo League: Round 3

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                              " Our next battle will now take place on a Water Battlefield! Now remember folks, we do things a little differently with this battlefield. Unlike the four other battlefields, trainers are told beforehand that they are going to battle on the Water Battlefield, so they can register appropriate Pokémon for this type of terrain," the announcer explains as a battlefield of water,  with some platforms in it similar to the ones at the Cerulean City Gym and the ones that were used in the Periwinkle Lake Battle Tournament, rises up out of the ground. Mitch and another trainer walk out from the inside of the stadium as the crowd cheers and the announcer yells, " and here are our two competitors. In the left corner, we have Terrence Belen from Malachite Town and in the right corner, we have Mitch Harper from Pallet Town!" Mitch and Terrence take their positions as the jumbotrons rapidly switch between images of Mitch's face and images of Terrence's face. The jumbotrons stop on Mitch's face and the announcer screams, " Mitch gets the first move. Begin the battle!"

                       " Lapras, I choose you," Mitch exclaims as he throws the Poke Ball holding Lapras into the air. " Lap, Lapras, Lap, Lap, Lapras," it cries as it lands in the water with a loud splash. " Let's go, Kingler," Terrence hollers while throwing his Poke Ball into the air.  " King, Ler, Ler, Kingler," it shouts as it lands on one of the platforms. " Lapras, use Sing," Mitch orders as, " La, Laa, Laa, Laa, La, Laa," it sings while a bunch of colorful music notes fly out of its mouth. "Jump underwater and then use Metal Claw," Terrence commands as Kingler jumps into the water and dives underneath the surface, causing the Sing notes to hit nothing.  Lapras desperately looks around in an attempt to see what direction Kingler is coming from, but fails as Kingler jumps up out of the water behind Lapras and slams its metal coated giant claw into its back. " Laaaaaap," Lapras cries in pain while Kingler lands on a platform a few feet from it and Terrence mumbles, " Use Crabhammer." " Kinggg," it cries as its larger claw glows white and it jumps at Lapras. However, Water Absorb is activated the second that Kingler hits Lapras, causing Lapras to gain HP instead of losing it. Kingler stares in shock as Mitch shouts, " Use Hydro Pump while it's distracted!" " Laaaaaaaaaaaaap," it cries while firing the large stream of water out of its mouth. Kingler is unable to react fast enough as the attack slams into it and knocks it against the wall. It lies on the ground for a few seconds before managing to get back on its feet right when Terrence commands it to, " attack with Metal Claw again." " Leeer," it shouts as it jumps at Lapras with its metal coated giant claw outstretched. " Use Ice Shard on its claw," Mitch quickly commands. 

                  " Raaaaaaaaaaaas," Lapras screeches as it fires a small beam out of its mouth. The Ice Shard hits Kingler's claw and freezes it, forcing it to stop its Metal Claw. Kingler lands on a platform and desperately tries to break the ice on its claw. " Use Body Slam," Mitch exclaims as Lapras jumps into the air and falls down on top of Kingler with all of its body weight.  Lapras hops off of Kingler and lands back in the water as Kingler lies on its back with spirals in its eyes. " Kingler is out!  Great strategy by Mitch, stopping an attack by freezing a body part and then attacking the opposing Pokémon while it's distracted. Does Terrence have a way to counter Lapras," the announcer screams while Terrence recalls Kingler. " Poliwrath, I choose you," he says while throwing a Safari Ball into the air. 

                      " Wrath, Wrath, Poli, Poliwrath, Wrath," it screams as it lands in the battlefield and flexes its muscles. " Lapras, use Hydro Pump," Mitch orders as Lapras fires the large stream of water out of its mouth. However, Terrence eagerly grins and shouts " Bad Move! Poliwrath jump forward and then use Dynamic Punch! " Wraaath," it shouts as it jumps forward and to Mitch's shock and horror, the Hydro Pump is absorbed into its body: Terrence's Poliwrath has Water Absorb as its ability too! Poliwrath's right fist glows with crimson red energy as it punches Lapras in the chest right below its neck. " Raaaaaaaas," it cries as the Dynamic Punch knocks it backwards. It slams into the wall and lands at the bottom with spirals in its eyes. " Mitch has his own Water Absorb thrown back in his face! Great move by Terrence," the announcer shouts. Mitch recalls Lapras to its Poke Ball and throws another one into the air while shouting, " I choose Seadra!"  

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