The Trouble With Ekans

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                        A view of a very large forest is shown before it pans down to a very large meadow that is located towards the center of the forest. The meadow is large enough to have a big town in it and still have a few football fields worth of meadow left over. At the entrance to this town, stand Mitch and Charizard staring down at their map and guidebook . " According to an unconfirmed legend, Malachite Town is located so deep in Malachite Forest because it started out as a small village that was built by people that were trying to escape warring tribes. They thought it they built the town deep enough in the forest, it would keep those warriors out and it worked because they ended up avoided the entire war in here, but decided to stay because they had gotten so use to life in the forest and over time the town was built up into what it is today," Mitch says as he reads from his guidebook. The two of walk through the town while looking around. There are many regular houses in the town, but there are also many different shops selling things like berries, mushrooms, herbs, fruits, and other forest things.

                         As they continue to walk, they hear a pleading voice screaming, " help, help, somebody help." Before they have time to react, an elderly woman with a purple dress and black and red shoes nearly collides with Mitch, but Charizard reacts just in time to pull Mitch out of the way. The woman, who is accompanied by a Parasect and a Vileplume, stops running and walks back to Mitch. " Sorry to bother you young man, but I have a little problem at my house that I think a Pokemon Trainer could help me solve. My name is Edna and this is Parasect and Vileplume and i'm assuming by the fact that you don't look like you're from here and you have a Charizard that you are a trainer," she asks as Parasect and Vileplume let out hello cries, " Para, Sect, Parasect, " Vile, Vile, Vileplume."  " Yeah, my name's Mitch and I'm not in any hurry, so I guess we can come and help you out with whatever is bothering you," " Thank you, Mitch, I'll take you to where my house is and explain everything there."  As they walk to Edna's house, Mitch takes the time to scan Parasect, a Pokemon he hasn't seen on his journey yet, on the Pokedex. " Parasect, the Mushroom Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Paras, a mushroom grown larger than the host's body controls Parasect. It scatters poisonous spores." 

................................................................................................................................................................            Edna's house is on the outskirts of Malachite Town and is just a few feet away from the forest. It is a medium sized purple house with a large red deck attached to the side of it that faces the town. Mitch, his Pokemon( he has swapped his team around since the last chapter as Mankey and Gastly have replaced Snorlax and Blastoise meaning that his party consists of Charizard, Mankey, Gastly, Horsea, Beedrill, and Ivysaur) and Edna's Pokemon sit on the deck. Mitch sets at a table while the Pokemon eat special food , made from ingredients found in the forest, out of bowls. Aside from Parasect and Vileplume, Edna has three other pokemon, so Mitch takes the time to look them up on the Pokedex. " Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokemon, Meowth withdraws its sharp claws into its paws to sneak about without making any incriminating footsteps. For some reason, this Pokémon loves shiny coins that glitter with light." " Persian, the Classy Cat Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Meowth, getting this prideful Pokémon to warm up to you takes a lot of effort, and it will claw at you the moment it gets annoyed." " Scyther, the Mantis Pokemon, as Scyther fights more and more battles, its scythes become sharper and sharper. With a single slice, Scyther can fell a massive tree."  Mitch notes that most of Edna's Pokemon look very old and tired, Meowth is the most energetic of her Pokemon, but it tires out quickly when it does anything active. 

               Edna walks out on the deck using a door that connects the deck to the house, hands Mitch a big glass of lemonade, and sits down at the table with him. " Ok, here it goes. For the last few weeks, a small group of Ekans has been coming out of the forest at dusk, spreading out around my house, and just staring at it. They haven't attacked yet, but I feel like someday they will and as you can see, my Pokemon are all too old and tire out too easily to be able to fight off that many Ekans, so I think if you fight them using your Pokemon, they'll be scared off and leave me alone." Mitch takes his Pokedex back out and looks up Ekans on it. " Ekans, the Snake Pokemon, it always hides in grass. When first born, it has no poison, so its bite is painful, but harmless." " Do you have any idea why they would be doing that," Mitch asks as he puts his Pokedex away. " I guess you can say, revenge," she says as she gets a very sad look on her face, " What do you mean by revenge?"  " Well, as you can see I only have five Pokemon, but when I was younger and on my journey, I had six. My sixth Pokemon was a very special Ekans. I remember that I had a bright purple bow wrapped around its tail. One day, I was running in a very heavy rainstorm and I ended up tripping and falling on the ground. I managed to get back up and continue on my way, but I didn't find out until a long time later that the Poke Ball that had Ekans in it had fallen off of my belt when I fell. I retraced my steps to where I feel and found the empty Poke Ball with no signs of Ekans anywhere," she says as she sets an empty Poke Ball down on the table while holding back tears. " I searched for days and eventually, I realized that it was probably a lost cause and even if I did find Ekans it probably wouldn't want me as a trainer anymore because it would probably think that I abandoned it on purpose. I think that these Ekans are looking for revenge for what I did and that's why they keep trying to torment me every night. I do feel bad for what I did to do Ekans and I torture myself everyday with thoughts of what I should have done, but there's nothing I can do about it now. Behind them, a big bush in the forest shakes for a few seconds before whatever is in it quickly darts off causing it to be unseen by everyone.

................................................................................................................................................................                 A few hours later, it's dusk and Mitch and his Pokemon stand in front of Edna's house facing the forest while Edna and her Pokemon watch from the deck. Eventually, the Ekans group begins to crawl out of the forest, but stop upon seeing Mitch. " Let's teach these guys a lesson! Everyone, attack!" " Chaaaaaaarizaaaaard," " Ivyyyyysaaaaaur,"  " Beeeeeeedrill," " Hooooorseeeeaaaa," Maaaaaaankeeeeeey" " Gggggggggggaaaaastly," they all shout as they jump/ fly at the Ekans. Before anything can happen  "Arrrrrrrrrbooooooook," a big shadow jumps out of the forest and lands in between the Ekans and Mitch's Pokemon. Mitch quickly grabs his Pokedex to scan the new arrival. " Arbok, the Cobra Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Ekans, this Pokemon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible." Arbok looks at Mitch's Pokemon and calmly says " Bok, Bok, Arbok," before it turns to the Ekans and shouts " Arbok, Arbok, Bok, Ar, Bok, Bok, Ar, Ar, Bok, Bok, Arbok, Bok, Bok, Arbok." The Ekans go back into the forest as Arbok turns to face Mitch. A confused Edna walks up to Mitch and is about to ask him what's going on when she sees Arbok and screams " Mitch, Mitch, look, look at its tail," Mitch looks at Arbok's tail and sees a bright purple bow wrapped around it. Mitch quickly realizes what is going on as Edna walks up to Arbok. 

                  " Is it you and did you hear what I said earlier and that's way you called off the Ekans group?" Arbok stares at Edna for a few seconds before it quickly lunges down and pulls her into a big hug. " So, do you forgive me," Edna asks as she holds up Arbok's Poke Ball. ( she technically didn't release it, so it doesn't actually count as a wild Pokemon meaning that no other trainer would have been able to catch it) Arbok smiles and touches the return button on the ball with its tail sucking it back into its Poke Ball for the first time in a long time. Mitch smiles before realizing something. There was something different about Edna's Arbok and it wasn't just the fact that it looked really old. " Hey, Edna, your Arbok is a different color than the image of the one in the Pokedex. I've heard stories about them, but I didn't think they were real. Is your Arbok a....... Shiny Pokemon?" Edna lets Arbok out of its Poke Ball before the two of them turn to Mitch and she says " Well, I did say in my story that my Ekans was special." Mitch gets a dumbfounded look on his face as Edna and Arbok begin to laugh.  


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