Indigo League: Round 5

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                            " Welcome back to another Fifth Round battle here on the Grass Battlefield," the announcer yells as a battlefield covered in grass rises up out of the ground. " For this match, we have Joe Hoffman from Pallet Town in the left corner and Mitch Harper from Pallet Town in the right corner! I've been told that both of this trainers have known each other since they were children, so this should be a interesting battle between two old friends," the announcer says, but is quickly silenced by both Mitch and Joe shouting, " we're not friends!" The two of them take their positions as the jumbotrons rapidly switch between images of their faces. As the jumbotrons are doing their thing, Joe confidently stares at Mitch and smirks as Mitch angrily stares back at him. The jumbotrons stop on Mitch's face and the announcer exclaims, " The first move goes to Mitch, let the battle begin!   

                            " Hitmonlee, I choose you," Mitch hollers as he tosses a Poke Ball into the air.  " Lee, Lee, Hitmonlee, Lee," he shouts while appearing in the battlefield.  " Alright, Hitmonlee, remember what I told you, I know that you and Hitmonchan love to take attacks head on instead of dodging them, but Joe is not an opponent to be underestimated, so for this battle, you have to dodge attacks when I tell you to," Mitch says while Hitmonlee silently nods to show that he understands. " Well, at least you're not being as stupid as you were with Hitmonchan in the last round. Fearow, let's end this loser as quick as possible," Joe says while throwing a Poke Ball into the air. " Fear, Fear, Fearow, Fear," it cries as it flies out of the ball and hovers above the battlefield. " Hitmonlee, use your Double Kick, "Mitch orders as both of Hitmonlee's feet glow white while it jumps at Fearow. " Use Agility," Joe mumbles as Fearow begins to move at lightning fast speed, causing Hitmonlee's attack to miss. " Finish it with Drill Peck," Joe orders  as Fearow appears behind Hitmonlee and stabs it in the back with its glowing white, spinning beak. 

                          Hitmonlee stumbles for a few seconds, but manages to stop itself in time for Mitch to shout, " use your Blaze Kick!" " Leeeeeeeeee," it screams as it turns around and kicks Fearow in the face with its fire covered right leg. " Feeeeaaaar," it cries as it briefly hits the ground, but manages to get back into the air. " Well, looks like somebody has been doing some training, whatever, you're still going down! Fearow, use Sky Attack," Joe says as Fearow flies high into the sky and its body starts glowing with gold energy. " Feeeeeearooooow," it exclaims as it flies down towards Hitmonlee. " Use Close Combat," Mitch commands while Hitmonlee jumps at the incoming Fearow and repeatedly punches, kicks, and headbutts it. " Feeeeearooooooow," it cries and is almost forced to stop its Sky Attack because of the pain, but manages to fight through it and continue its attack, slamming Hitmonlee into the ground. Hitmonlee lies on the ground for a few seconds, but, to Joe's shock, manages to get back to its feet. " Use Fury Attack," Joe angrily shouts as Fearow's beak briefly glows white before it flies at Hitmonlee. " Dodge it and use Double Kick," Mitch shouts whilst Hitmonlee avoids Fearow's attack by jumping to the side. " Leeeeeeee," it slams both of its glowing white feet into Fearow.

                       Fearow is knocked to the ground and struggles to get back up as Mitch yells, " Great job dodging, Hitmonlee!" Joe angrily grits his teeth and screams, " You still get overconfident too quickly! Fearow, use Hyper Beam!" " Feeeeeeeeeeaaaaaroooooooow," it yells while firing a big beam of bright red energy out of its mouth.  " Leeeeeeeeeeeee," Hitmonlee cries out in pain as the powerful attack hits it and slams it against the stadium wall, knocking it out upon impact. " What was that Joe!? You criticized me in our last battle for using Hyper Beam so early in a battle!," Mitch yells while returning Hitmonlee to its Poke Ball. " Here's the thing, loser, I know that Fearow can take plenty more hits from whichever of your loser Pokémon that you send out next," he says with a smirk as Mitch grabs a Poke Ball off his belt. " Looks like Mitch is about to bring out his next Pokémon, will whatever it is being able to handle Fearow or is Joe correct in his assumption about Mitch's Pokémon," the announcer says while the crowd curiously stares at Mitch. " Think that I don't have any powerful Pokémon? I'll just have to prove you wrong! I choose you!" 

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