The Long Road to Victory

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                        " Let's see, the Boulder Badge from the Pewter City Gym( a flashback of Charmander slamming its Metal Claw into Onix's head is shown), the Cascade Badge from the Cerulean City Gym( a flashback of Bulbasaur repeatedly slapping Starmie across the face with Vine Whip is shown), the Thunder Badge from the Vermillion City Gym( a flashback of Charmeleon using a Blaze boosted Ember on Raichu is shown), the Rainbow Badge from the Celadon City Gym( a flashback of Charmeleon stopping Vileplume's Poison Powder with Scary Face and then using Flamethrower on it is shown), the Soul Badge from the Fuchsia City Gym( a flashback of Snorlax falling on to Golbat with Body Slam is shown), the Marsh Badge from the Saffron City Gym( a flashback of Charizard knocking Alakazam against the wall with Flamethrower is shown), the Volcano Badge from the Cinnabar Island Gym( a flashback of Blastoise hitting Magmar with an up close Torrent boosted Hydro Cannon is shown), and the Earth Badge from the Viridian City Gym.( a flashback of Charizard slashing Nidoqueen across the chest with Dragon Claw is shown) Okay, these badges all check out, you are officially signed up for the Indigo League, Mr. Harper. We can't wait to see you battle tomorrow," says as lady typing at a computer.  

                        " I can't wait," Mitch excitedly shouts as Charizard roars a " Zaaaaaard," in agreement. " Excellent. The first five rounds will be three on three battles then the rest of the tournament will consist of six on six full battles. In addition, there are five different types of battlefield, Ice, Rock, Grass, Water, and Dirt, meaning that your first five battles will be on different battlefields and you won't get a repeat battlefield until the 6th round. The Pokémon that you use must be predetermined before each battle and registered into the system before your match begins. Any questions?" " Not a one," Mitch replies as the lady smiles and waves him off.  

                  Mitch and Charizard turn around and walk towards the doors as Mitch says " You want to go and do some last minute training on Victory Road?" However, they almost bump into another trainer before Charizard has time to answer. " Sorry, about that," Mitch apologizes to the stranger. " No problem, I think we've all been in a situation like this before," the tall, blond haired trainer with a black short sleeved shirt, cargo shorts, brown hiking boots, and a grey one strap backpack says as the strange looking Pokémon standing next to him says " Losion."  " What's that? I've never seen this Pokémon before," Mitch says as he grabs his Pokedex from his pocket only for it to say " No Data."  Mitch gets a confused look on his face as the other trainer and his mysterious Pokémon chuckle and grin. " Yeah, we get that a lot. I'm Chase Bolin and this is my starter, Typhlosion. We're from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. Last year, we competed in the Silver Conference there and after losing, we decided to come here to the Kanto Region to compete in the Indigo League." " That's amazing. I would love to see what this Johto Region is like. I'm Mitch Harper by the way and this is my starter, Charizard. We're from Pallet Town here in the Kanto Region and this will be our first league tournament," Mitch says as Charizard and Typhlosion stare at each other and smirk. " That's cool, but if you'll excuse us, we have to go sign up for the tournament while we still can. It was nice to meet you though," he says as he and Typhlosion. Mitch watches them walk away before turning to Charizard and saying " man, it sure would be great to battle him, but what are the odds that we'll even get to." " Zarrd, Zard," Charizard roars in agreement. 


                               " I'm Mogo and I challenge you to a two on two Pokémon battle," a trainer on Victory Road shouts while holding up a Poke Ball. " I accept your challenge. Primeape, I choose you," Mitch says while throwing a Poke Ball into the air. " Prime, Ape, Ape, Primeape" it shouts as it lands and Mogo throws his Poke Ball into the air while shouting, " I choose Golduck!" " Duck, Duck, Golduck," it shouts while having a stare down with Primeape. " Use Aqua Tail," Mogo shouts as his Golduck covers its tail in water and jumps at Primeape. " Dodge it and use Karate Chop," Mitch commands as Primeape avoids Golduck's attack by jumping over it, forms its glowing white left hand into a chop position, and hits Golduck on top of the head with it.  " Duuuuuuck," it shouts as it stumbles around in pain with its head spinning from the attack, allowing Mitch to scream, " use Cross Chop!" " Primmmmeaaaaaape," it shouts as both of its arms glow white and it uses them to form an X before jumping forward and slamming them into Golduck's back. " Duuuuuuuck," it shouts before it falls to the ground with spirals in its eyes. 

                       Mogo returns Golduck to its Poke Ball and throws another ball into the air. " Gol, Gol, Golbat," a Golbat shouts as it flies into the air. " Primeape, take a break. Grimer, I choose you,"  Mitch says as he returns Primeape and throws another Poke Ball into the air. " Grime, Grime, Grimer," Mitch's Grimer ( who I accidently forgot to include in " Mitch Vs. Oak) shouts as it lands in the battlefield. However, it appears that all the training that Mitch and his Pokémon have done has paid off as his Grimer almost immediately begins to glow in a blinding white light. The light fades away and Mitch's newly evolved Muk yells, " Muuuuuuuuuuuuuk," as he grabs his Pokedex from his pocket. " Muk, the Sludge Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Grimer, this Pokémon's favorite food is anything that is repugnantly filthy. In dirty towns where people think nothing of throwing away litter on the streets, Muk are certain to gather." " Alright, Muk, use Thunderbolt," Mitch exclaims as " Muuuuuuuuk," its body becomes surrounded in electricity before it fires a medium sized lightning bolt out of it. The attack hits Golbat, shocks it, and knocks it to the ground. It lands on the ground very hard with spirals in its eyes: It has been knocked out in one hit. 

                        An embarrassed looking Mogo returns his Golbat and quickly runs off as Mitch returns Muk jumps up and down in excitement at his victory and Charizard shoots a stream of fire into the air to celebrate.  " Great job, Mitch," a sweet and familiar voice shouts from behind them. They turn around just in time for Alexandra, with her Venusaur standing behind her, to run up and give both of them a big hug. " Nice to see you too. I take it this means that you have earned eight badges too," he says as he returns the hug while Charizard and Venusaur greet each other. " Yeah, it was tough, but we did it. I don't think I'm going to make it far, but considering what I just saw, you'll make it very hard. You might even win!" " Humph, fat chance, this loser probably won't even make it past the first round and even if he does, it will be through dumb luck," Joe says as he and his Blastoise stomp by on their way to sign up for the tournament. 

                    Mitch angrily glares at Joe and Charizard growls menacingly at Blastoise before being interrupting by a loud cry in the sky, " Treeeeeeeees!" Mitch, Charizard, Alexandra, and Venusaur stare into the sky and see a giant Pokémon flying through the sky, " Alexandra, is that a," " I think it is!" Mitch quickly grabs his Pokedex and scans the large Pokémon. " Moltres, the Flame Pokémon, Moltres is a legendary bird Pokémon that can control fire. If injured, it is said to dip its body in the molten magma of a volcano to burn and heal itself." The Legendary Pokémon flies out of sight as the group looks on in awe. A voice from behind them then says " The flame at the Indigo League Stadium was lit using the flame from a Moltres. So, in a way, Moltres will watch over all of us as we battle." They turn around to see Chase and his Typhlosion standing there. " A Legendary Pokémon watching us battle," a still in awe Mitch says as he returns his gaze to the direction that Moltres flew in.     

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