Rockslide In Rock Tunnel

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                   " Finish it with Bug Bite," Mitch orders as Weedle bites down on a Bellsprout's head causing it to collapse. After defeating Lt. Surge and earning the Thunder Badge, Mitch and his Pokemon made a long trek back through the Underground Path and up past Cerulean City. They are now nearing Rock Tunnel which they will need to go through in order to reach Lavender Town after that, they will have to go west to get to Celadon City. Mitch and his party have battled many trainers along the way and every member of his team has gotten a chance to fight. Mitch walks up to his victorious Weedle and hugs it before walking over to the trainer he just beat and giving him a friendly handshake as he returns his defeated Bellsprout to its ball. Mitch returns Weedle to its Poke Ball and he and Charmeleon, who was sunbathing on a rock while Mitch and Weedle battled, make their way down the rocky path they are on.


          Mitch and Charmeleon walk into a dimly lit cave and begin to look around. Flocks of Zubat fly through the air, a group of Machop wrestle with each other, some Cubone play with each other while being watched over by a bunch of Marowak, and a herd of Rhyhorn slowly lumber their way through the cave. " So, this is Rock Tunnel, its lit up enough to see, but I can see why people complain about getting lost in here. It may take us a little while, but i'm sure we'll make it to the other side," Mitch says as Charmeleon mumbles " Char," in agreement.

         Suddenly, the ground begins to shake unbalancing Mitch and Charmeleon as Mitch screams out " Whaaaaatttttsssss, gooooooiiiiinnnngggg oooooonnn." Some of the wild Pokemon run away in fear, but most of them stay where they are to prevent any injuries. Eventually, the shaking stops, but many rocks in the cave ceiling and cave sides were knocked loose by the little earthquake causing them to slowly begin plummeting dangerously to the ground. The first rocks begin to hit the ground as the wild Pokemon panic and begin to run around erratically. " Charmeleon, we have to stop those rocks, use Metal Claw," " Charmeleon, Chaaar," it shouts as it runs and jumps around destroying many falling rocks with its metallic claw. Eventually, Mitch sees that Charmeleon won't be enough " Everyone, come out and help Charmeleon destroy those rocks." " Pidgey, Pidge," " Mankey, Mankey," " Weedle, Wee, Weedle," " Bulba, Bulba, Saur," "Squirtle, Squirt, Squirt," they all shout in unison as they appear from their Poke Balls. Pidgey blows rocks against the wall, shattering them on impact, with Gust, Mankey shatters them with its Karate Chop and Low Kick attacks, Bulbasaur cuts them up with Razor Leaf and throws some of them into the wall with Vine Whip, Squirtle sends them back flying back to the ceiling to shatter against it with its Water Gun, but Weedle struggles to destroy a rock with Poison Sting and quickly tires out. " Weedle, look out," Mitch screams as the rock almost collides with the tiny Pokemon, but its body glows a blinding light and Weedle is quickly replaced by a Kakuna. Kakuna's body briefly glows white as the rock slams into it and shatters on impact. " You evolved into a Kakuna and learned Harden," Mitch happily exclaims as he pulls out his Pokedex. " Kakuna, the Cocoon Pokemon, the evolved form of Weedle, Kakuna appears motionless from the outside, but inside its shell, it's busily preparing to evolve. Sometimes the shell heats up from this activity.

          Eventually, Mitch's tired out party manages to get rid of all of the falling rocks. They all walk, fly, and bounce( Kakuna) up to their trainer and fall to the ground struggling to catch their breaths. " Great job, guys, but I wonder what caused that earthquake," Mitch says. " Gooooooooleeeeeeeem," something shouts of the darkness of the cave. " What was that," Mitch exclaims as all six of his Pokemon jump up and prepare themselves for a fight. Out of the darkness, comes a Golem. Mitch grabs his Pokedex and points it at the strong looking pokemon. " Golem, the Megaton Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Graveler and the final Evolved Form of Geodude, Golem's annual molt leaves behind a shell that makes for good fertilizer when incorporated into the soil. This Pokemon can easily stand up to an explosion, but it really hates getting wet."  " Go, Go, Gol, Golem," it shouts as it starts using a small Magnitude attack.  This Magnitude is so weak that Mitch and his party are unaffected by it. " So, that quake must have been Golem practicing its Magnitude attack. Golem, please stop, go practice somewhere else," Mitch yells. " Gol, Gol, Gol, Golem, Gol," it screams as it shakes its head to say no. 

      " Fine, Squirtle, use Water Gun on Golem," Mitch orders. " Squiiiirttllle," it shouts as it shoots a small stream of water at Golem. The Rock/Ground Type is forced to stop its attack as it screams in pain from the Super Effective move. Squirtle continues its attack until Golem is forced to retreat out of the cave. " We did it, guys," Mitch screams as all of his Pokemon fall back to the ground, still extremely tired from all the work they have done. " Ok, how about we go to that Pokemon Center i saw a little ways back and rest up before we continue through Rock Tunnel." " Char," " Pidge," " Mank," " Kakun," " Bulba," " Squirt," they all weakly shout in agreement.             

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