Welcome to the Safari Zone

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                            Mitch and Charmeleon stand at a counter as the two of them anxiously tap their fingers ( claws in Charmeleon's case) on the counter.  Eventually, a young woman wearing a safari outfit comes up to the counter. In her left hand she carries a small bag full of Poke Balls, but these balls are colored camouflage on top instead of  the normal red color. " Here are your 30 Safari Balls. Remember, you are only allowed to use these special balls while you are here and if you run out you have to come back out. We will be tracking the time that you are in there and after 2 hours, we will call you on the megaphone and say that your allowed time to be in there is up. You are not allowed to use your Pokemon to fight the wild Pokemon in here. That Charmeleon can stay out of its ball, but it is not allowed to use an attack on another Pokemon. Any questions?," she politely asks. " No, but thank you for explaining the rules to me, I'll catch ( pun intended) you later," Mitch says as he takes the bag of Safari Balls and walks through a nearby door that leads outside.

               Mitch and Charmeleon stare out at the environment in front of them. A vast grassland with many bodies of water and surrounded on all sides by a large forest sits in front of them. A large herd of Tauros grazes in the far distance as groups of Pidgeotto rest on their backs, some Slowpoke bask in the sun near a large pond, and some Graveler wrestle each other. " Wow, the Safari Zone is beautiful," Mitch says as Charmeleon nods a " Char, Meleon, Char," in agreement. " So, let's try to get us some more team members," Mitch excitedly exclaims as he pulls a Safari Ball from the bag " Char, Char, Char, Char, Meleon," it excitedly shouts as it points at something. " What is it," Mitch asks as he turns in the direction that Charmeleon is pointing in. " Ab, Ab, Ab, Abra, Ab," an Abra snores as it sleeps against a small boulder. Mitch pulls out his Pokedex to scan it. " Abra, the Psi Pokemon, even while Abra is sleeping, which is most of the time, it can escape a foe by teleporting away. Sometimes it wakes to find itself in an unfamiliar location and gets scared." " Ok, here goes nothing. Go, Safari Ball," Mitch shouts as he throws the camo colored ball at the Psychic Type, but Abra uses Teleport to escape at the last second causing the Safari Ball to shatter against the boulder. " Well, that was a waste of a ball," Mitch says as he and Charmeleon sweatdrop. A nearby bush begins to rustle as Mitch quickly turns to face it.  " I don't really care what it is, go, Safari Ball," Mitch exclaims as he throws the ball into the bush. The sound of the capture noise is made as Mitch runs over and picks up the Safari Ball ( which is closed up due to Mitch having 6 Pokemon in his party at the moment and uses a feature on his Pokedex to scan whatever Pokemon is in it. " Nidoran male, the Poison Pin Pokemon, male Nidoran have excellent hearing and, thanks to their specialized muscles, they can move and rotate their ears to pick up the slightest sounds." " Ok, I guess we have a Nidoran now," Mitch says as he sends the Safari Ball to Oak's lab using his Pokedex.


                Mitch and Charmeleon walk through a meadow looking for Pokemon. The ground begins to shake slightly as the two of them anxiously look around. " What's going o," " Poooooonnnnnyyytaaaaa," a loud noise interrupts Mitch's sentence as a large herd of Ponyta stampede into the meadow. In one quick motion, Mitch grabs a Safari Ball, jumps in front of the stampede, throws the ball into the herd, and jumps out of the way just in time to avoid being trampled. The herd passes through the meadow and after the dust settles, the still shaking Safari Ball sits on the ground. The two of them anxiously stare at it and after a few minutes, the capture noise goes off. " Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokemon, at the beginning of its life, Ponyta's legs are too weak to hold it up. It quickly learns to run by chasing after its elders," the Pokedex says as Mitch sends the Fire Type to Oak.


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