Indigo League: Round 2

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                           " It looks like our next battle is going to take place on a Dirt Battlefield," the announcer says as a normal dirt covered battlefield rises up out of the ground. " It looks like our two competitors have arrived! In the left corner, we have Natalie Brodie from Alabaster City and in the right corner, we have Mitch Harper from Pallet Town!" The crowd cheers as Mitch and a female trainer walk out from the inside the stadium and take their positions on their respective sides of the battlefield. The jumbotrons begin rapidly and repeatedly switching between an image of Mitch's face and Natalie's face. Eventually, they stop on an image of Natalie's face as the announcer shouts, " Natalie gets the first move. Let the battle begin!"

                          " Wigglytuff, I choose you," Natalia shouts while throwing a Heal Ball into the air. " Tuff, Tuff, Wigglytuff, Tuff," it shouts while landing in the battlefield as Mitch quickly grabs his Pokedex. " Wigglytuff, the Balloon Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff's body is very flexible. By inhaling deeply, this Pokémon can inflate itself seemingly without end. Once inflated, Wigglytuff bounces along lightly like a balloon."  " Okay, Pinsir, I choose you," Mitch hollers as he puts his Pokedex away, throws a Safari Ball into the air, and his Pinsir shouts " Pin, Pin, Pinsir," as it lands. " It's Wigglytuff vs. Pinsir, I can't wait to see how this turns out," the announcer screams while the crowd cheers and images of Wigglytuff and Pinsir appear beneath the images of Mitch and Natalie on the jumbotrons. " Hit it with Flamethrower," Natalie commands as, to Mitch's surprise, Wigglytuff shoots a medium sized stream of fire out of its mouth. " Dodge it and use Vital Throw," Mitch yells while Pinsir jumps over the flames, lands next to Wigglytuff, grabs it in its pincers, and throws it over its shoulder.  " Tufffffffff," it shouts as it is slammed head first into the stadium wall and stumbles around in pain while holding its throbbing head. " Use Brick Break on its head," Mitch quickly orders as Pinsir twists its glowing white right arm into an odd angle and slams it over Wigglytuff's head. " Wiiiiiiiggggggggly" it cries as it holds its head and falls against the stadium wall. 

                 At first, Wigglytuff appears to have been defeated, until it quickly opens its eyes and Natalie yells, " Use Copycat!" " Tuffffffffff," it shouts as it slams a Brick Break into Pinsir's face, knocking it backwards. Pinsir manages to catch itself right when Mitch tells it to, " use X-Scissor." " Piiiiiiinsiiiiiiiir," it shouts as both of its arms glow light green and it uses them to form an X before slamming them into Wigglytuff's face. Wigglytuff stops itself from falling by holding on to the stadium wall as Natalie commands, " Use your Hyper Voice!" " Wiggggggggllllllllyyyyytuuuuuuuuufff," it cries while emitting an ultrasonic scream that slams into Pinsir. " Siiiiiiiiiiir," it shouts while stumbling backwards and falling down on one knee. However, it quickly gets back up and Mitch yells, "Use Storm Throw!" " Pinssssssiiiiiiir," it shouts as it grabs Wigglytuff with its pincers and spins around for about a minute before throwing Wigglytuff. It is slammed against the wall and falls to its belly with spirals it its eyes, " Tuuuf," it weakly groans.

                  " Wigglytuff goes down! What will Natalie do next," the announcer says while Natalie returns her defeated Pokémon to its Heal Ball.  " I choose Dodrio," she shouts while throwing a Poke Ball into the air. " Drio, Drio, Dodrio, Drio," they shout while landing in the battlefield as Mitch brings his Pokedex back out. " Dodrio, the Triple Bird Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Doduo, Apparently, the heads aren't the only parts of the body that Dodrio has three of. It has three sets of hearts and lungs as well, so it is capable of running long distances without rest." " Dodrio, use Drill Peck," Natalie yells as all three of their beaks glow white and begin to spin around. " Driooooooooo," they shout as they jump forward and slams their spinning beaks into Pinsir. " Piiiiiiin," it shouts as it falls on its back and struggles to get back up. " Finish it with Tri Attack," Natalie orders as an orb of energy appears above each of Dodrio's heads. One orb is made of ice, one orb is made of fire, and one orb is made of electricity. " Driooooooo," they scream as they send all three orbs at Pinsir. " Stop that with Harden and then use X-Scissor" Mitch hollers as Pinsir's body briefly flashes white and the Tri Attack harmlessly bounces off of it. " Siiiiiir," it pants as it manages to get back to its feet and jump at Dodrio with its glowing light green arms in the shape of an X. " Use Drill Peck, once more," Natalie exclaims as Dodrio jumps forward with their beaks glowing white and spinning. They collide mid-air, but Dodrio manages to overpower the tired Pinsir and break through the X-Scissor, stabbing it in the face with Drill Peck. " Pinnn," it cries as while it hits the ground with spirals in its eyes.

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