Indigo League: Round 1

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                  " Its been an exciting first day here at the Indigo Stadium, but we've still got plenty of battles to go," an announcer shouts as a very large crowd cheers. A battlefield covered in large rocks, it has an empty space directly in the center, rises up out of the ground. " It looks like our next battle will take place on the Rock Battlefield! Here come our next competitors: In the left corner, we have Mitch Harper from Pallet Town and in the right corner, we have Trent Mellibosky  from Khaki Town," the announcer shouts as the crowd begins to cheer even louder while Mitch and Trent walk into the battlefield and take their positions. Mitch stares in awe at the massive crowd as the jumbotrons rapidly switch between showing an image of Mitch's face and showing an image of Trent's face. Eventually, it stops moving on an image of Mitch's face as the announcer shouts, " It looks like Mitch will choose his Pokémon first and will be the one that has the first move. Let the battle begin!" 

                           " Venusaur, I choose you," Mitch hollers while throwing a Poke Ball into the air.  " Venu, Saur, Venusaur, Saur," it loudly cries while landing in the battlefield.  " Mitch has chosen Venusaur as his first Pokémon. We now patiently wait for Trent to bring out his Pokémon," the announcer shouts as an image of Venusaur's face appears in one of the three circles below the large image of Mitch's face on the jumbotrons. " Go, Arcanine," Trent yells while throwing a Quick Ball into the air. " Arca, Arca, Arcanine," it growls as it lands in front of Venusaur and a image of it appears below Trent's jumbotron face. " Use Bulldoze," Mitch orders as Venusaur's right front leg glows light brown and it stomps the ground very hard, sending a powerful shockwave at Arcanine. " Dodge that and use Psychic Fangs," Trent yells as Arcanine jumps into the air, avoiding Bulldoze, coats its teeth in pink psychic energy, and bites down on Venusaur's flower with them. " Saaaaaaaaaur," Venusaur shouts in pain as Mitch yells " knock it off with Vine Whip and then use Energy Ball!" " Venuuuuuuuu," it shouts as it swats Arcanine across the head with its vines, forcing it to stop its attack and jump off of Venusaur, before firing a big ball of bright green energy out of its mouth while its flower glows bright green. " Arcaaaaaaaaa," it shouts as the attack hits in right between the eyes and explodes, temporarily blinding it. " Use Bulldoze," Mitch shouts while Venusaur sends another shockwave at Arcanine, knocking it against a rock as it regains its sight. Surprisingly, Arcanine gets back to its feet very quickly as Trent yells, " use your Flare Blitz!" 

                         " Arcaaaaaaaniiiiiiiiiiine," it shouts as it runs forward with its body surrounded in light blue fire and slams into Venusaur. " Saaaaaaaaaaur," Venusaur shouts as it falls backwards and slams into a rock, destroying it on impact. " Venuu," it weakly cries before falling over on its right side with spirals in its eyes. " Wow! Venusaur really held its own against Arcanine, but in the end, type advantage still won out," the announcer says as Mitch returns Venusaur and Arcanine suffers through the Flare Blitz recoil damage.  " Blastoise, I choose you," Mitch shouts as Arcanine gets back into a battle position. "Blast, Blast, Blastoise, Blast," it shouts as it appears in the battlefield and readies its cannons. " Use Hydro Pump," Mitch commands as Blastoise fires two large streams of water from each cannon that form into one big stream. " Dodge that and use Thunder Fang," Trent screams while Arcanine jumps over the Hydro Pump and coats its teeth in electricity. However, Mitch quickly yells, " Use Water Pulse" and " Blaaaaaast," Blastoise forms a big ball of water between its hands and throws it. " Arcaaaaaaaa," it shouts as the attack hits it in the face causing it to land at Blastoise's feet with spirals in its eyes. " Arcanine is unable to battle! Very smart of Mitch to throw in a Pokémon with a type advantage after losing one because of a type disadvantage," the announcer hollers while the crowd cheers. Trent returns Arcanine to its Quick Ball before throwing a Poke Ball into the air while shouting, " I choose Electrode!" 

                   " Trode, Trode, Electrode," it shouts as it rolls into the battlefield and Mitch uses the Pokedex on it. " Electrode, the Ball Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Voltorb, Electrode eats electricity in the atmosphere. On days when lightning strikes, you can see this Pokémon exploding all over the place from eating too much electricity." " Trent regains the type advantage by sending out an Electric-type! Will Mitch switch out or adapt to the situation," the announcer exclaims. " Blastoise, use Water Pulse," Mitch orders as Blastoise forms the ball of water between its hands and throws it at Electrode. " Counter that with Electro Ball and then use Discharge," Trent shouts as Electrode fires a big ball of yellow electricity out of its mouth. The Water Pulse and Electro Ball collide and explode before " Troooooode," Electrode shoots six medium sized bolts of yellow electricity out of its body. " Stop Discharge with Withdraw and then attack with your Rapid Spin," Mitch quickly commands as Blastoise pulls its entire body into its shell, preventing Discharge from doing any damage. Blastoise starts spinning around very fast inside its shell and then slams into Electrode, knocking it against a rock. Blastoise comes out of its shell as Trent shouts, " hit it with Spark!" " Trooode," Electrode shouts as it covers its body in a thin layer of yellow electricity and rolls towards Blastoise. " Counter that with Hydro Cannon," Mitch hollers. " Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast," it shouts while its body and cannons glow bright blue and it fires two very large and powerful looking streams of water from each of its cannons.

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