Charmeleon Takes Flight

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                    " Hey, kid you up for a Pokemon battle," a Bird Keeper ( he looks similar to the Bird Keeper design from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald) yells at Mitch as he and Charmeleon rest by a small pond in a rocky grassland area. " Yeah, I'm Mitch by the way," Mitch says as he and Charmeleon get to their feet and walk over to stand across from the Bird Keeper. " The name's Butch( no relation to Butch from the Anime) and how does a 3 on 3 battle sound, the first one to get two victories wins the battle," " That's alright with me," Mitch replies as he and Butch both throw their Poke Balls into the air.  

                   " Hor, Sea, Sea, Horsea," " Free, Free, Butterfree," their selected Pokemon shout as they jump and fly out of their balls. " Horsea use Dragon Pulse," " Use Gust." Before Horsea has time to start her move " Freeeeeeee," Butterfree blows up a small gust of wind using its wings and sends her flying through the air. " Horseaaaaaa," she screams as she falls towards the ground " use Psybeam," Butch yells as "Freeeeeeeee," Butterfree fires two pink beams of psychic energy out of both of its eyes. " Horrrrrrrrrrseeeeeaaaa," it screams as the beams slam into its small body and causes it to get slammed very hard on the ground as a small dust cloud is created from the impact. The dust cloud quickly blows away allowing everyone to see Horsea laying there motionless with spirals in her eyes. " You did your best, Horsea," Mitch says as he returns her to her ball and a Poke Ball on Mitch's belt begins to shake and Butch returns Butterfree. 

               Mitch grabs his shaking Poke Ball and throws it into the air " Warrrrrrrrrtooooooortttttle," Wartortle shouts as it jumps into the battlefield. " Wartortle, you ready to get some revenge for Horsea," " Tortle, tortle," it says as it gets into a battle stance. " I choose you," Butch shouts as he throws a Great Ball into the air. " Fear, Fear, Fearow," It shouts as it flies into the air and Mitch grabs his Pokedex. " Fearow, the Beak Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Spearow, it has the stamina to fly all day on its broad wings. It fights using its sharp beak. " Attack with Pluck," Butch orders as Fearow's beak begins to glow white and extends a few inches as it flies at Wartortle with the beak pointed at it. " Withdraw and then use Rapid Spin," Wartortle quickly pulls its entire body into its shell as Fearow harmlessly stabs its beak into the shell and begins to fly away as Wartortle's shell begins to spin around very fast. " Waaaaaartoooooortle," it shouts as its spinning shell slams into Fearow's back. " Feaaaaroooow," it shouts as as Mitch yells " Use Hydro Pump," and Wartortle quickly comes out of its shell and fires a large stream of water out of its mouth into Fearow's back sending it into the ground. As the Normal/ Flying type struggles to its feet, Mitch yells " Use Skull Bash."  " Waaaaaaaartoooooorttttle," it shouts as its head briefly glows white and it slams head first into the chest of Fearow knocking it backwards as it lands at Butch's feet with spirals in its eyes. " Great job, Wartortle," Mitch says as Butch returns Fearow and Wartortle lets out a victory cry, " Waaaaaaaaaaartooooooortle!" 

                        Mitch returns Wartortle as Butch says " Looks like we're tied up for now, but this next battle will decide it. Pidgeot, I choose you," Butch yells as he tosses an Ultra Ball into the air and Mith brings his Pokedex back out. " Pidgeot, the Bird Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Pidgeotto and the final Evolved Form of Pidgey, it spreads its gorgeous wings widely to intimidate enemies. It races through the skies at Mach-2 speed. " So, Pidgey might turn into that someday, ( Wink, Wink) Mitch says as he is about to throw Snorlax's Poke Ball, but, " Char, Char, Charmeleon, Char," it shouts as it looks up at Mitch with an eager look on its face. " Ok, Charmeleon, I choose you," Mitch shouts as Charmeleon rushes forward and growls a " Char," at Pidgeot and it shouts as "Geot," back at it. " Use Metal Claw," Mitch shouts as Charmeleon's right claw turns into metal and it runs at Pidgeot. " Fly up," Butch says as Pidgeot flies into the air causing Charmeleon's Metal Claw to slam into nothing. " Use Aerial Ace," Butch commands as "Piiiiiiddddgeeeeotttt," it flies very fast at Charmeleon with white energy streaks appearing around its body and slams into Charmeleon. " Chaaaaaaar," it shouts as it falls backwards, but manages to stay on its feet. " Use Slash," Mitch yells as Charmeleon's right claws glow white and extend a few inches as it rushes at Pidgeot. " Fly up," Butch orders as Pidgeot once again dodges Charmeleon's attack thanks to its ability to fly. " Use Air Cutter," Butch yells while Pidgeot summon a few small circles of wind and blows them at Charmeleon. " Chaaaaaaar," it shouts as the wind circles explode on its body. 

                              " Charmeleon, attack with Flamethrower," Mitch yells as a struggling to stand Charmeleon fires the medium sized stream of fire out of its mouth. " Fly up to dodge," " Oh, no you don't! Charmeleon, aim the Flamethrower upwards." Pidgeot tries to fly out of the way of the incoming fire stream, but when it flies up, Charmeleon aims its Flamethrower upwards causing the flames to slam into the fully Evolved Pokemon " Geeeeeeeoooooot," it screams as the flames burn across its body, but it still manages to stay in the air. "Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr," it shouts as its body begins to glow a blinding white and after a few seconds, the glowing stops and a refreshed looking Charizard now stands where a tired looking Charmeleon once stood." Chaaaaariiiizaaaaaaaaard," it shouts as it flies into the air with its new wings and a shocked Mitch pulls out his Pokedex. " Charizard, the Flame Pokemon, the Evolved Form of Charmeleon and the final Evolved Form of Charmander, it is said that Charizard's fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles."  " Char, Char, Charizard," it shouts as it flies up in front of Pidgeot and " Chaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr," it fires a medium sized ball of purple energy that is surrounded by several small circuits of purple lightning out of its mouth. The Dragon Rage attack slams into Pidgeot as it cries out " Piiiiiiddddddddg," and almost falls out of the sky, but manages to catch itself. Before Pidgeot has time to recover, Mitch yells " Charizard, let's use your other new move! Attack with Dragon Pulse." " Chaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrizaaaaard," it shouts as it fires a big ball of purple energy out of its mouth. " Piiiiiiidgeeeeeeotttttt," it shouts as the Dragon Pulse attack slams into it and sends it flying to the ground. " Geeeeeot," it weakly says as it tries to stand back up, but ends up falling back on the ground with spirals in its eyes.

                  Charizard lands in front of the unconscious Pidgeot and lets out a victory cry " Chaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrriiiiiiizaaaaaaaaaaaaard." " Well, looks like you won," Butch says as he returns Pidgeot and Mitch hugs his now fully Evolved Starter. " Well, I don't think that I would have been able to take down Pidgeot if Charmeleon didn't evolve and get wings to where it could fight Pidgeot in the sky," Mitch says as he gives Butch a friendly handshake and Charizard fires a few celebratory Dragon Pulses into the sky.          

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