Ivysaur Blooms

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                              " Use your Night Slash," the opposing trainer yells as her Persian jumps at Mitch's Ivysaur with its right front paw clawing with dark black energy. " Dodge it and then use Energy Ball," Mitch commands as Ivysaur jumps out of the way and fires a big ball of bright green energy out of its mouth as its bulb glows bright green. " Counter that with Power Gem," the opposing trainer yells as " Peeerrrrsiiiiaaan," the gem on Persian's forehead glows light brown and a beam of dark brown energy is fired from it. The Power Gem destroys the Energy Ball and hits Ivysaur sending it flying backwards. It hits a tree, spooking some Caterpie that are in it, but manages to get back to its feet very quickly. " Ivy, Ivy, Ivysaur," it shouts as Mitch yells " Use Tackle!" " Saaaaaur," it shouts as it runs at Persian and the opposing trainer screams, " Use Bite!" " Siaaaan," Persian shouts while jumping at Ivysaur with its mouth agape. " Ivysaur, continue your Tackle, but use Sleep Powder while you run," Mitch orders as a still running Ivysaur fires a cloud of white powder out of its bulb. 

                    The powder hits Persian in the face and it falls to the ground, fast asleep. " Sauuuuur," Ivysaur shouts as it slams its entire body into the sleeping Normal Type. The sleeping Classy Cat Pokémon lands at its trainer's feet as Mitch yells, " Use Grass Pledge!"  " Ivyyyyyyyysaaaaaur," it shouts as its body glows bright green and it rears up on its hind legs before slamming its front legs down on the ground very hard causing pillars of grass to rush towards Persian. The pillars surround Persian and spin around it for a few seconds before forming into one big pillar that slams into Persian end explodes on impact. The explosion knocks Persian backwards and it lands behind its trainer with spirals in its eyes. " Great job, Ivysaur," Mitch yells as Charizard roars a " Zard" in agreement and the opposing trainer returns her defeated Persian to its Great Ball.  The opposing trainer walks up to Mitch and gives him a friendly hand shake. " Thanks for the battle. Hope to see you at the Indigo League." " No problem. I hope to see you there too," he replies while returning the handshake. 


                                   Mitch, Charizard, and a now healed Ivysaur exit a Pokémon Center as another trainer runs up to them. " Hey, are you Mitch. I just talked to another trainer with a Persian that said you were training in order to compete in the Indigo League. I plan to compete too and I was wondering if you would battle me," he asks while holding up a Poke Ball. Mitch looks at both of his Pokémon and that give him a nod, " You're on," he eagerly says


                             Mitch and the other trainer stand opposite each other on one of the battlefields behind the Pokémon Center. " Does a two on two battle sound good to you," the other trainer politely asks as Mitch nods in agreement. " Perfect! Graveler, I choose you," he shouts as he throws his Poke Ball into the air. " Grav, Graveler, Grav," it shouts as it lands in the battlefield with a loud thud and Mitch grabs his Pokedex in order to scan it. " Graveler, the Rock Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Geodude, rocks are Graveler's favorite food. This Pokémon will climb a mountain from the base to the summit, crunchingly feasting on rocks all the while. Upon reaching the peak, it rolls back down to the bottom." " So it's a Rock and Ground type? Ivysaur, I choose you," Mitch says as Ivysaur runs into the battlefield with a loud battle cry," Saaaaaaur." 

                              " Use Razor Leaf," Mitch shouts as Ivysaur summons a bunch of sharp, green leaves and sends them towards Graveler. " Use Defense Curl and then Rollout," the other trainer shouts as Graveler curls into a ball, causing Razor Leaf to bounce harmlessly off of it, and then begins to roll very fast towards Ivysaur. " Use Energy Ball," Mitch shouts as Ivysaur fires the bright green ball from its mouth. The attack hits Graveler and explodes on impact, forcing it to stop its attack as it screams in pain from the 4x Effective move, " Leeeeeeeeer! " Send it flying with Vine Whip," Mitch shouts as Ivysaur sends the vines hidden beneath its bulb towards Graveler. " Grab those vines, use them to pull Ivysaur closer to you, and then hit it with Focus Punch!" To the surprise and shock of both Mitch and Ivysaur, Graveler grabs both of Ivysaur's vines and forcefully begins to drag Ivysaur towards it. " Saur, Saur, Ivy, Saur, Saur," it shouts as in struggles to pull itself loose. An idea comes to Mitch's mind as he shouts " Use Razor Leaf and Energy Ball at the same time!" " Sauuuuuur," it shouts as it fires the ball of green energy out of its mouth and fires off its leaves. Both attacks slam into Graveler as it screams in pain " Leeeeeeeeeer!" It falls over on its back, releasing Ivysaur from its grip in the process, and spirals appear in its eyes. Ivysaur pulls its vines back underneath its bulb as Graveler's trainer returns it.

                  " You only one because of time advantage. You won't be so lucky this time! Growlithe, I choose you," the other trainer shouts as he throws a Safari Ball into the air. " Growl, Growl. Growlithe, Growl," it barks as it lands in the battle and smirks at Ivysaur.  Mitch grabs the Poke Ball containing his Poliwag from his belt and is about to make a smart switch in order to regain the type advantage, but Ivysaur stops him with one of its vines. " Ivy, Ivy, Ivysaur, Ivy, Ivysaur," it shouts with a confident look on its face. " I'm not sure about this, Ivysaur, but if you want to keep battling, go ahead. Use Razor Leaf!" " Sauuuuuur," it shouts while sending its leaf towards Growlithe. " Use Heat Wave," the opposing trainer shouts as Growlithe opens its mouth and a orange gust of heat is fired from it. The heat burns through the leaves and hits Ivysaur. " Saaaaaaaur," it shouts as the opposing trainer yells, " Use Fire Fang!" " Growwwwwl," it shouts as it coats its teeth in fire and bites down on Ivysaur's bulb, but is quickly forced to let go when the bulb begins to glow in a blinding white light. At first, it's just Ivysaur's bulb that is glowing, but after a few more seconds go by, the rest of Ivysaur's body glows in a blinding white light. 

                      Eventually, the light fades away and a Venusaur stands in Ivysaur's place. " Veeeeeenuuuuuuusaaaaaaaur," it shouts as Mitch brings his Pokedex back out.  " Venusaur, the Seed Pokémon, the Evolved Form of Ivysaur and the final Evolved Form of Bulbasaur, after a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon." " Alright, Venusaur. It looks like you've learned two new moves upon evolution. Why don't we try them out? Use Petal Dance!" " Venu, Venu, Saur, Saur, Venusaur, Venu, Venu, Saur," it chants s it dances around and a bunch of pink petals begin to form around it. " Saaaaaaaaur," it shouts as it stops dancing and sends the sharp petals towards Growlithe. " Grooooooowl," it whimpers as the petals slam into it and Mitch shouts, " now use Bulldoze!" " Venuuuuuuu," it shouts as its right front leg glows light brown and it stomps the ground very hard: sending a powerful shockwave towards Growlithe. " Liiiiithe," it shouts as the shockwave hits it and causes it to stumble around in pain for a few minutes before finally collapsing to the ground with spirals in its eyes.

                        " Venuuuuuuusaaaaaaaur," the newly Evolved Pokémon cries out in victory as the defeated opposing trainer returns his unconscious Fire Type.  Like the Persian trainer did, the Graveler and Growlithe trainer walks up to Mitch, gives him a friendly hand shake, wishes to see him again at the Indigo League, and walks off to train somewhere else. Mitch runs up to his new Venusaur, jumps on its back, and gives it a big hug as the Grass/Poison type gently pats him on the shoulder with one of its vines. Charizard walks up beside them and upon seeing it standing there an idea pops into Mitch's head. " I now have all 3 Fully Evolved Kanto Starters. I think I know what I'm going to do for the first 3 on 3 battle that I have in the Indigo League," he squeals as Charizard and Venusaur stare at him in confusion. Meanwhile, at Professor Oak's lab, Blastoise's ears begin to ring.  

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