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-I have nothing to say anymore.
-TW: cemetery, talk of death and car crash

Remus walked to the familiar pale colored house, sneaking up to the house and cutting a few Pansies from the garden out front. He pulled a purple ribbon from his pocket, attempting to tie a bow around said flowers.

The front door opened loudly, causing Remus's to jump and look over at it.

"You! You've been stealing my flowers!" A man yelled, glaring at Remus. "Why?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I- um, I'm sorry. I just- I don't have money to buy flowers and he really likes these, they are um, his favorite-"

"I want to meet him. To decide if he's good enough to warrant flower theft." The man said, fixing his tie as he walked over to Remus."Let's go."

"Actually, um, you don't understand." Remus walked beside the man.

"I understand plenty. Now, if I don't deem him to be good enough, you're going to pay me for all those flowers you stole. Having to continuously plant more flowers isn't cheap." Remus nodded and looked down at the flowers in his hand. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

They soon came to a stop outside of the cemetery.

"Wait... But this is.."

"Yeah." Remus nodded sadly. He beckoned for the man to follow him as he walked inside. They came across a tomb, Remus sitting in front of it and placing the flowers gently next to the dead ones from the last week.

"H-hey, virge. I uh, I brought someone today. He wanted to meet you because I've been stealing his flowers for you." Remus laughed bitterly, looking up at the man.

"O-oh, um, im- I'm Logan. Im sorry, I didn't know these were for th-this purpose." Logan cleared his throat. He looked down at remus. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thanks. And, I'll find another house to steal from."

"No, no, that's alright. I understand how hard it is to lose someone. You can take as many flowers as you need." Logan nodded.

They stayed for a bit. Remus telling Virgil about his week, and telling Logan about Virgil. Logan listened with great interest.

As the two walked out of the cemetery, Logan whispered, "if I may ask what happened?"

"It was a car crash... He never liked driving, so he walked everywhere, and one day someone wasn't paying attention and, before anyone knew it, he was pinned between the car and a wall." Remus sniffled, wiping at his eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Thanks.." Remus mumbled. "And thank you for staying after you found out. It's much easier with someone there. Not as sad."

"Of course."

The next week, Remus once again went to Logans house, next to the pansies, sat a new type of flower.

"I figured he'd like them. They are Zinnias. The yellow and magenta ones specifically, symbolizes daily remembrance and lasting affection." Logan said. Remus looked up at him, smiling softly.

"Thank you." Remus carefully cut the flowers, taking more ribbon from his pocket. He once again tried, and failed, to tie a bow. Logan walked over to him, gently taking the ribbon from him. He tied it neatly, smiling.

"Thank you..." Remus carefully took the flowers back from him. "Would you like to come along?" He asked hopefully.

"If you want me to." Remus nodded and the two of them walked to the cemetery. Once again, Remus talked about his week, which was always very interesting.

Over the next couple of weeks, they spent less time at the cemetery.

And more time together. Just the two of them.

And it gave Virgil peace, knowing Remus was finally moving on.

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