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Requested Demus
-thank you to the people who care.
-yup, didn't end it all. Probably noticed by the responding on comments but that's whatever.
-lucky fuckers, you're the reason I haven't.
Tw: cursing, blood, crying, self harm

Janus tugged his gloves on, looking in the mirror making sure the makeup covered everything.

He took a deep breath, snapping and popping up with Remus.

"Hey Jan, want to help me prank the others?" Remus asked with a grin, carrying a bunch of random supplies.

"No, I am quite alright." Janus mumbled, grabbing a cup of coffee and drinking it slowly.

"Ah, come on, jan." Remus whined. "You never prank with me anymore."

"Okay, well, how about you get them really good on my behalf, alright?" Janus asked absentmindedly as he grabbed a book.

"Alright!" Remus cheered, "my victim today is Roman."

He laughed and ran off, dragging all of his supplies with him.

Janus carried his things back to his bedroom, sitting at his desk and opening his book.


Janus tossed his book to the side, unsatisfied with the ending. He got up to use the restroom, walking into his bathroom and looking in the mirror.

He brought a hand up to his makeup covered cheek, frowning. He wiped off the makeup, looking at himself. Tears pricked his eyes.

He didn't realize what he did until he did it.

The stinging of his cheek and the scale in his hand, that's when he realized he did it.

And he didn't stop, not until it hurt too much to deal with.

He collapsed onto the floor of his bathroom, tears falling down his face and stinging the missing patches of scales, mixing with the blood he didn't bother trying to clean up.

He could feel the sticky substance quickly making its way down his neck, soaking into his clothes.

He couldn't help but curse himself for being so weak and not being able to take the pain. He scratched at the scales on his hands and arms, wishing they would just fall off so he could be normal like everyone else.

He got up, hands shaking as he turned on the shower and tugged off his clothes.

He hissed as the warm water hit his skin. He cleaned each patch of missing scales the best he could, before ultimately giving up and sitting down on the shower floor, watching the bloody water slide down the drain.

He sat there until the water was clear, getting up and turning of the shower.

He quickly dried off and got redressed. He didn't bother bandaging his arms, but he didn't want to have to put makeup into the raw flesh of his face. He bandaged the side of his face the best he could before covering it with makeup.

Well, at least the makeup stuck good to the bandages.

Janus laid down in his bed, soon falling asleep.


Janus woke up, not quite remembering what went down until he registered the stinging in his body. He groaned and got up, checking his makeup in the mirror before changing into his regular clothes.

He double checked his makeup before walking out.

"Morning, jan! You think you'll be able to help me prank the others today? Todays victim is Patton!" Remus grinned, bouncing in his spot.

"No thanks, Re." Janus mumbled monotonously.

"Everything okay, jan?" Remus asked worriedly. Janus smiled and nodded. Remus didn't look convinced, though he grabbed some stuff to prank Patton and left.

Janus sighed with relief as he shoulders slumped.

He went back to his room, continuing what he started the day before.


It continued like that, Remus asking him for help and him refusing, going to his room and continuing what he started.

His scales grew back faster than he thought they would. He hated it.

Today, the others had decided to invite them over as a sort of truce, and just to tell Janus to stop Remus.

Remus snickered behind Janus before Janus opened the door, causing a bucket of water to fall on him. An old, childish prank, but Remus couldn't help himself. He burst out laughing as Janus shook, wiping the water from his eyes.

"Really?" Janus asked, annoyed.

"Sorry jan, I couldn't help myself, it was too good!" Remus laughed loudly. Remus looked at him, smile falling as his eyes widened.

"Janus, what..."


Remus put a hand out, being careful to not anything, as who knows what he's touched and what germs lie on his hands.

Janus realized what he saw, his eyes widening and he flinched away from Remus.

"Fuck." Janus mumbled. He snapped his fingers, appearing in his bedroom.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He yelled at himself, pushing open the door to his bathroom.

Remus quickly followed, grabbing janus's hand.

"Jan, why would you do that?" Remus asked. Janus looked down as he reluctantly cried. Remus quickly pulled him into a hug, letting Janus cry into his chest. "It's okay, I'm here, Jan."

"I'm sorry. I just- I just wanted to be normal." Janus cried. "I'm sorry."

Remus held Janus until he calmed down, his crying becoming sniffles as he pulled away.

"Have you been cleaning it all properly?" Remus asked. Janus shook his head. Remus sat him on the counter, getting every thing he would need to fix him up.

He washed his hands, much to Janus's surprise, before getting a bit of ointment of his finger. He gently applied it to janus's face.

Janus hissed, flinching away from the burning. Remus quickly finished putting it on before putting bandages on him.

"I don't get why you hid this. These scales are pretty fucking cool." Remus smiled.

"I hate them." Janus said, crossing his arms.

"Why? Because you don't look like everyone else?" Remus asked. Janus nodded. "I wish I had something that made me different from everyone. That's why I wear eyeshadow and mustache. So I don't look so much like them."

"You think that, but once you actually get something that makes you different, you'll hate it." Janus hissed angrily.

"You're probably right. Plus, I don't think Thomas could function with two cool looking sides, so I guess he'll have to stick with the one." Remus nudged him. Janus smiled, not being able to hold it in.

"Thanks. Um, could you help me with a few more things?" He asked, taking off his gloves and rolling up his sleeves. Remus nodded and cleaned each one, bandaging everything when done.

-I didn't know how to end it.
-sorry I called you all fuckers in the beginning.
-hopefully this was good.

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