I'm evil?

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So this has been in my drafts for a whileee but I needed to post something so enjoy.


Janus walked into the dark space, a grin on his face. He ignored Remus, who was staring at him from were he sat on the couch. He took off his hat, placing it on the table.

"I did it! I got thomas to agree with me! I finally have a seat at the table!" Janus cheered as he sat on the couch a few feet from Remus.

"I'm evil?" Remus asked quietly. Janus didn't hear him, or just blantently ignored him, rambling off about how much he could help thomas.

"Jan!" Remus yelled, getting the others attention.

"What?" Janus asked. He didn't notice the way Remuss eyes we're darkened with sadness and that demented smile very one knows and loves was no where to be found.

"You think I'm evil?" He asked again.

"Remus, thats not what I meant." He argued.

"But that's what you said."

"Remus, I don't have time for this right now. I have to think of ways to help thomas. I'm important now." He said, getting up and walking away. Remus got up, following him.

"And I'm not?! Y'know Janus, I've had to deal with everyone I loved leaving me because I was too 'evil!' I just never though I would lose you, too! I thought we were in this together!" Remus yelled, tears pricking his eyes though he refused to let them fall. Janus ignored him, going into his room and slamming the door.

"What a great fucking friend you are, Deceit." Remus hissed, he went to his room, grabbing a box and throwing it at Januss door. He went to his room, slamming the door shut.


Janus froze when he heard Remus hiss his title rather than his name. He flinched from a bang of something hitting his door before Remuss slammed shut.

He opened the door, seeing a box on the floor. He grabbed it, opening it, shutting his door and sitting against it.

Inside were small trinkets Remus had kept over the years in which the two were hid away from Thomas. Remus had always liked collecting things. Deceit took out a sticky note, laughing softly.

'Aunt patty naked.'

From Remuss song. And that one time he got Roman to say it at the end of a video. God, they laughed about that for hours.

"Damn it." He mumbled, head falling back against the door. He put the note down, taking out a few drawings. Remus actually came up with both of their designs for outfits and their icons. There were many ideas, but none of them felt good enough, at least, that's what Remus thought. Though, Janus liked all of them.

A dragon tooth, from when they went dragon fighting in the imagination. It was the first time Janus went in there and Remus wanted to make sure he enjoyed it. Remus did create half of it, of course.

One of his scales. he was shedding a bit and Remuss had to duck tape oven mitts onto his hands to keep him from scratching them.

There were a few other items, but Janus didn't bother looking at them.

He got up, putting the box to the side. He can't think about this right now. He's busy. He's needed.

He's important.

Okkkayyy so this has been in my draftss since the video came out and I'm finally posting it. I'm sorry its so short.  Also I'm sorry for all the Remus angst. I love Remus but the possibilities of angst are endless.

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