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-i wrote this as just implied anxeit, but after I wrote think I saw a chance to add implied prinxiety.
-sorry this makes no sense.
-TW: murder

"Hello, kind sir, I'm so glad you never met me." Virgil said as he dragged a knife across the wall to the man tied up on the ground.

"You're my first one, so forgive me if it's messy." He rubbed his arm anxiously.

"Just to be fair, I admit that, im scared," He took a shuddering breath, a hint of anxiety in his yellow eyes, "and sorry for what I must do."

"Best not to talk 'cuz you'll kill the mood around you. Just... Close your eyes and be lucky that I found you." He said, looking down at the knife.

"No one will know, okay," He took a deep breath, "here goes. It's easy as-"



"Three." He sighed, cleaning his knife off and leaving the body on the floor.


"Good afternoon miss! You are my second victim!" Virgil exclaimed with a grin on his face.

"First one was trouble; not to worry, 'cuz I fixed him!" He winked. the woman opened her mouth to scream but Virgil put the knife to her throat.

"Shhh, not a word, 'cuz you won't be heard, when I have your life in my hands!" He pushed her to the ground, "just know that what I am doing is part of a plan! I will connect with as many souls as I can! And the soul that controls me, the ones I should know, must see my work here which means you have to go." He brought down the knife, leaving with a wide smile and a crazy look in his yellow eyes.


"Surely you can understand, haven't you been in love on the edge where theres no turning back?" Virgil asked desperately, staring down at the man lying on the ground. "Just the thought of him can take you to some new dimension, so you do what you can just to get his attention." He said, looking down at his knife. He shook his head, looking at the man.

"It drives you to boil, right up till you spill, it can drive you to bliss... It can drive you to kill." He sighed.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a circus. Clown with a tear in a tent that isn't working, all work no play, day after day. Till I have a life in my hands!" He dragged him knife gently across his finger, before he brought it down on the man.


"Good evening, gents, step right up to my circus! I'm the ringmaster and this is where the work is!" He yelled, a wild grin on his face. He looked at a man and woman sitting tied on the ground through a mirror. He stared at himself for a moment, before shaking his head.

"Goodbye, you're done! Do as he does to lead him right into my heart!" He turned around, bringing the knife down on the man. The woman screamed out, but it was muffled from behind the gag. Her screams were soon silenced with a quick cut to the throat.


"If he could see me now he's know he's not alone." Virgil whispered into the night. The brightness of his yellow eyes lit his features. "This trail of breadcrumbs I'm making, leading him right to my home."

He grabbed the arm of someone walking by, pulling them into the alley. He threw them onto the floor.

They landed with a thud, groaning and scambling to get up. Once they did, they looked over at Virgil, a gasp leaving their lips.

"Virgil? Oh my god, we've been looking everywhere for you! They told us you we're kidnapped!" Roman said, walking closer, though froze when he saw the knife in his hands.

"If he were with me now, then love could be the twist." Virgil mumbled. His eyes flashed, fighting between the bright yellow and his normal dark brown.

"We could be- help- together, in a- me!- world where we exist." Virgil fought with himself, trying so hard to escape.

"Virgil, what's going on?" Roman asked. He began to walk closer, though jumped out of the way as Virgil lunged at him, a scowl on his face. His knife drove into the old garbage bags that laid to the side.

"We could be together, in a world where we exist." He said, lunging at him again. They tumbled to the ground, Roman grabbed his wrist, trying to tear the knife from his hand.

Virgil finally let go, as it dropped his eyes began to fade back to brown.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a circus." He slurred, standing up. He swayed in his spot, looking down at his hands. Tears fell from his eyes as he remembered everything he made him do. He looked up at Roman, his eyes back to brown.

"Sometimes, I'm in conrol." He sobbed as he collapsed to his knees, his hands shaking. Roman kicked away the knife, crawling over to Virgil.

"I-its okay, you're going to be okay, Virgil." Roman panted, pulling him close.

-I wrote this like, 2 months ago, but it sucked so I didn't post it, but I am now because I don't know what to write.
-requests anyone?

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