You're always the hero.

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Trigger Warning: Suicide.


Roman walked into his room and sat on the bed, finding a letter on his bed. He opened it and started reading.

"Dear Roman, you were always the hero. Everyone picked you over me, for obvious reasons.

You always saved the day. Protecting damsels in destress. Every prince and princess for miles wanted you, and maybe I was a little jealous. Jealous that you would definitely pick any of those princes over me."

Roman recognized the handwriting. It was Virgil. He got up, still reading the letter as he walked down the hall to Virgils room.

"You could save anyone. Because you're always the hero."

Roman knocked on the door, waiting to see the face of the anxious emo. He knocked again, before trying the doorknob. It was unlocked. Strange, Virgil always locked his door. Roman looked down to finish the letter.

"So, from the bottom of my broken, beaten heart... I guess it was nice to finally have something, not even you could save.. That something was me. I'm sorry."

        "So long and goodnight. -Virgil."

Roman pushed the door open, tears flooding his vision. He looked to the darkest part of the room, to see a chair on the ground, and Virgil hanging from his neck.

Roman cried as his mind was flooded with screams of the other sides.

"You're always the hero! Why didn't you save him?! You're supposed to be the hero!"

Roman took him down from the rope, crying and laying him down on his bed. Roman stepped out of the room, as it started fading. Soon he was faced with a wall, where Virgils room once was. He put his hand on it, resting his forehead on the wall.

"I'm not the hero. I'm so sorry Virgil." He whispered. He rested his back on the wall as he slid down, crying.

Virgil was gone. And it was terrible to know it was his fault.

"I'm not the hero." Roman whispered once more.

I'm sorry, but I really wanted to do angst. I don't know if this was good, please tell me of you enjoyed it! Stay safe, sunshines. 🌻🤘

Also, we hit 128 reads!

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