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This one was so difficult so think of lmao
How have I never written anything with these two?? Honestly a crime
Tw: cursing, blood, cuts,

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Relax now." Emile smiled sadly at the weak, beaten down hero in front of him. "You're new. It was cruel they made you fight me."

Remy spat the blood from his mouth, glaring up at him. "I h-hope you burn in hell, you bitch."

"Hey, I may be a bad guy, but that doesn't mean I'm not a bad person." Emile shook his head, tugging him up to his feet. He swayed, but stayed standing.

"That ma-makes no sense."

"Of course it does. I can't exactly explain it, but I am a good person." Emile wrapped his arm around his neck, dragging him to a seat. "You see, any other villain would have killed you. Laughed at your dead body for thinking you could beat them. I, however, am not going to do that. I think you're strong for trying."

Emile helped him sit down, taking a cloth from his pocket, as well as a small bottle of a clear liquid. He soaked the cloth in the liquid, pressing it against the more deeper cuts. Remy hissed, weakly pushing against his hand.

"Now, now, no need to fuss." Emile said absentmindedly, more focussed on cleaning his wounds.

"This isn't very villain of you."

"Well, I myself am not very villain." Emile smiled. "I do what I have to do."

Remy was silent for the rest of the cleaning process, other than a few hisses of pain.

"There you go. All cleaned up."

"Still hurts." Remy grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Want me to kiss it better?" Emile asked, grinning as Remy's face flushed from under his mask.

"Wh- no! I'm not a child." Remy huffed.

"Children aren't the only ones who need to be comforted with kisses." Emile rolled his eyes, standing up and brushing his knees off. (Smh where are my comfort kisses at)

Remy stood as well, wincing under the pressure, but stayed standing. "Well, I guess you're right about that. I think I'll take you up on your offer." He smirked, gently rubbing his waist flirtingly.

Emile only laughed, which slightly disappointed Remy, as he had failed in trying to fluster the other.

"You really want to kiss the man who just beat you up?"

"I wouldn't be opposed. Maybe I'm into that." Remy smirked again. Emile sighed with a smile, shaking his head.

"Maybe some other time. See you later, hero." Emile hummed, walking off. He paused, turning around. "Oh, and, tell who ever sent you here to fight me themselves instead of sending cute newbies."

Remy laughed flusteredly, nodding.

With that, Emile left.

Brain dead lol it's so short, </3
Sorry that I took so long to write this, person who requested this

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