Everyone Loves The Bad Guy (finale)

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Roman grinned, lifting his sword over his head. Virgil broke down, tears falling down his face as he shook, lifting his arms above his head to shield himself. "Roman, please," He sobbed.

"I love you..."


Roman froze, lowering his sword as his smile fell. His eyes stopped glowing and the dark colors of his suit slid off of his clothing like silk. He dropped his sword, swaying before nearly collapsing, having being caught by Virgil. Virgil laid him down, hands shaking. He sighed shakingly, kicking away Romans sword. He sat on the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest and panting.

"Holy fuck." He mumbled. He sat there for a few hours until Roman woke up.

Roman groaned as he sat up, looking at the panicked Virgil sitting on the floor before looking to the sword. His eyes widened as he remembered what happened just hours before.

"Virgil... I'm so so sorry." He said, sitting in front of him, holding his hands gently. Virgil flinched, but held his hand. He sighed, pulling Virgil closer, resting his head on his chest.

"I never want to hurt you. Not again, I'm so sorry." Slowly, tears slid down Romans face.

"Are you okay? Is your ankle okay? Do-Do you need anything?" He asked in a panicked state. "I'll get you anything."

"I'm okay, Roman. Everythings okay." Virgil mumbled, wiping Romans tears. "What happened?"

"I don't remember. I just was angry and sad after what happened with Janus." He mumbled. "Hey, virge?*


"I love you, too."

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