Horror Movie (Nsfw)

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IM SORRY MY FRIEND PAID ME 5 BUCKS TO WRITE AND POST THIS AND I REALLY NEED THE MONEY. I try to do everyones requests without making myself or other readers uncomfortable, so I passed on this beforehand, as a lot of you probably don't want to see this. However, I'm dirt broke and in need of money. Please, don't hate me.

Tw: RemRom (I'm sorry), incest, cursing, in public, vague consent but it's there, finger sucking, fingering, slight choking, handjob, blowjob, hair pulling, and slight degradation ("filthy")

Roman shrieked as a jump scare popped up from the theater screen. He covered his eyes, nearly shaking.

"Jesus, Roman, calm down. You're the only one screaming." Remus groaned.

"Well, unlike you, I'm mentally sane, so I don't find this as comforting as you do!" Roman glared, throwing popcorn at him.

"I can't fucking believe mom made me bring you. It's not even that bad." Remus said, gesturing to the screen, where a woman was getting literally torn apart.

"It's awful!" Roman covered his ears, closing his eyes tightly.

He jumped as Remus palmed him harshly through his skinny jeans. "R-remus, what the fuck are you doing!?"

"It's fine. Just watch the movie. Tell me if you wanna stop." Remus shrugged, continuing to move his hand against him.

Roman blushed brightly, squirming in his seat. He bit his lip as he moaned softly.

Remus smiled, though kept his eyes on the movie.

Roman nearly screamed again as another jump scare happened, but cut himself off as it nearly turned into a moan as Remus quickly unbuttoned his pants, sliding his hand into his briefs.

Roman whimpered as Remus only palmed him. He bucked his hips against his hand.

"So needy." Remus whispered, slowly jerking him off. Roman threw his head back, biting his lip harshly to keep him from moaning loudly.

Thank god they were sitting in the back away from everyone.

"Re-remus, oh fuck~" Roman moaned. Remus lifted the arm rest scooting closer and switching hands, wrapping an arm around his neck.

"Suck on these for me." Remus said, shoving his fingers into his mouth. Roman made a noise of confusion but did so anyway. After a bit, Remus pulled his fingers away. "Get on your hands and knees, face you ass my way."

Roman blushed brightly as he realized what was going on. He quickly did so, shivered as Remus tugged down his pants and briefs.

"Not a sound." Remus smirked, drawing a whine from Roman and butterflies in his stomach.

Remus slowly teased his entrance, before pushing into him with minimal resistance. "Hm, now I know what you do in your free time."

"Sh-shut up, Remus~" Roman moaned. Remus thrusted his finger, focusing on the movie. After a few minutes of whines and moans, Roman huffed. "Pl-please, Remus, need more~"

Remus hummed as he pushed in two more fingers, Roman moaning loudly, though was silenced as Remus wrapped a hand around his neck, forcing his head back.

"Shut the fuck up." Remus whispered into his ear. Roman shivered, nodding. Remus let go of him, sitting back in his chair and thrusting his fingers lazily.

Roman bit into his arm to keep himself from moaning as he jerked himself off along with remus's thrusts.

Soon he came, whimpering softly.

Remus pulled out his fingers, wiping them on the chair as he tugged Romans pants and briefs back up.

Roman sat up on his knees, facing Remus. "C-can I s-suck you off?" Roman asked blushing and averting his eyes.

Remus smirked and nodded, gently holding the back of his head as Roman tugged down his sweatpants and boxers. "Sh-shit..." Roman mumbled, now feeling a bit insecure as Remus had just had his fun with Roman. He gulped, taking his member into his mouth.

Remus sighed, gently tugging at Romans hair and forcing him to take more of him. Roman made a noise a surprise, looking up at him.

"You're surprisingly good at this~" Remus moaned softly. "Is it weird to say you're hot when we have the same face?"

Roman gave him an unimpressed look, rolling his eyes before slowly taking more of him in it his mouth.

He gagged as it hit the back of his throat. He slowly bobbed his head, tongue tracing the vein on the underside of his member.

"O-oh, sh-shit, fuck, Ro~" Remus moaned quietly, bucking his hips into his mouth. Roman gagged, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before looking back up and whining with tear filled eyes. "You're- ha- you're fine. I'm sure you like it a little rough, huh?"

Roman gave an annoyed look, taking a deep breath through his nose before deepthroating him. Remus moaned, tugging at his hair. He grinned as he panted, thrusting up into his mouth.

"I'm close, Ro- fuck- Y-your filthy mouth feels so fucking good~" Remus pulled his hair roughly, hips bucking involuntarily. He came down his throat with a shaky sigh, Roman choking and trying his best to swallow it all, though some did fall from the corner of his mouth. He panted as he pulled off, wiping his mouth.

"Shit..." Remus grinned. Roman got up, sitting back down on the chair tiredly. He leaned against Remus, no longer caring for the movie that was slowing come to an ending. He slowly fell asleep.

Once the movie ended, Remus carefully picked Roman up, though it didn't matter as he just threw him over his shoulder anyway. Roman groaned and slapped him upside the head, but went back to sleep.

"Ay, Remus, what did you do to Roman?" Their mother asked worriedly as Remus walking into the house.

"Passed out from fear. Mama, I told you he couldn't handle a horror movie." Remus shook his head, walking to Romans room. He hummed, throwing Roman onto his bed. Roman woke up with a start.

"You can't just throw people around while they're asleep, asshole." Roman groaned.

"Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up." Remus grinned, grabbing his crotch, causing him to gasp. "Sweet dreams, dickhead."

Depending on the response this gets, I don't know if there will be any future chapters regarding this ship (Unless I get paid again LMAO)
I only wrote what I was told to write, please do not be upset.
If you want to request this ship again, you can, you don't have to pay me, I was just worried about how some readers would react.

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