Work (Nsfw)

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Had this one in the works for a while
Tw: begging, cock warming, sex, crying during sex (its not bad) Slight degrading ("whore") slight spanking (just once) on a desk, cursing

Remus wrapped his arms around Logan, who was sitting at his desk, working.

"Hello, Remus. What do you need?" Logan asked absentmindedly as he continued to type.

"Entertainment." Remus smiled, kissing his cheek, trailing down to his neck.

"I'm busy right now. I'm sure theres something in your room that can entertain you until I'm done." Logan shrugged him off.

"C'mon, Logie~" Remus whispered in his ear. "Or do I need to beg for you?"

Logan blushed, though continued to work, ignoring how his pants grew tighter.

"Please, Lo? Please, please, pay attention to me. Want you so bad~" Remus moaned breathily in his ear.

"God, you're so fucking annoying." Logan groaned, pulling Remus onto his lap.

Remus grinned and kissed Logan passionately, grinding on him.

Logan moaned into the kiss, pulling away. "I still need to work. Since you're such a whore and couldn't wait, you can cockwarm me until I'm done."

Remus whined. "Please, Lo, I wanna ride you~"

"No. Take off your pants and boxers." Logan smiled, watching as Remus quickly got off his lap, shoving down his pants and boxers.

Logan unbuttoned his pants, tugging them down his thighs, lubing his member.

Remus straddled him, positioning above his member before he slowly lowered himself. He moaned softly.

Logan grabbed his hips, pulling him all the way down. Remus moaned lowly, panting softly.

"Lo-Logan, please~" Remus whined, slowly rolling his hips. Logan spanked him, holding his hips still.

"Stay still or I'll have to punish you." Logan smirked. Remus nodded and wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling his face in his neck.

Logan continued to work, occasionally fucking up into Remus.

That nonconstant pleasure was like torture.

"Logan, please, please, fuck, please~" Remus whined, close to tears. Logan rubbed his back with one hand, the other still typing.

"You're doing so good for me. Just a bit longer, okay?" Logan kissed his neck softly, grinning as Remus's whimpered.

Logan thrusted up into him, hitting Remus's prostate. Remus threw his head back, moaning loudly.

"Again, please, again~" Remus squirmed.

"Hold still." Logan held him still, through Remus still squirmed against him. "You're being such a distraction. Do I need to punish you?"

"No! No, please, no!" Remus gasped, tears sliding down his face. "I'm sorry!"

"Relax, Remus. I'll take care of you when I'm done." Logan moved him so he could see his face. He cooed, wiping his tears and gently kissing him. He pulled back, but Remus held his face, leaning deeper into the kiss, opening his mouth and moaning as Logan slid his tongue into his mouth.

"Don't stop, please~" Remus panted, whining as Logan pulled away.

"I'm almost done." Logan smiled, going back to work.

Remus whimpered and snuggled closer to him burying his head in his shoulder.

Remus remained quiet and as still as he could for the remainder of the time.

Logan smiled as he gently kissed Remus's shoulder, finishing his work and turning off his computer. He stood up, pushing Remus against the desk, causing him to moan. He thrusted roughly into him, hitting his prostate every time.

"F-fuck! Logan, oh god, yes~!" Remus screamed, throwing his head back.

"So good. So good and so loud for me~" Logan moaned softly in Remus's ear. Remus moaned loudly as he came hard against his stomach. Logan's thrusts faltered.

"Pl-please, keep going, please~" Remus moaned, pushing back against Logans hips. Logan smiled and slowly began thrusting again, biting his neck.

"S-so tight, fuck~" Logan groaned, holding his hips tightly. Remus was moaning uncontrollably, arching his back, pressing against Logan.

Logan moved one hand to his lower back, rubbing soothingly as he came into him with a moan.

Remus moaned, collapsing against the desk.

"Did you enjoy that, Re?"

"Y-yes, thank you~" Remus mumbled, whining as Logan pulled out,

"You did so good for me. I told you I'd take care of you." Logan smiled, picking him up, taking him to a well needed bath.

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