The Prince and The Vampire

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Yup, prinxiety again

Prince Roman woke up in a dark forest, the only light was a small lantern that he didn't remember having. He remembered coming to the forest to do research on some animal that has brought forth much concern. No one knew anything about it, all that some people have gone missing, or their bodies have been found, bite marks around their arms and neck and were missing large amounts of blood, if they had any left.

He stood up, grabbing the lantern and making his way to start looking for his horse.

He froze, hearing a soft voice talking to something. He followed the voice, seeing someone petting his horse and speaking to her. Roman cleared his throat, causing the person to turn around, growling and teeth bare, showing off white fangs. Romans eyes went wide with fear as he backed up into a tree, each step he took from the vampire not making much of a difference as the vampire took a step as well. Soon he was face to face with the vampire.

The vampire stared at him for a few seconds before backing up slightly.

"Prince Roman. Nice to see you're awake. I'm Prince Virgil, prince of the vampires, at your service." He said with a small eye roll.

"You- um- Vam-Vampire. You're a vampire." Roman stuttered out, to which, Virgil nodded. "Are you going to hurt me? Why haven't you bitten me?"

"Do you want me to bite you, princey?" Virgil said with a small smirk.

"N- that's not what I meant!" Roman exclaimed, blush dusting his cheeks. He looked at him, taking in his appearance. He definitely didn't look like a prince. He wore regular black jeans with a heavy black and purple patched jacket, as Roman wore white pants and shirt with gold accents and a bright red sash.

"I know what you meant. No, I'm not going to hurt you." Virgil said, shaking his head and roll in his eyes once again.

"Oh.. Um.. Thank you, for not hurting me. Um... Could you possibly help me back to the palace? I, uh, I don't leave very often and I don't remember how to get back." Roman said, bashfully. Virgil nodded and went to the horse, climbing into her easily.

"You coming?" Virgil asked, urging the horse to go forward. Roman nodded and climbed onto the horse, attempting to keep his distance. though that didn't work out, as soon as the horse started moving Roman nearly fell off. He latched onto Virgil for dear life. They soon got to Roman palace.

"The sun is already beginning to rise. Would you like to stay for the day?" Roman asked as he climbed off the horse, with some assistance from Virgil, who had gotten off first.

"No, I should be alright." He said as sunlight crept through the trees and onto his skin, causing him to yelp in pain as his skin grew red.

"Maybe it would be best if I stayed." Virgil mumbled as Roman practically shoved him into the castle. No one was there, so Virgil took this chance to change his appearance a little. He changed his eye color, his once dark purple eyes now a smooth brown. His fangs replaced by regular teeth and his skin slightly darker, though he was still quite pale.

"How did you do that? Why did you?" Roman questioned, staring at him.

"Some vampires can change their appearance." Virgil stated with a shrug. "The king would have my head if he knew what I was."

Suddenly there was a bang of a door opening, causing Roman to turn around quickly and for Virgil to hide away in a dark corner.

"Roman! Where have you been?" The king yelled as he hugged Roman tightly.

"I fell asleep in the woods. But luckily Virgil found me and helped me home." Roman said, gesturing to the vampire that took refuge in a dark corner.

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