
474 19 41

Redrew art for High and Grinding if y'all wanna see

I'm drowning in writers block omg
It feels great to write again though omg

Loooong chapter!!! It's like,,, maybe more than 5000 words

Tw: cursing, probably bad writing ngl, mention of condoms, slight homophobia, mention of panic attacks, mention if drugs (ecstacy and Xanax), mention of smoking.

Remus groaned, eyes blinking open to look over at his window, where Virgil sat.

He rolled out of bed, opening the window and letting a cold gust of air into his room, accompanied by Virgil.

"Bad night?" Remus asked with a yawn, walking back over to his bed and falling into it.

Virgil nodded, tugging off his hoodie and kicking off his shoes. He went over to Remus's drawer, looking for spare pajama pants with the help of his phone flash light.

His drawers were basically empty of clothes, the only thing really in there were a few stray socks, old T-shirts and more condoms than Remus actually needed.

"I think I have a skeleton onesie that was too big for me in my closet. You can have that if you want." Remus mumbled sleepily. "Steer clear of the back left." He snickered.

Virgil rolled his eyes, muttering an 'okay, thanks' as he made his way over, shoving the closet door to the side, as the wheels at the top didn't work too well.

He almost immediately found it buried under a few hoodies, humming as he turned off his flash light and tossed his phone to the bed, shoving off his jeans.

Remus and Virgil had been friends for longer than they could remember. Theyve become comfortable around each other, knowing that neither of them were very judgemental.

After countless sleepovers and an awkward amount of accidentally walking in on each other while the other is using the bathroom or fresh out of the shower, they've just gotten used to seeing each other without the usual amount of clothes.

Remus looked down at the phone that had hit him, before looking over, not entirely expecting to see Virgil pantless and struggling to get the onesie on in the dark. The only light was the moon, though even that was dim at this hour.

It had been quite a while since Remus had last seen Virgil like this and usually it didn't faze him.

Remus's eyes looked at Virgils... form... before he shook his head, confused. He grabbed Virgils phone, turning the flash light on and pointing it at him. Virgil jumped, looking over.

"Hurry up."

Virgil glared with an eye roll, tugging on the onesie and zipping it up.

Remus unplugged his own phone from the charger, turning it completely off before plugging in Virgils.

Virgil collapsed into the bed with a heavy sigh, shifting closer as Remus wrapped his arms around him.

Although usually Remus's cuddling helped when Virgil had bad nights, it didn't do much to calm his tornado of thoughts tonight.

Remus was already asleep, having fallen asleep nearly as soon as he had wrapped his arms around Virgil.

Virgil didnt have the same luck. He tossed and turned for most of the night, before eventually just finding himself more interested in Remus's eyelashes, strangely enough.

Remus always had long eyelashes, everyone always told him. He didn't see the big deal though.

He sighed softly, gently brushing a stray eyelash from his cheek.

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