Beautiful (Nsfw)

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Tw: blowjob

Janus stared at his reflection in Romans mirror, inspecting the scales on the side of his face with a frown.

Roman smiled as he pushed open his bedroom door, his smile falling as he watched the way Janus looked at himself.

"Jan? You okay?" He asked, leaning against the throne Janus sat at.

"Hm?" Janus hummed, not taking his eyes from the mirror, his frown only growing.

Roman gently moved his face so he was looking at him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, dearest." Janus smiled.

"You're too good at that."


"Lying." Janus looked away. Roman sat in his lap, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. "What's wrong?"

I... I don't know, love." Janus sighed. "You know I never really did like my scales."

"I love them." Roman smiled, kissing his cheek gently, trailing down to his neck, softly kissing the scales there as well.

Janus laughed softly. "I know you do." Janus wrapped an arm around him, moving him so he straddled his lap. "They're just not nice to look at, is all."

"I think they are beautiful." Roman gently kissed his lips, Janus kissing back with a smile. "And I wanna show you just how beautiful I think they are."

Roman hummed into the kiss, leaning into him gently. His hands rested on his chest while janus's rested on his hips.

Janus pulled him closer, gently biting his lip.

Roman opened his mouth, letting janus's tongue slide into his mouth, moaning softly. He slid his hands around his neck, deepening the kiss.

He pulled away slightly, gasping shakily against his lips. "J-jan..."

Roman pressed his lips to his, peppering kisses down his neck, gently sucking small hickeys to him. His hands quickly worked to unbutton his shirt as Janus's slid up his.

Roman slowly rolled his hips against janus's, whimpering softly against his neck.  Janus moaned softly, gripping his waist. Roman slowly got up, kissing down his chest as he got on his knees.

"Can.. Can I..?" Roman asked. Janus nodded and Roman immediately went to unbutton and unzip his pants.

He carefully took janus's member from his pants, his lips wrapping around the head. Janus's but his lip, his hand going to Romans hair.

Roman hummed as he took more of him into his mouth. Janus moaned, his hand tightening on his hair, though he soon moved it to the arm of the chair, not wanting to hurt Roman.

Roman glanced up at him, his blush darkening from the pleasure that was clear on Janus's face.

He bobbed his head slowly, his hands rubbing the group of scales on his hips, knowing they were a bit more sensitive when he was in this state.

Janus let out a whining moan, his hands shaking and gripping the chair arm. "F-fuck, Ro~"

Roman continued until janus came, a loud moan of Romans name falling past his lips.

He fixed janus's pants, standing up and gently kissing him.

"I love you." Janus sighed.

"I love you, too."

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