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Logan woke up as his alarm went off, turning it off before sitting up, disturbing Roman, who slept next to him.

"Nooooo, don't leave." Roman groaned, pulling him to lay back down. "Thomas has nothing to do today!"

"That doesn't mean we can sleep all day, Roman. You're going to mess up your sleeping schedule." Logan said, sitting back up. Roman grumbled as he rolled over, wrapping his arms around him and resting his head in his lap.

"Now you can't leave." Roman smiled as Logan ran his hands through his hair.

"I could."

"But you won't. Besides, 6 AM is too early to be awake. Especially on a day in! Thomas isn't even awake yet." Roman cuddled closer to Logan, sighing. "We don't even have to sleep. We could just lay here."

"Very well." Logan sighed heavily, moving Roman so he could lay back down. Roman grinned, cuddling up to him, resting his head in his chest.

Logan smiled softly, wrapping an arm around him.

They laid there for a bit, Roman quickly falling back asleep.

Logan tried a few times to get out of bed, but was stopped each time by Roman, who ultimately just laid on top of him to keep him from trying to leave.

After a few hours, Logan slowly, carefully, laid Roman down on the bed, sneaking off to the bathroom.

After doing his business, he washed his hands and went back to his bedroom, seeing Roman sitting there with a pout, arms crossed.

"Finally awake, I see." Logan smiled, sitting down at his desk.

Roman only grumbled, getting up and dragging Logan up from his chair, back to the bed.

"No work, only sleep." Roman said, pulling him to lay back down.

"You can't possibly still be tired." Logan rolled his eyes. "Come on, get up. We should eat breakfast."

Roman waved his hand, a warm bowl of oatmeal appearing on his side table.

Logan sighed, grabbed the food and slowly eating it as Roman once again rested his head in his lap.

After eating, he waved the dish away, not bothering to get up as he reached over to grab a book he had been reading.

Roman fell back asleep as Logan read his book.


It was nearing 10, the sun had already set and Roman was now awake, watching as Logan got ready for bed.

"I'm not tired." Roman said as Logan brushes his teeth.

Logan spat into the sink before replying. "Because you slept all day. I told you this would happen."

"I know." Roman groaned, cuddling up to Logan as he laid down next to him. "Stay up with me."

"I do not wish to ruin my sleeping schedule." Logan said as he took off his glasses, placing him on his side table. We wrapped his arms around Roman, who hummed contently.

As Logan slowly fell asleep, Roman placed loving kisses against his face and neck. "Roman." Logan warned. "Stop it before I make you sleep in your own bed."

Roman groaned, flopping over to lay on his back. "I'm not tired!"

Logan sighed, sitting up and conjuring a cup of 'sleepy-time tea.' He wasn't sure if it worked well, but supposedly, this is what Remy gives the others to sleep. "Drink this. Leave me alone."

He handed him the tea, Roman sitting up as he laid back down. He drank it, smiling at the slightly bitter but tangy taste.

He finished it, waving the cup away before laying back down, cuddling an already asleep Logan.

He quickly fell asleep.


Logan's alarm rang, as it did every morning. Logan stretched as he turned it off, sitting up.

"Hey, Lo?" Roman said tiredly, looking up at him. Logan hummed, grabbing his glasses. "You know what we should do today?"

"What should we do today?" Logan asked, attempting to get out of bed.


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