I loved you

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Forgot to title this lmao sorry if you guys got the notification of me posting
Tw: cursing, crying, mention of drinking

"Hello, Patton." Janus nodded in greeting, a polite smile on his face. Patton nodded back, the same awkward smile.

The other sides watched the interaction, cringing at the awkwardness of it all.

"Well, even though I just love the awkward energy, maybe we should get the party started?" Roman suggested.

"Fuck, yeah! I brought the booze!" Remus grinned, grabbing on the the bottles and opening it, begining their long night of drinking.


While the other 4 got drunk, Patton and Janus sat on separate sides of the couch, occasionally glancing at the other.

Patton sighed as he moved to sit next to janus. "Hi."


They remained silent for a moment for a long moment. "It's nice to see you guys again. It's been a wh-while since..."

Janus swallowed thickly before he got up, going outside.

Patton quickly followed. "Wait- Janus, what are you doing?"

"Y'know I forget the reasons I loved you once." Janus turned to face him. They were a few feet apart, Patton still on the last step of the stairs leading down to the pavement, Janus just barely inching closer to the road. "I forget what drove me to you."

"Oh..." Patton looked down at the ground, not seeing as Janus slowly walked towards him.

"Yet, some stupid, chaotic, crazy part of me still loves you." Janus crossed him arms, shaking his head. "I'm not good for Thomas. Neither is Remus. Right?"

Patton faltered still. Keeping his gaze on the ground.

"That's what you told me. You told me we weren't good for him, so we had to leave. I fucking loved you! I gave you everything!" Janus bit back his growing anger. "Don't tell me how good it is to see us, when you forced us out."

"I-im sorry, I thought it would help Thomas, I-i-i-"

"Yeah, what great that did him. Virgil was working double time, Roman and remus could barely even create, which is their purpose. You lied- you lied to Thomas about everything, and yet, I'm the bad guy?" Janus scoffed.

"Why do I still love you? I should hate you for what you did to us. But I don't." Janus sighed, furiously wiping at the tears that pricked his eyes. "God, I spent years trying to stop loving you. You know how pathetic that is? Not being able to stop loving the very person who pushed you away? Who hid you in the dark?"

Patton cried softly at his harsh words.

"I'm over here rambling about how much I love you and you aren't even gonna say anything? Do you love me? Do you hate me? Do you regret what you did to us?" Janus asked, almost pleading. Patton gasped as Janus held him by his arms, looking up at him with slow tears falling from his eyes.

"I-i do love you! And I do regret what I did!"  Patton looked away as to try to get janus to ignore how broken he looked. "I'm so sorry  really, I do love yo-"

Patton was cut off as janus closed the small gap between them. Janus's tight hold on his arms loosened and Patton's hands that had once been intertwined at his chest was now resting on janus's.

Janus pulled away, Patton's eyes slowly blinking open to look at him.

"I love you. But it's too late now. Thomas, he's..."

"I know."

I havent drawn traditionally in forever so sorry this is kinda wack
Also why they so stiff y'all

I havent drawn traditionally in forever so sorry this is kinda wackAlso why they so stiff y'all

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I hc that janus, remus, and virgil have long hair and I just ✨✨

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I hc that janus, remus, and virgil have long hair and I just ✨✨

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