I lose (Prinxiety)

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Roman was a flirt. Some would even say a player. Everyone knew it, everyone saw it. But no one did anything about it.

Until today.

After months and months of countless flirting virgil finally had enough.

"How about we play a game?" Virgil asked Roman, who had slid next to him and wrapped his arm around his shoulders and giving him a playful wink.

"A game? What kind of game?" Roman asked, a playful smile on his face.

"We continue this flirting thing you have going on, we'll hang out, we'll talk, we'll give each other cute nicknames, we'll go on dates, and whoever falls in love first loses." Virgil said, smirking. Roman smirked back and they shook hands, agreeing to the game.


It had been 2 weeks since the deal had been set and it was countless flirting, small hugs, and constantly smiles. But now, it was time for their first date.

They decided on a picnic. They sat on a hill, a beautiful view of the river, as well as the setting sun. Virgil sighed as the warm air flowed through his hair and across his face. Roman stared are him, the golden light of the sun making Virgil look stunning in his eyes.

"Whatcha looking at, princey?" Virgil asked, looking at him with a small smile. Roman sucked up a breath, still looking at the emo.

"You." He said, shrugging slightly.

"Why? Something on my face?" Virgil asked, covering his face slightly. Roman shook his head.

"No, some people are just worth staring at." He said. Virgil laughed and shook his head. 

That laugh would be the death of Roman. It was adorable. Roman grinned and that's when he realized that he had lost. He laid down in the grass, sighing heavily.

"What's up with you?" Virgil asked before standing up and helping Roman up as well. Roman stood and held Virgil hand.

"I lose." Roman said with a soft smile. Virgil's eyes we're wide, but he soon calmed and smiled back.

"I knew you would." Virgil sighed, slowly connected their lips, a small, simple kiss. Though it wss short it felt as though it lasted forever.

Roman lost, in a span of 2 weeks, no less. Though, I wasn't really losing, as they now had each other.

OkAy so hi. I just wanted to say thank you so much for how many views this book has gotten it's actually iNsAnE.

Also, I'm thinking about releasing a prinxiety book. Would anyone read that?

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