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-thank you, everyone for the kind words.
-You're all saving me. Everyday, things get a little bit easier knowing you're all around.
-prinxiety because it's my comfort ship.

Virgil sighed as he attempted to climb out of bed.

Roman groaned, pulling him closer to his chest and wrapping his arms tightly around him.

"Ro, get off. I have to go to work." Virgil smiled, still attempting to get up.

"Mm, stay with me." Roman grumbled, only tightening his hold on him.

"I wish I could, but I can't. I have a job." Virgil laughed as Roman just shook his head.

"Quit your job. I can take care of you." Roman mumbled, smiling. "If you did you could spend more time with me."

"As tempting as that sounds," Virgil finally weaseled his way from his grip, standing up, "I unfortunately like my job."

"More than me?"

"Yup." Virgil grinned, walking out to get some coffee.

Virgil stood at the counter, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing when Roman wrapped his arms around him.

"You're so mean to me, y'know that?" Roman smiled. Virgil smiled and nodded, getting his coffee once it stopped brewing. He turned around.

"I think you're forgetting that you also have a job." Virgil smiled, drinking his coffee. Roman groaned.

"Do I have to?" He whined.

"Sadly, yes."

"Don't want to." Roman simply said, grabbing Virgil's coffee and putting it down before picking Virgil up and carrying him to their room. He collapsed into bed with him, smiling.

"Roman! We're gonna be late!" Virgil laughed.

"I just want to stay a little longer." Roman said, closing his eyes and relaxing despite Virgil's struggle to get free.

"Ugh, fine." Virgil rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around him.

The two laid there for a bit, too comfortable to pay attention to the time. Virgil glanced at the time, gasping and sitting up.

"Oh my god, we're late! Fuck, fuck, fuck." He got up scrambling to get dressed. Roman groaned and looked at the time, eyes widening.

"Whoops, didn't think we were gonna be late." Roman smiled sheepishly as he got ready. The two ran around the house, grabbing what they needed and, of course, stopping to give each other a kiss each time they passed.

"Where are my... Where... Virgil, do you know where my keys are?" Roman yelled as he searched for his keys through drawers.

"Check the couch! Do you know where my shoes are?"

"Found them, thank you! Right one under the bed, left one is the closet!"

"Thank you!"

They met at the door, giving each other one final peck before getting into their cars and going to work.

-sorry this sucks.
-and sorry for the wait. My dog passed away, so it's been a bit hard.
Well I knew this day was gonna come. R.I.P Beya De Luna, 2011-2021.

P Beya De Luna, 2011-2021

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-I'll miss you.
-angst is next.

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