Half a Man (prinxiety)

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"I was wrong to say I loved him, I was wrong to think I'm right,"

Roman started, staring at the emo, who sat across the room from him, refusing to look at him.

"When I told him it was over, well my darling, I had lied.

I've been running from my demons, afraid to look behind

I've been running from myself, afraid of what I'd find."

Roman sang, remembering the night he broke up with him so clearly. Virgil looked at him, hearing him clearly through the small chatter in the room.

"But how am I supposed to love you when I don't love who I am?

And how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?

Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, so let go of my hand

Oh, how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?"

Virgil got up and sat down in the couch with Roman, urging him on.

"And now I'm stuck in this hotel room by a cold neon light

And I've been waiting for an answer, but it won't come tonight

And every bottle I had stolen lay shattered on the floor

What's broken can't be whole anymore."

Tears fell from Romans eyes steadily as he looked at the man across from him.

"But how am I supposed to love you when I don't love who I am?

And how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?

Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, so let go of my hand

Oh, how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?"

Virgil reached over and wiped his tears, though they still fell.

"And no one can hurt me like I've hurt myself

Cause I'm made out of stone and I'm beyond help

Dont give your heart to me."

Roman begged through the song, though it was too late for that. Virgil had already given him his heart a long time ago.

"But how am I supposed to love you when I don't love who I am?

And how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?

Cause I'm a sinking ship that's burning, so let go of my hand

Oh, how can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man?"

Roman finished. He wiped his tears, still staring at Virgil.

"I'm sorry Virgil. I know I hurt you but I always heard you can't love someone else until you love yourself." Roman said, sadly.

"Bullshit." Virgil spat. "I've never loved myself a day in my life, but you, I've loved you so much I forgot what it felt like to hate myself."

"Looks like we're both half of ourselves." Roman said, a sad smile on his face.

"When you have two half's, if makes a whole." Virgil said, leaning in to give Roman a gentle kiss.


Such a good song, yo

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