blood (soulmate AU) Anxeit

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Young Virgil Storm ran around the park, the sun beating down on him as he did so. He looked over, seeing a butterfly fluttering around a rose bed. He ran to it eagerly, but sadly did not make it there. He tripped on a branch, falling to the floor and cutting his wrist on a particularly sharp tree. He screamed and began to cry, but got distracted from the pain as he looked at the cut. Beautiful bright yellow blood flowed from his wrist. He got up and ran to his mother, tears still slowly making their way down his face.

"Mommy! My blood is yellow!" He exclaimed. His mother examined the blood, gasping at how cold it felt. She looked up at him feeling a strong energy that she had never felt from him.

"Virgil, you have a soulmate! There's only 20 people out there today with this!" His mother said, wiping the blood from his pale skin, revealing a small double headed snake where the cut once was, along with a scar.


Virgil walked down the road, his heavy, oversized hoodie not helping the heat that pumbled onto him. It was the first day of school and he was not excited. He got bullied for having a soulmate, being different. of course, there were a few people who looked past that and became his friends.

Virgil soon got to school, ignoring all the stared and sneers that were thrown at him. He got used to it after a while, he was practically numb to the pain.

He continued walking until he suddenly got thrown into the lockers.

"Hey, freak." His main bully, Deceit said. He never got that physical, just shoving and mean words. He's gotten numb to that pain as well. The thing Virgil hated the most was that he found him so damn attractive. He loved his beautiful scar on his face and his yellow eye. He loved his clothing choice, something from every different category, though he always wore a yellow beanie. He was just cute.

"Get off, deceit. Don't you have a snake to shove up remuss ass or something?" Virgil asked, shoving his arm off and continuing to walk. Deceit grabbed him and spun his around.

"Wanna say that again?" Deceit hissed.

"Wanna leave me the fuck alone?"

"You should learn how to shut the fuck up!" Deceit said, punching him, causing his nose to start bleeding, the bright yellow blood flowing from his nose. Virgil didnt move, his eyes started glowing bright yellow, a mixture of yellow and purple. He soon calapsed. He stood up, shaking, looking at the other boy. He looked afraid. Virgil punched him back, his lip bleeding immediately. Instead of red blood seeping through his skin, it was a dark purple. Virgil gasped as his eyes began glowing as well. It was bright purple with swirls of yellow. He soon fell backwards.

"What- what the fuck was that?" Deceit asked, panting.

"Um... You're my soulmate?" Virgil mumbled, waiting to be punched or yelled at.

"Really?" Deceit asked, a small surprised look on his face. Virgil nodded, confused. Deceit smiled and quickly brought Virgil into a hug. Virgil, although confused, hugged back.

"You're not mad?" Virgil asked.

"No, I've always  liked you. I was just... Jealous. And I reacted the wrong way. I'm really, truly, sorry. And hopefully, you're okay with me being your soulmate?" Deceit asked, pulling away slightly.

"Of course." Virgil smiled. He then looked down at his own wrist.

"Does this mean anything to you?" He asked, showing his mark.

"Yeah, it's kinda my trademark." Deceit laughed, pulling his jacket to the side to reveal A double headed snake patch of his breast pocket.

"Does this mean anything to you?" Deceit asked, lifting the bottom of his shirt slightly to reveal a purple Rain cloud.

"Yeah, it's kinda my trademark." Virgil said, lifting his hoodie to reveal his T-shirt that had the same storm cloud.

"Y'know, my blood used to be a brighter shade of purple. Do you know why it changed?" Deceit asked. Virgil wiped his nose, looking at his bright yellow blood.

"No, but mine changed too. It used to be more of a yellow, but it's closer to gold now. It just changes while we grow up." He said. "I read a lot about it. When your blood turns pitch black that means your soulmate died. it's quite awful."

Deceit nodded and brought Virgil into another hug. He pulled back and kissed him lightly. It barely lasted 2 seconds but a light surrounded them, swirls of purple and gold, swishing across an invisible dome like an ocean. Beautiful.

Absolutely beautiful.


"ꇙꄲ ꍌ꒐꒦ꏂ ꓄ꁝꏂꂵ ꃳ꒒ꄲꄲ꒯, ꃳ꒒ꄲꄲ꒯, ꍌꋬ꒒꒒ꄲꋊꇙ ꄲꊰ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꇙ꓄꒤ꊰꊰ.

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ꇙꄲ ꍌ꒐꒦ꏂ ꓄ꁝꏂꂵ ꃳ꒒ꄲꄲ꒯, ꃳ꒒ꄲꄲ꒯, ꃳ꒒ꄲꄲ꒯,

ꍌꋪꋬꃳ ꋬ ꍌ꒒ꋬꇙꇙ ꃳꏂꉔ꒤ꋬꇙꏂ ꓄ꁝꏂꋪꏂ'ꇙ ꍌꄲ꒐ꋊꍌ ꓄ꄲ ꃳꏂ ꋬ ꊰ꒒ꄲꄲ꒯."

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