Finally Home (Prinxiety)

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I smiled as I got out of the taxi and grabbed my bag. I looked out to the small house, it was a light brown with a beautiful rose garden. Beautiful red roses that reminded me of my beautiful prince.

I walked up to the door, reaching over the ledge of the door for the spare key. I sigh happily as I felt the cool metal of the key beneath my fingers. I fixed my camouflage uniform before sticking the key in the door and opening it. I heard rustling in the kitchen, along with someone singing.

I put my bag down by the door and walked to the kitchen. I saw Roman, facing with his back towards me chopping vegetables. I grinned, seeing that he was wearing my hoodie. I knocked on the wall. He froze and turned around quickly. His eyes went wide and he dropped the half cut squash onto the floor.

"Hey, Princey." I said. Tears slowly fell from his eyes as he ran to me, tackling me in a hug.

"I've missed you so much!" He cried.

"I've missed you too." I said, some of my own tears falling asleep well. He took my hat off, running his hands through my black hair. He pressed his lips to mine. We stood there in each other's arms, lips connected.

"You're finally home." Roman whispered.

"It's great to be home." I whispered back. I heard a noise from the next room and I smiled, knowing who it is. I pulled away and looked at Roman who nodded. I smiled and walked into the next room, seeing a toddler, about 4 years old. He was wearing oversized sunglasses and a white shirt that said, 'sleep all day. Up all night.' Alone with small black pants.

The boy looked up and grinned.

"Papa!" He yelled and walked wobbly to me.

"Hey, Remy!" I said as I picked him.

"Awe you staying forever?" He asked, holding my index finger in his pudgy hand.

"Forever. I'm home now." I said.

"Yay! Papas staying home!"He exclaimed, hugging me tightly. I pulled Roman into the hug.

"I'm finally home." I sighed, a small smile on my face.

Hi, okay so I have lots of requests but this idea has been stuck in my head for so long and I needed to write it. Hope you all like it.
Ill be posting more later! 🤘🌻

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