Impressions (Demus)

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-inspired by the video Thomas posted on his story 👆
-also, I know I said Remus angst was next but then I realized I write a lot of Remus angst. So nevermind.

"Nah, you need to sound more emotionless." Remus said from where he laid on the ground, messily eating his deodorant. Janus sighed before clearing his throat and changing his appearance so he looked like Logan.

"Thomas needs to be in bed by 10. No more staying up until the late hours if the night watching Parks and Recreation." Janus said in Logan's voice.

"That was perfect! Try a good ol' falsehood, now. So you don't slip up like last time." Remus grinned.

"It was one time." Janus grumbled, nudging Remus with his foot. Janus cleared his throat, fixing his tie.

"FaLsEhoOd!" He screeched. He let out a small cough, drinking some water.

"Perfect! Next is Patton." Janus groaned, changing his appearance to Patton.

"Hey, kiddo! I baked you some cookies!" Janus exclaimed, with a bright smile on his face. Remus thought for a moment before speaking.

"Sounds great. Try a 'YAY!' But making sure to use your arms. Just the two." Remus said. Janus took a sip of water, clearing his throat.

"YAY!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up. He deflated, sighing. "That was not energetic enough. Let me try again."

"YYYYYYAY!!" He shook in his spot, throwing his hands up.

"That was so much better than the first time! Nice job, jan." Remus said, sitting up and grabbing his drink, which was just the jar of pickles juice they had left over. Janus changed his appearance back to himself.

"Thank you, Remus. What next?"

"You should take a break. We've been at this for a while." Remus said, chugging his drink. Janus cringed.

"Thats... Quite alright. Better finish it now than later." Janus cleared his throat, changing the look like Virgil. He thought for a moment before picking what to say.

"What are you doing different? What are you doing wrong? What are you forgetting to do?" Janus hissed. He looked at Remus, who shook his head.

"Sounded too much like you." Remus said, "you need to sound more emo." Janus nodded.

"What are you doing different? What are you doing wrong? What are you forgetting to do?" He said lowly. He looked over at Remus, who smiled and nodded.

"Try his heightened anxiety voice."

"You just never know when they're going to SHOW UP-" Janus coughed, drinking some water.

"Sounds good, but maybe you should take a break." Remus suggested.

"We're almost done." Janus said, switching to Roman. Remus sighed, nodding.

"I have yet to receive my invite to the pity party."

"Needs to be more whiney." Remus said. Janus nodded.

"I have yet to receive my invite to the pity party." Janus whined.

"Great! Try singing some Disney song."


"-body once told me the world was gonna roll me-" Remus interrupted. They both laughed. Janas changed back to himself.

"Actually, if you could be so kind..." Remus smiled.

"We live together. I don't need to practice you." Janus rolled his eyes. Remus just held his smiled, staring at him. Janus groaned, "fine."

He changed to Remus, taking a drink of his water. "Remus here!Looks like the dukey has dropped in." He giggled before changing back.

"I spend too much time with you." Janus mumbled.

"Do I always look that good?" Remus smirked. Janus rolled his eyes.

"Thank you for helping me, Remus." He said as he walked away.

"Anytime." He said, smiling softly.

-I'd die for soft Remus, if you hadn't noticed.
-Also, I felt it would be fair to warn you, I have chosen to post my first smut. Yup, I'm doing that now. I don't know when I'll post it, I've already written it though. You don't have to read it if you are uncomfortable with it, of course. I just felt it would help my writing skills to get comfortable with all types of writing such as Fluff, angst, comfort, smut, ect.

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