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-sadly, I'm still alive, so I guess I have to update this book. Sorry, it's not that good, I wrote this quickly after not sleeping for 5 days.
TW: cursing,

Virgil laid still on his bed, eyes closed and hands shaking. He groaned as he sat up, yelling and falling off his bed as someone spoke up.

"I know you've been trying to forget me." Janus sighed from where he stood by the door. Virgil glared and nodded, getting up and sitting back on his bed. "I can help you with that."

"Why would you help me forget you?" Virgil asked. Though he wanted to forget, something inside him felt heavy thinking about it.

"I want your memories."

"Why?" Virgil wanted to be skeptical, but the trust he pretended he no longer had for him only grew.

"Just the memories of me. You may want to forget, but I don't." He smiled. "I'll only take what you don't want. I just want to keep remembering."

Virgil sat in silence for a while, watching as Janus anxiously waited for an answer.

"I-I don't want to forget you." Virgil mumbled, sighing as he gave in to himself. "I just want to forget what happened. I want to forget what you said."

Janus smiled sadly to himself, nodding. "I do, too. And, I'm sorry for what I said. You're not a traitor, and I understand you didn't have a choice when you left me. When you left us. The dark sides."

"God, I hate that fucking phrase." Virgil spat. "I didn't want to leave. I know now that it was for the best, but fuck, it created so many problems!"

"I know. It'll get easier, I'm sure." Janus carefully walked up to him, placing a hand on his cheek.

Virgil's eyes glowed yellow as Janus took just a few memories.

"It'll get easier for you if you never loved me in the first place."

"J-janus, stop, I don't want to forget yo-" Virgil passed out as Janus took his hand away. Janus sighed, laying the covers over him.

"Hopefully, you learn to love me again."

-fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this shit.
-I literally wish I had died in my sleep what the fuck

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