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Ok OK so I have requests to be working on but writers block is so bitch so until I can figure it out, j give you this. I have a few ideas for the Creativatwins but hopefully I'll get out the dukexiety one I've been working on soon. Sorry to keep you waiting!
I also have Demus and intrulity nsfw chapters to work on too but I promise to get them out asap

Tw: cursing, purposely breaking a bone, self doubt

"Roman, just sign up, it's not that big'a deal." Remus sighed

"I don't know, Re." Roman ran a hand through his hair. "I've been in a few small musicals before, but nothing like this. Plus, in the other musicals you were always in them, too. It'll be weird to do this by myself."

"Acting isn't really my thing." Remus shrugged. "Look, you're good at acting, you don't need me to hold your fucking hand through it all."

"You're better at acting though, so why don't you sign up?" Roman crossed his arms.

"I'm better at lying, there's a difference." Remus rolled his eyes.

"Only because you were taught by Janus. And acting isn't the same as lying."

"Just sign up."

"Okay, okay, I'll sign up, but only if you do, too."

Remus groaned, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.



"Ahh, I'm so excited!" Roman grinned, practically shaking in his seat as he waited for his turn to audition.

"I thought you were nervous." Remus rolled his eyes.

"Well, I was before I convinced you to sign up, too." Roman said with a mocking eye roll. "I told mom about it, and she was so excited she started playing old tapes of our other performances, going on and on about how we're gonna be stars. Doesn't that sound great? Being stars?"

"And having your whole life broadcasted for everyone to see, never being able to have a private life and always having paparazzi up your ass? Yeah, sounds great."

"You're no fun."

"Remus Prince! Is Remus Prince here?"

Remus sighed, standing, and walking off.

"Break a leg!"


"Hey, Roman! Congrats!" Patton grinned, hugging Roman tightly.

"Uh... For what?" Roman patted his back, pulling from his hug.

"You haven't seen it? You're the understudy for the lead in the musical!" Patton said excitedly, shaking Roman by the shoulders.

"Oh, my god, really?!" Roman basically screamed. "That's amazing! Do you know who got the lead?"

"Yeah, I think it was Remus!"

Roman faltered, his smile falling just a bit. "Oh, that's..." He paused for a moment, before his smile came back. "That's amazing! We should go tell him!"


"Oh, okay." Remus shrugged, going back to his phone.

"...'Okay? What do you mean 'okay'?" Roman asked. "You got the lead."

"Yeah, I heard you. Eh, I'll just quit so you can have the lead. I didn't wanna do the musical anyway." Remus waved him off.

"Wh- You can't quit! You earned the lead."

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