Transgender (Creativitwins)

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-trans!Roman FtM
-Brotherly love with just a hint of Prinxiety

Roman stared at himself in the mirror, eyes shooting over the feminine features of his face. He tugged off his hoodie and shirt, glancing at the long brown hair that laid gently across his shoulders, over his binder-covered chest.

"How did Remus get so lucky in the gender department?" He thought as he laughed bitterly. There was a knock at the door.

"Rosa, are you almost done in there? Tu hermano apesta y necesita ducharse." His moms thick Spanish accent called from outside the door. He flinched at the name, sighing softly. 
-"your brother stinks and needs to take a shower." Sorry if that's wrong. I'm using Google.

"un minuto, mamá."
-"one minute, mom."

He looked down at the sciccors that sat in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, he picked them up, closing his eyes as he cut into his hair. Looking down at the good 7 inches of hair that he had cut, tears slowly filled his eyes. He continued to hack away at the long strands of hair, finally stopping when it was ear length.

He collapsed on the ground, shaking as tears ran down his face. He looked around at the mess he had made, feeling like himself. Feeling like... Him.

He tucked his head between his knees, which were pulled up to his chest.

He jumped as the bathroom door opened, looking up to see Remus looking down at him.

"Remus, I- I uh..."

"You look like a mess. Get up, I'll fix your hair." Remus said, tugging him up.

"You know how to do hair?" Roman asked as he faced away from the mirror.

"Yeah, course. I do my own." Remus smiled, grabbing the scissors and getting to work.

It was nearly 30 minutes later when Remus looked him over, smiling and nodded. Roman turned around, gasping.

"It looks amazing, Remus!" Roman exclaimed, trapping his brother in a hug. "Thank you!"

"No problem, Ro- er... Is there a name you wanna be called?" Remus asked, pulling away from the hug. Romans grin widened.

"Roman." He said softly. Remus smiled and nodded.

"So, Roman, if you're not ready to come out to mom and dad, I have a few excuses. I wanted to practice cutting others hair, I got gum in your hair, since your playing basketball, it would just be easier with short hair, or-"

"No, no. Thanks but... I think it's time." He breathed. Roman tugged his shirt back on, a small frown settling on his face. Yes, he knows that with binders he can never be completely flat, but, it would be nice. He slipped is hoodie on as they went downstairs, Roman hiding behind Remus as he prepared himself.

"Ay, Remus, go take a shower. You smell like una rata muerta." Their mom said.
-"a dead rat."

Roman took a deep breath, sliding out from behind him.

"Rosa! What did you to to your hair?" His mom gasped. He stared at her, horrified for what could happen.

'Remus wanted to practice cutting hair, so I let him.'

'Remus got gum in my hair, so I had to cut it.'

'Basketball will be easier with short hair.'

"I'm transgender." He shakily forced out of his mouth. He looked surprised with himself for actually saying it.

"¿Qué es transgénero, Rosa?" She asked, looking in between the two.
-"What is transgender, Rosa?"

"R-roman. My name is Roman. Transgender means I was born a girl, but I am a boy." He said, his heart pounding against his rib cage. His mother stared at him. "Mamá, please say something."

A small smile broke out on to her face. "Roman? Muy hermoso."
-"Roman? Very beautiful."

Relief washed over Roman as slow tears of joy fell from his eyes. He cried as he hugged his mom tightly. Roman reached out, tugging Remus into the hug. His mom pulled away from the hug.

"I am going to cook dinner. Arroz y frijoles con carne, hijo." She smiled. "Remus, for the love of God please take a shower."
-"Rice and beans with meat, son."

The two brothers walked up the stairs.

"Do you think guys will still like me when they find out I'm trans?" Roman asked, chewing his lip anxiously.

"'Course. Not straight guys, of course. You're a guy, so gay guys." Remus shrugged, grabbing a towel from the towel rack.

"You think Virgil would like me?" Roman asked quietly.

"Really? My best friend?" Remus laughed. "Yeah, he would."

Roman smiled, heading to his room as Remus went to finally take a shower.

-any reason I can to squeeze Prinxiety into the mix LMAO
-this is the haircut Remus gave Roman

-any reason I can to squeeze Prinxiety into the mix LMAO-this is the haircut Remus gave Roman

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