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Bringing back toxic Anxceit bc it's all I've been thinking about
Tw: self harm, crying, cursing, blood, scratching, mention of abuse, toxic relationships, being forced to eat

Janus opened the bathroom door, looking down at Virgil, who sat there, staring emotionless at his thighs, covered in his own blood.

Virgil slowly looked up, tears slowly sliding down his face. "I-im sorry." His voice was rough, as if he had been screaming for days.

"Mm, I'm sure you are." Janus nodded, bending down to pick him up, Virgil only flinching in response. Janus scoffed. "You act as if I beat you." (Anyone else's moms say that? Lol)

"You might as well." Virgil whispered. He yelped in pain as Janus pulled his hair back against the wall, his hands instinctively doing to his head.

"Watch what you whisper, gorgeous." Janus smiled, letting go of his hair and picking him up, setting him in the bath.

"I'm sorry."

Janus hummed, tugging virgils shirt off of him before turning on the bath.

Once the bath filled, Janus tugged off his gloves, gently washing away the  blood.

It was things like this that made Virgil want to stay. The times that Janus was kind and acted like he cared.

"Honestly, gorgeous, you're so weak." And it was things like this that made him want to leave.

"I... I'm not weak." Virgils argued weakly, averting his eyes quickly as janus looked at him.

"Well, don't go acting all confident on me now." Janus said sarcastically. He grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at him. "You are weak. Wanna know how I know?"

Virgil nodded, as difficult as it was with Janus grip on his face.

"Even though you hate me, you're too weak to leave me." Janus smirked, letting go of his face.

"I don't hate you! I love you! I promise!" Virgil panicked, grabbing his hands. Janus sighed sadly.

"You never do anything to prove that to me. Words are just words, gorgeous." Janus shook his head, looking away.

Virgil shifted so that he was facing Janus properly, his legs hanging out the side of the  bath. He blushed as Janus but his lip, looking at all of him beneath the slightly red water.

Virgil whimpered as Janus forced his legs farther apart.

"This would work... But I don't like playing with broken toys, gorgeous. You look pretty broken to me." Janus hummed, Virgil screaming as Janus raked his fingernails down his thighs, drawing blood from the new and old cuts.

Virgils legs shook as he cried, whimpering against the hand that he had pressed against his mouth.

Janus laughed softly, moving virgils hand to kiss him softly. "Get yourself cleaned up, gorgeous. We have dinner in 10."

Janus walked away, leaving virgil in the bath. Virgil shakingly cleaned himself up, wrapping a towel around himself as he got out, going to their bedroom.

He quickly tugged on some sweatpants and a sweater. He slowly walked to the kitchen, where janus was making two plates.

"There you are, gorgeous." Janus smiled, putting his plate in front of him, kissing the top of his head.

"Thank you." Virgil nodded. Janus sat down and began eating, though Virgil made no move to eat.

"Eat your food, gorgeous. It's spaghetti, your favorite." Janus said, looking very at him.

"I'm not very hungry right now." Virgil gulped. Janus sighed heavily, leaning back in his chair.

"I made this for you, gorgeous. You're not gonna eat it?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Just eat your fucking food!" Virgil flinched, immediately begining to eat. "God fucking damn."

The rest of dinner was silent. Virgil was too afraid to speak up and Janus was just pissed off.

After they finished eating and cleaned up, they both sat on the couch, putting on a movie.

Halfway during the movie, Janus pulled Virgil into his lap, sliding his hands up his shirt, just barely.

"I love you." Janus said softly, kissing his cheek.

"I love you, too." Virgil smiled, relaxing against him.

It was very rare now that Virgil felt unloved. He got used to the ways janus expressed his feelings.

Maybe that's why he stayed.

Didn't know how to end it lol

Y'all I was sitting on the toilet y'know using the bathroom and I make bad decisions so my thighs are kinda just all fucked up. Anyway my sister fucking opened the door 😭 I literally screamed I'M IN HERE whilst hiding my thighs as if that wasn't suspicious fjdjdjdjsj she just said WHY DIDN'T YOU LOCK THE DOOR
and I screamed back I THOUGHT I DID
anyway 😚✌

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