
451 19 33

I'm so tired of daydreaming relationship stuff and not being able to actually do it omg
Tw: none

Logan sat on the couch, watching TV with a bored expression when Virgil walked in, collapsing against him, laying his head in his lap.

Neither were very big on physical touch, but some days they just needed it. Virgil sighed as he immediately relaxed, Logan resting a hand against his back, the other brushing his hair back softly.

Virgil closed his eyes, smiling as Logan traced random shapes into his back.

He didn't pay much attention to them at first, but slowly he figured it out. He smiled as he felt stars being traced out on his back.

He turned his attention to the Tv, seeing a show about the solar system. He hummed, going back to shutting his eyes.

Logan smiled down at him, sighing softly.

He slowly traced a heart onto him, before spelling out, 'I love you.' He did that for a while, before Virgil rolled over onto his back, looking up at Logan. He smiled, warning a soft one back.

"I love you, too." Virgil smiled, leaning up and kissing him softly.

Logan kissed back, leaning down into it.

Virgil pulled away, resting his head back on his lap.

Logan shifted, moving Virgil so he could lay his legs on either side of him, who now rested his head against his stomach. Logan continued to run his hands through his hair.

The two went back to watching tv, Virgil wrapping his arms around Logan's waist.

Omg I love them 😭
All my fluff stories are so short</3

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